IGBT. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent
Type Designator: SGP10N60A
Type: IGBT + Anti-Parallel Diode
Marking Code: G10N60A
Type of IGBT Channel: N
Pcⓘ -
Maximum Power Dissipation: 92
|Vce|ⓘ - Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage: 600
|Vge|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Emitter Voltage: 20
|Ic|ⓘ - Maximum Collector Current: 20
A @25℃
|VCEsat|ⓘ -
Collector-Emitter saturation Voltage, typ: 2
V @25℃
|VGEth|ⓘ - Maximum G-E Threshold Voltag: 5
Tjⓘ -
Maximum Junction Temperature: 150
trⓘ - Rise Time, typ: 12
Coesⓘ - Output Capacitance, typ: 62
Qgⓘ -
Total Gate Charge, typ: 52
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - IGBT Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:321K infineon
sgp10n60a sgw10n60a rev2.pdf
SGP10N60A SGW10N60AFast IGBT in NPT-technology C 75% lower Eoff compared to previous generation combined with low conduction losses G Short circuit withstand time 10 s E Designed for: - Motor controls - Inverter PG-TO-247-3 NPT-Technology for 600V applications offers: - very tight parameter distribution - high ruggedness, temperature stable b
..2. Size:319K infineon
SGP10N60A SGW10N60AFast IGBT in NPT-technology C 75% lower Eoff compared to previous generation combined with low conduction losses G Short circuit withstand time 10 s E Designed for: - Motor controls - Inverter PG-TO-247-3 NPT-Technology for 600V applications offers: - very tight parameter distribution - high ruggedness, temperature stable b
..3. Size:348K infineon
sgp10n60a sgw10n60a rev2 5g.pdf
SGP10N60A SGW10N60AFast IGBT in NPT-technology C 75% lower Eoff compared to previous generation combined with low conduction losses G Short circuit withstand time 10 s E Designed for: - Motor controls - Inverter PG-TO-247-3 NPT-Technology for 600V applications offers: - very tight parameter distribution - high ruggedness, temperature stable b
6.1. Size:615K fairchild semi
IGBTSGP10N60RUFDShort Circuit Rated IGBTGeneral Description FeaturesFairchild's RUFD series of Insulated Gate Bipolar Short circuit rated 10us @ TC = 100C, VGE = 15VTransistors (IGBTs) provide low conduction and switching High speed switchinglosses as well as short circuit ruggedness. The RUFD Low saturation voltage : VCE(sat) = 2.2 V @ IC = 10Aseries is designed f
6.2. Size:231K samsung
N-CHANNEL IGBT SGP10N60RUFFEATURESTO-220* Short Circuit rated 10uS @Tc=100 * High Speed Switching* Low Saturation Voltage : VCE(sat) = 1.95 V @ Ic=10A* High Input ImpedanceAPPLICATIONSC* AC & DC Motor controls* General Purpose InvertersG* Robotics , Servo Controls* Power Supply* Lamp Ballast EABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating UnitsCharacteristicsVC
6.3. Size:272K samsung
CO-PAK IGBT SGP10N60RUFDFEATURESTO-220* Short Circuit rated 10uS @Tc=100 * High Speed Switching* Low Saturation Voltage : VCE(sat) = 2.1 V @ Ic=10A* High Input Impedance* CO-PAK, IGBT with FRD : Trr = 50nS (Typ)CAPPLICATIONS* AC & DC Motor controlsG* General Purpose Inverters* Robotics , Servo Controls* Power Supply E* Lamp BallastABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS
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