MOSFET - описание производителя. Даташиты. Основные параметры и характеристики. Поиск аналога. Справочник
Наименование прибора: IRFB4115
Тип транзистора: MOSFET
Полярность: N
Pdⓘ - Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность: 380
|Vds|ⓘ - Предельно допустимое напряжение сток-исток: 150
|Vgs|ⓘ - Предельно допустимое напряжение затвор-исток: 20
|Id|ⓘ - Максимально
допустимый постоянный ток стока: 104
Tjⓘ - Максимальная температура канала: 175
trⓘ -
Время нарастания: 73
Cossⓘ - Выходная емкость: 490
Rdsⓘ - Сопротивление сток-исток открытого транзистора: 0.011
Тип корпуса:
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:231K international rectifier
irfb4115pbf.pdf PD - 97354BIRFB4115PbFHEXFET Power MOSFETApplications DVDSS150Vl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSl Uninterruptible Power Supply RDS(on) typ.9.3ml High Speed Power SwitchingG max. 11ml Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsID (Silicon Limited)104ASBenefitsl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dtRuggednessl Fully Characterized Ca
..2. Size:336K infineon
irfb4115pbf.pdf IRFB4115PbFHEXFET Power MOSFETApplicationsDVDSS150Vl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSl Uninterruptible Power SupplyRDS(on) typ.9.3ml High Speed Power SwitchingG max. 11ml Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsID (Silicon Limited)104ASBenefitsDl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dv/dtRuggednessl Fully Characterized Capacita
..3. Size:245K inchange semiconductor
irfb4115.pdf isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFB4115IIRFB4115FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 11mEnhancement modeFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONHigh Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSUninterruptible Power SupplyABSOLUTE MAXIMUM
0.1. Size:312K international rectifier
irfb4115gpbf.pdf PD - 96216IRFB4115GPbFHEXFET Power MOSFETApplications DVDSS150Vl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSl Uninterruptible Power Supply RDS(on) typ.9.3ml High Speed Power SwitchingG max. 11ml Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsID (Silicon Limited)104ASBenefitsl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dtRuggedness Dl Fully Characterize
0.2. Size:245K inchange semiconductor
irfb4115g.pdf isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFB4115GIIRFB4115GFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 11mEnhancement modeFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONHigh Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSUninterruptible Power SupplyABSOLUTE MAXIMU
7.1. Size:303K international rectifier
irfb4110gpbf.pdf PD - 96214IRFB4110GPbFApplicationsHEXFET Power MOSFETl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSl Uninterruptible Power Supply VDSS 100Vl High Speed Power SwitchingRDS(on) typ.3.7ml Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits max. 4.5mID (Silicon Limited)180A ID (Package Limited)120ABenefitsl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dv/dtRuggednessD Dl
7.2. Size:237K international rectifier
irfb4110pbf.pdf PD - 97061DIRFB4110PbFApplicationsHEXFET Power MOSFETl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSl Uninterruptible Power Supply VDSS 100Vl High Speed Power SwitchingRDS(on) typ.3.7ml Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits max. 4.5mID (Silicon Limited)180A ID (Package Limited)120ABenefitsl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dv/dtRuggednessDDl
7.3. Size:306K international rectifier
irfb4110qpbf.pdf PD - 96138IRFB4110QPbFApplicationsHEXFET Power MOSFETl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSl Uninterruptible Power SupplyVDSS 100Vl High Speed Power SwitchingRDS(on) typ.3.7ml Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuitsl Lead-Free max4.5mID180ABenefitsl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dv/dtDRuggednessDl Fully Characterized Capacitance an
7.4. Size:341K infineon
irfb4110pbf.pdf IRFB4110PbFHEXFET Power MOSFETApplicationsDVDSS 100Vl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSRDS(on) typ.l Uninterruptible Power Supply3.7ml High Speed Power Switching max.4.5ml Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsGID (Silicon Limited) 180A S ID (Package Limited)120ABenefitsl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dv/dtDRuggedness
7.5. Size:809K cn evvo
irfb4110.pdf IRFB4110100 V N-Channel MOSFETApplicationsl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSl Uninterruptible Power Supplyl High Speed Power Switchingl Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsBenefitsl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dv/dtRuggednessl Fully Characterized Capacitance and AvalancheSOADl Enhanced body diode dV/dt and dI/dt Capabilityl Lead Freel
7.6. Size:245K inchange semiconductor
irfb4110.pdf isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFB4110IIRFB4110FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 4.5mEnhancement modeFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONreliable device for use in a wide variety of applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aS
7.7. Size:245K inchange semiconductor
irfb4110g.pdf isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFB4110G IIRFB4110GFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 4.5mEnhancement modeFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONreliable device for use in a wide variety of applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)a
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