- IGBT справочник. Даташиты. Аналоги. Параметры и характеристики.
Наименование: OST50N65KEW2F
Тип транзистора: IGBT + Diode
Тип управляющего канала: N
Pcⓘ -
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность: 200
|Vce|ⓘ -
Предельно-допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер: 650
|Vge|ⓘ - Максимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-затвор: 20
|Ic|ⓘ - Максимальный постоянный ток коллектора:
A @25℃
|VCEsat|ⓘ - Напряжение насыщения коллектор-эмиттер типовое:
V @25℃
|VGEth|ⓘ -
Максимальное пороговое напряжение затвор-эмиттер: 5
Tjⓘ - Максимальная температура перехода:
trⓘ -
Время нарастания типовое: 41
Coesⓘ - Выходная емкость, типовая: 276
Qgⓘ - Общий заряд затвора, typ: 78
Тип корпуса:
Аналог (замена) для OST50N65KEW2F
Datasheet (PDF)
6.1. Size:732K oriental semi
ost50n65hmf.pdf OST50N65HMF Enhancement Mode N-Channel Power IGBT General Description OST50N65HMF uses advanced Oriental-Semis patented Trident-Gate Bipolar Transistor (TGBTTM) technology to provide extremely low V (sat), low gate charge, and excellent switching CEperformance. This device is suitable for mid to high range switching frequency converters. Features Advanced TGBTTM technolog
6.2. Size:535K oriental semi
ost50n65hf-d.pdf OST50N65HF-D Enhancement Mode N-Channel Power IGBT General Description OST50N65HF-D uses advanced Oriental-Semis patented Trident-Gate Bipolar Transistor (TGBTTM) technology to provide extremely low V (sat), low gate charge, and excellent switching CEperformance. This device is suitable for mid to high range switching frequency converters. Features Advanced TGBTTM technol
6.5. Size:747K oriental semi
ost50n65hszf.pdf OST50N65HSZF Enhancement Mode N-Channel Power IGBT General Description OST50N65HSZF uses advanced Oriental-Semis patented Trident-Gate Bipolar Transistor (TGBTTM) technology to provide extremely low V (sat), low gate charge, and excellent switching CEperformance. This device is suitable for mid to high range switching frequency converters. Features Advanced TGBTTM technol
6.6. Size:765K oriental semi
ost50n65hm2f.pdf OST50N65HM2F Enhancement Mode N-Channel Power IGBT General Description OST50N65HM2F uses advanced Oriental-Semis patented Trident-Gate Bipolar Transistor (TGBTTM) technology to provide extremely low V (sat), low gate charge, and excellent switching CEperformance. This device is suitable for mid to high range switching frequency converters. Features Advanced TGBTTM technol
6.7. Size:752K oriental semi
ost50n65hsnf.pdf OST50N65HSNF Enhancement Mode N-Channel Power IGBT General Description OST50N65HSNF uses advanced Oriental-Semis patented Trident-Gate Bipolar Transistor (TGBTTM) technology to provide extremely low V (sat), low gate charge, and excellent switching CEperformance. This device is suitable for mid to high range switching frequency converters. Features Advanced TGBTTM technol
6.8. Size:617K oriental semi
ost50n65hzf.pdf OST50N65HZF Enhancement Mode N-Channel Power IGBT General Description OST50N65HZF uses advanced Oriental-Semis patented Trident-Gate Bipolar Transistor (TGBTTM) technology to provide extremely low V (sat), low gate charge, and excellent switching performance. CEThis device is suitable for mid to high range switching frequency converters. Features Advanced TGBTTM technolog
6.9. Size:698K oriental semi
ost50n65hf.pdf OST50N65HF Enhancement Mode N-Channel Power IGBT General Description OST50N65HF uses advanced Oriental-Semis patented Trident-Gate Bipolar Transistor (TGBTTM) technology to provide extremely low V (sat), low gate charge, and excellent switching CEperformance. This device is suitable for mid to high range switching frequency converters. Features Advanced TGBTTM technology
6.10. Size:745K oriental semi
ost50n65hxf.pdf OST50N65HXF Enhancement Mode N-Channel Power IGBT General Description OST50N65HXF uses advanced Oriental-Semis patented Trident-Gate Bipolar Transistor (TGBTTM) technology to provide extremely low V (sat), low gate charge, and excellent switching CEperformance. This device is suitable for mid to high range switching frequency converters. Features Advanced TGBTTM technolog
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