NUS5530MN . Datasheet. Equivalente. Reemplazo. Hoja de especificaciones. Principales características
Número de Parte: NUS5530MN
Código: 5530
Material: Si
Polaridad de transistor: PNP
Disipación total del dispositivo (Pc): 2.75 W
Tensión colector-base (Vcb): 55 V
Tensión colector-emisor (Vce): 35 V
Tensión emisor-base (Veb): 5 V
Corriente del colector DC máxima (Ic): 2 A
Temperatura operativa máxima (Tj): 150 °C
Transición de frecuencia (ft): 100 MHz
Capacitancia de salida (Cc): 85 pF
Ganancia de corriente contínua (hfe): 100
Paquete / Cubierta: DFN8
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NUS5530MN Datasheet (PDF)

NUS5530MNIntegrated Power MOSFETwith PNP Low VCE(sat)Switching TransistorThis integrated device represents a new level of safety andboard-space reduction by combining the 20 V P-Channel FET with ahttp://onsemi.comPNP Silicon Low VCE(sat) switching transistor. This newly integratedproduct provides higher efficiency and accuracy for battery poweredportable electronics. 1 8Feat

NUS5530MNIntegrated Power MOSFETwith PNP Low VCE(sat)Switching TransistorThis integrated device represents a new level of safety andboard-space reduction by combining the 20 V P-Channel FET with ahttp://onsemi.comPNP Silicon Low VCE(sat) switching transistor. This newly integratedproduct provides higher efficiency and accuracy for battery poweredportable electronics. 1 8Feat

NUS5531MTMain Switch PowerMOSFET and SingleCharging BJT-12 V, -6.2 A, Single P-Channel FET withhttp://onsemi.comSingle PNP low Vce(sat) Transistor,3x3 mm WDFN PackageMOSFETV(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAXThis device integrates one high performance power MOSFET andone low Vce(sat) transistor, greatly reducing the layout space and 32 mW @ -4.5 V-12 V -6.2 Aoptimizing charging
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