MOSFET. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent
Type Designator: PSMN3R0-60ES
Type of Transistor: MOSFET
Type of Control Channel: N
- Maximum Power Dissipation: 306
|Vds|ⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source Voltage: 60
|Vgs|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Source Voltage: 20
|Vgs(th)|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Threshold Voltage: 4
|Id|ⓘ - Maximum Drain Current: 100
Tjⓘ - Maximum Junction Temperature: 175
Qgⓘ - Total Gate Charge: 130
Rdsⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source On-State Resistance: 0.003
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - MOSFET Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:730K nxp
PSMN3R0-60ESN-channel 60 V 3.0 m standard level MOSFET in I2PAK.3 June 2014 Product data sheet1. General descriptionStandard level N-channel MOSFET in a I2PAK package qualified to 175 C. This productis designed and qualified for use in a wide range of industrial, communications anddomestic equipment.2. Features and benefits High efficiency due to low switching and conduct
..2. Size:255K inchange semiconductor
isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor PSMN3R0-60ESFEATURESDrain Current I = 83.4A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V = 60V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 3.0m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and general
4.1. Size:218K philips
PSMN3R0-60PSN-channel 60 V 3.0 m standard level MOSFETRev. 02 28 October 2010 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionStandard level N-channel MOSFET in a TO220 package qualified to 175 C. This product is designed and qualified for use in a wide range of industrial, communications and domestic equipment.1.2 Features and benefits High efficiency due
4.2. Size:207K nxp
PSMN3R0-60BSN-channel 60 V 3.2 m standard level MOSFET in D2PAKRev. 1 22 March 2012 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionStandard level N-channel MOSFET in a D2PAK package qualified to 175 C. This product is designed and qualified for use in a wide range of industrial, communications and domestic equipment.1.2 Features and benefits High effici
4.3. Size:815K nxp
PSMN3R0-60PSN-channel 60 V 3.0 m standard level MOSFETRev. 02 28 October 2010 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionStandard level N-channel MOSFET in a TO220 package qualified to 175 C. This product is designed and qualified for use in a wide range of industrial, communications and domestic equipment.1.2 Features and benefits High efficiency due
4.4. Size:255K inchange semiconductor
isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor PSMN3R0-60BSFEATURESDrain Current I = 83.4A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V = 60V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 3.2m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and general
4.5. Size:261K inchange semiconductor
isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor PSMN3R0-60PSFEATURESDrain Current I = 83.4A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V = 60V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 3.0m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and general
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