Datasheet, Equivalent, Cross Reference Search
Type Designator: MBT3906DW1T2G
SMD Transistor Code: A2
Material of Transistor: Si
Polarity: PNP
Maximum Collector Power Dissipation (Pc): 0.15
Maximum Collector-Base Voltage |Vcb|: 40
Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage |Vce|: 40
Maximum Emitter-Base Voltage |Veb|: 5
Maximum Collector Current |Ic max|: 0.2
Max. Operating Junction Temperature (Tj): 150
Transition Frequency (ft): 250
Collector Capacitance (Cc): 4.5
Forward Current Transfer Ratio (hFE), MIN: 100
Noise Figure, dB: -
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:130K onsemi
MBT3906DW1,SMBT3906DW1Dual General PurposeTransistorThe MBT3906DW1 device is a spin-off of our popularSOT-23/SOT-323 three-leaded device. It is designed for generalhttp://onsemi.compurpose amplifier applications and is housed in the SOT-363six-leaded surface mount package. By putting two discrete devices inone package, this device is ideal for low-power surface mountapplicat
3.1. Size:130K onsemi
mbt3906dw1t1g smbt3906dw1t1g.pdf
MBT3906DW1T1G,SMBT3906DW1T1GDual General PurposeTransistorThe MBT3906DW1T1G device is a spin-off of our popularSOT-23/SOT-323 three-leaded device. It is designed for generalhttp://onsemi.compurpose amplifier applications and is housed in the SOT-363six-leaded surface mount package. By putting two discrete devices inone package, this device is ideal for low-power surface mount
3.2. Size:178K onsemi
MBT3906DW1T1GDual General PurposeTransistorThe MBT3906DW1T1G device is a spin-off of our popularSOT-23/SOT-323 three-leaded device. It is designed for generalpurpose amplifier applications and is housed in the SOT-363http://onsemi.comsix-leaded surface mount package. By putting two discrete devices inone package, this device is ideal for low-power surface mountapplications whe
3.3. Size:344K willas
FM120-M WILLAS MMBT3906DW1T1THRUDual Bias Resistor TransistorFM1200-M 1.0A SURFACE MOUNT SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERS -20V- 200VSOD-123 PACKAGE Pb Free ProductPackage outlineFeatures Batch process design, excellent power dissipation offers better reverse leakage current and thermal resistance.SOD-123H Low profile surface mounted application in order to optimi
3.4. Size:193K lrc
LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.Dual Bias ResistorLMBT3906DW1T1GTransistor654The LMBT3906DW1T1 device isa spinoff of our popularSOT23/SOT323 threeleaded device. It is designed for generalpurpose amplifier applications and is housed in the SOT3631sixleaded surface mount package. By putting two discrete devices in23one package, this device is ideal for low
Datasheet: 2SA1771
, 2SA178
, 2SA1790
, 2SA1791
, 2SA1792
, 2SA1793
, 2SA1794
, 2SA1795
, BC557
, 2SA1799
, 2SA17H
, 2SA18
, 2SA180
, 2SA1800
, 2SA1800O
, 2SA1800R
, 2SA1800Y