. Datasheet. Equivalente. Reemplazo. Hoja de especificaciones. Principales características
Número de Parte: NSS40300MDR2G
Código: P40300
Material: Si
Polaridad de transistor: PNP
Disipación total del dispositivo (Pc): 0.58
Tensión colector-base (Vcb): 40
Tensión colector-emisor (Vce): 40
Tensión emisor-base (Veb): 7
Corriente del colector DC máxima (Ic): 3
Temperatura operativa máxima (Tj): 150
Transición de frecuencia (ft): 100
Capacitancia de salida (Cc): 50
Ganancia de corriente contínua (hfe): 220
Paquete / Cubierta:
Búsqueda de reemplazo de transistor bipolar NSS40300MDR2G
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:132K onsemi
NSS40300MDR2G,NSV40300MDR2GDual Matched 40 V, 6.0 A,Low VCE(sat) PNP TransistorThese transistors are part of the ON Semiconductor e2PowerEdgehttp://onsemi.comfamily of Low VCE(sat) transistors. They are assembled to create a pairof devices highly matched in all parameters, including ultra low40 VOLTSsaturation voltage VCE(sat), high current gain and Base/Emitter turn on6.0 A
..2. Size:219K onsemi
nss40300mdr2g nsv40300mdr2g.pdf
NSS40300MDR2G,NSV40300MDR2GDual Matched 40 V, 6.0 A,Low VCE(sat) PNP TransistorThese transistors are part of the ON Semiconductor e2PowerEdgehttp://onsemi.comfamily of Low VCE(sat) transistors. They are assembled to create a pairof devices highly matched in all parameters, including ultra low40 VOLTSsaturation voltage VCE(sat), high current gain and Base/Emitter turn on6.0 A
4.1. Size:106K onsemi
NSS40300MDR2GDual Matched 40 V, 6.0 A,Low VCE(sat) PNP TransistorThese transistors are part of the ON Semiconductor e2PowerEdgefamily of Low VCE(sat) transistors. They are assembled to create a pairof devices highly matched in all parameters, including ultra lowsaturation voltage VCE(sat), high current gain and Base/Emitter turn on http://onsemi.comvoltage.40 VOLTSTypical appl
5.1. Size:159K onsemi
NSS40300MZ4Bipolar Power Transistors40 V, 3.0 A, Low VCE(sat)PNP TransistorON Semiconductors e2PowerEdge family of low VCE(sat)transistors are surface mount devices featuring ultra low saturation http://onsemi.comvoltage (VCE(sat)) and high current gain capability. These are designedfor use in low voltage, high speed switching applications where PNP TRANSISTORaffordable effic
5.2. Size:89K onsemi
NSS40300MZ4Bipolar Power Transistors40 V, 3.0 A, Low VCE(sat)PNP TransistorON Semiconductors e2PowerEdge family of low VCE(sat)transistors are surface mount devices featuring ultra low saturation http://onsemi.comvoltage (VCE(sat)) and high current gain capability. These are designedfor use in low voltage, high speed switching applications where PNP TRANSISTORaffordable effic
5.3. Size:89K onsemi
NSS40300MZ4Bipolar Power Transistors40 V, 3.0 A, Low VCE(sat)PNP TransistorON Semiconductors e2PowerEdge family of low VCE(sat)transistors are surface mount devices featuring ultra low saturation http://onsemi.comvoltage (VCE(sat)) and high current gain capability. These are designedfor use in low voltage, high speed switching applications where PNP TRANSISTORaffordable effic
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