Datasheet, Equivalent, Cross Reference Search
Type Designator: BFG10X
SMD Transistor Code: *MT_N71
Material of Transistor: Si
Polarity: NPN
Maximum Collector Power Dissipation (Pc): 0.4
Maximum Collector-Base Voltage |Vcb|: 20
Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage |Vce|: 8
Maximum Emitter-Base Voltage |Veb|: 2.5
Maximum Collector Current |Ic max|: 0.25
Max. Operating Junction Temperature (Tj): 175
Transition Frequency (ft): 1900
Collector Capacitance (Cc): 3
Forward Current Transfer Ratio (hFE), MIN: 25
Noise Figure, dB: -
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:257K philips
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BFG10; BFG10/XNPN 2 GHz RF power transistorRev. 05 22 November 2007 Product data sheetIMPORTANT NOTICEDear customer,As from October 1st, 2006 Philips Semiconductors has a new trade name- NXP Semiconductors, which will be used in future data sheets together with new contactdetails.In data sheets where the previous Philips references remain, please use the new links asshown
..2. Size:59K philips
bfg10 bfg10x 4.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETBFG10; BFG10/XNPN 2 GHz RF power transistor1995 Aug 31Product specificationSupersedes data of 1995 Mar 07File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC14Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNPN 2 GHz RF power transistor BFG10; BFG10/XFEATURES PINNING High power gainPIN DESCRIPTION High efficiencyBFG10 (see Fig.1)handbook, 2 co
..3. Size:255K nxp
BFG10; BFG10/XNPN 2 GHz RF power transistorRev. 05 22 November 2007 Product data sheetIMPORTANT NOTICEDear customer,As from October 1st, 2006 Philips Semiconductors has a new trade name- NXP Semiconductors, which will be used in future data sheets together with new contactdetails.In data sheets where the previous Philips references remain, please use the new links asshown
9.1. Size:240K philips
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEETBFG10W/XUHF power transistorProduct specification 1995 Sep 22NXP Semiconductors Product specificationUHF power transistor BFG10W/XFEATURES DESCRIPTION High efficiency NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor encapsulated in a plastic, 4-pin Small size discrete power amplifier lfpage4 3dual-emitter SOT343N package. 900 MHz an
9.2. Size:48K philips
bfg10wx 1.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETBFG10W/XUHF power transistor1995 Sep 22Product specificationFile under Discrete Semiconductors, SC14Philips Semiconductors Product specificationUHF power transistor BFG10W/XFEATURES DESCRIPTION High efficiency NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistorencapsulated in a plastic, 4-pinfpage Small size discrete power amplifier 4 3dua
9.3. Size:240K nxp
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEETBFG10W/XUHF power transistorProduct specification 1995 Sep 22NXP Semiconductors Product specificationUHF power transistor BFG10W/XFEATURES DESCRIPTION High efficiency NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor encapsulated in a plastic, 4-pin Small size discrete power amplifier lfpage4 3dual-emitter SOT343N package. 900 MHz an
Datasheet: 2SA1803O
, 2SA1803R
, 2SA1804
, 2SA1804O
, 2SA1804R
, 2SA1805
, 2SA1805O
, 2SA1805R
, TIP42
, 2SA181
, 2SA1810
, 2SA1810B
, 2SA1810C
, 2SA1811
, 2SA1815
, 2SA1815-3
, 2SA1815-4