Биполярный транзистор D6 Даташит. Аналоги
Наименование производителя: D6
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: NPN
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 0.15 W
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 30 V
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 25 V
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 0.03 A
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 175 °C
Граничная частота коэффициента передачи тока (ft): 200 MHz
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 200
- подбор биполярного транзистора по параметрам
D6 Datasheet (PDF)
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TransistorsGeneral purpose(dual digital transistors)UMD6N / IMD6AFFeatures FExternal dimensions (Units: mm)1) Both the DTA143T chip andDTC143T chip in a UMT or SMTpackage.2) Mounting possible with UMT3 orSMT3 automatic mounting ma-chines.3) Transistor elements are indepen-dent, eliminating interference.4) Mounting cost and area can be cutin half.FStructureA PNP a
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NTMFD6H840NLPower MOSFET80 V, 6.9 mW, 74 A, Dual N-ChannelFeatures Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losseswww.onsemi.com Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS CompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAXMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)6.9 mW @ 10 VParame

MOSFET - Power, SingleN-Channel100 V, 3.6 mW, 131 ANTMFS3D6N10MCLFeatureswww.onsemi.com Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver LossesV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX Primary DC-DC MOSFET3.6 mW @ 10 V Synchronous Rectifier in DC-DC and AC-DC100 V 131 A5.8 mW @ 4.5 V

MMD60R900Q Datasheet MMD60R900Q 600V 0.90 N-channel MOSFET Description MMD60R900Q is power MOSFET using Magnachips advanced super junction technology that can realize very low on-resistance and gate charge. It will provide much high efficiency by using optimized charge coupling technology. These user friendly devices give an advantage of low EMI to designers as well as l

Transistor2SD661, 2SD661ASilicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor low-frequency and low-noise amplificationUnit: mm6.9 0.1 2.5 R0.9 1.0R0.9FeaturesLow noise voltage NV.High foward current transfer ratio hFE.M type package allowing easy automatic and manual insertion aswell as stand-alone fixing to the printed circuit board.0.850.55 0.1 0.45 0.05Abso

Transistor2SD638, 2SD639Silicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor medium-power general amplificationUnit: mmComplementary to 2SB643 and 2SB6446.9 0.1 2.5 R0.9 1.0FeaturesR0.9Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat).M type package allowing easy automatic and manual insertion aswell as stand-alone fixing to the printed circuit board.0.85Absolute

MMD65R900Q Datasheet MMD65R900Q 650V 0.90 N-channel MOSFET Description MMD65R900Q is power MOSFET using MagnaChips advanced super junction technology that can realize very low on-resistance and gate charge. It will provide much high efficiency by using optimized charge coupling technology. These user friendly devices give an advantage of low EMI to designers as well as l
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Maintenance/DiscontinuedMaintenance/Discontinued includes following four Product lifecycle stage.(planed maintenance type, maintenance type, planed discontinued typed, discontinued type)Maintenance/DiscontinuedMaintenance/Discontinued includes following four Product lifecycle stage.(planed maintenance type, maintenance type, planed discontinued typed, discontinued type)Mainten

600 V, 20 A, IGBT with Fast Recovery Diode MGD622 Features Package Low Saturation Voltage TO3P-3L High Speed Switching With Integrated Low VF Fast Recovery Diode (4) RoHS Compliant C VCE ------------------------------------------------------ 600 V IC-------------------------------------------20 A (TC = 100 C) VCE(sat)--------------------------
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PbFreeProduct NCE15TD60BD,NCE15TD60B,NCE15TD60BF 600V, 15A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat

MMD65R600Q Datasheet MMD65R600Q 650V 0.60 N-channel MOSFET Description MMD65R600Q is power MOSFET using MagnaChips advanced super junction technology that can realize very low on-resistance and gate charge. It will provide much high efficiency by using optimized charge coupling technology. These user friendly devices give an advantage of low EMI to designers as well as l
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PbFreeProduct NCE80TD65BP,NCE80TD65BT 650V, 80A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 650V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat

PbFreeProductNCE60TD65BT650V, 60A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral Description:Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Preliminary DatasheetRJH1CD6DPQ-A0 R07DS0452EJ01001200 V - 20 A - IGBT Rev.1.00Application: Inverter Jul 22, 2011Features Short circuit withstand time (5 s typ.) Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) = 2.2 V typ. (at IC = 20 A, VGE = 15 V, Ta = 25C) Built in fast recovery diode (trr = 100 ns typ.) in one package Trench gate and thin wa
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HGTD6N40E1, HGTD6N40E1S,HGTD6N50E1, HGTD6N50E1S6A, 400V and 500V N-Channel IGBTsMarch 1997Features PackagesHGTD6N40E1, HGTD6N50E1 6A, 400V and 500VJEDEC TO-251AA VCE(ON): 2.5V Max.EMITTERCOLLECTOR TFALL: 1.0sGATE Low On-State Voltage Fast Switching SpeedsCOLLECTOR(FLANGE) High Input ImpedanceHGTD6N40E1S, HGTD6N50E1SApplicationsJEDEC TO
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$ " " $( " " $;B1= '=-:>5>?;=$=;0@/? &@99-=DFeatures 100 VDSS ( 5:3@@7> @AD?3> >7H7> 64 m DS(on) maxS J57>>7@F 93F7 5:3D97 J BDA6G5F !) ' DS(on) 17 ADS 07DK >AI A@ D7E;EF3@57 DS(on)S V AB7D3F;@9 F7?B7D3FGD7S *4 8D77 >736 B>3F;@9 , A#- 5A?B>;3@F1)S + G3>;8;76 355AD6;@9 FA % 8AD F3D97F 3BB>;53F;A@S $673> 8AD :;9: 8D7CG7@5K EI;F5:;@9 3@6 EK@5:DA@AGE D

Transistor2SD662, 2SD662BSilicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor high breakdown voltage general amplificationUnit: mm6.9 0.1 2.5 R0.9 1.0Features R0.9High collector to emitter voltage VCEO.High transition frequency fT.M type package allowing easy automatic and manual insertion aswell as stand-alone fixing to the printed circuit board.0.85Absolute Maximum

FID 60-06DIC25 = 65 AIGBT Boost ChopperVCES = 600 Vin ISOPLUS i4-PACVCE(sat) typ. = 1.6 V341E728732FeaturesIGBT NPT IGBT technologySymbol Conditions Maximum Ratings - low saturation voltage with positive VCES TVJ = 25C to 150C 600 V temperature coefficient VGES 20 V - fast switching - wide safe operating areaIC25 TC = 25C 65 A HiPerFR

MOSFET - Power, DualN-Channel80 V, 15 mW, 31 ANTMFD6H846NLFeatureswww.onsemi.com Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver LossesV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS Compliant15 mW @ 10 V80 V31 AMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise n

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MTD6N20E/DDesigner's Data SheetMTD6N20ETMOS E-FET.Motorola Preferred DevicePower Field Effect TransistorDPAK for Surface MountTMOS POWER FETNChannel EnhancementMode Silicon Gate 6.0 AMPERES200 VOLTSThis advanced TMOS EFET is designed to withstand highRDS(on) = 0.7 OHMenergy in the avalanche an

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MTD6N15/DDesigner's Data SheetMTD6N15Power Field Effect TransistorDPAK for Surface MountNChannel EnhancementMode Silicon GateTMOS POWER FETThis TMOS Power FET is designed for high speed, low loss6.0 AMPERESpower switching applications such as switching regulators, convert-150 VOLTSers, solenoid and re
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Order this documentMOTOROLAby MJD6036/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATANPNMJD6036Complementary Darlington PNPMJD6039Power TransistorsDPAK For Surface Mount ApplicationsDesigned for general purpose power and switching such as output or driver stagesSILICONin applications such as switching regulators, convertors, and power amplifiers.POWER TRANSISTORS Lead Formed for Su

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MSD6100/DDual Switching DiodeMSD6100Common CathodeAnode 1 2 Anode123CASE 2904, STYLE 3TO92 (TO226AA)3 CathodeMAXIMUM RATINGS (EACH DIODE)Rating Symbol Value UnitReverse Voltage VR 100 VdcRecurrent Peak Forward Current IF 200 mAdcPeak Forward Surge Current IFM(surge) 500 mAdc(Pulse Width = 10
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Order this documentMOTOROLAby BD676/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATABD676BD676APlastic Medium-PowerBD678Silicon PNP DarlingtonsBD678A. . . for use as output devices in complementary generalpurpose amplifier applica-BD680tions. High DC Current Gain BD680AhFE = 750 (Min) @ IC = 1.5 and 2.0 Adc Monolithic ConstructionBD682 BD676, 676A, 678, 678A, 680

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MSD602RT1/DNPN General Purpose AmplifierMSD602-RT1Transistor Surface MountCOLLECTORMotorola Preferred Device3322 11BASE EMITTERMAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25C)Rating Symbol Value Unit CASE 318D03, STYLE 1SC59CollectorBase Voltage V(BR)CBO 60 VdcCollectorEmitter Voltage V(BR)CEO 50 VdcEmi

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MTD6P10E/DDesigner's Data SheetMTD6P10ETMOS E-FET.Motorola Preferred DevicePower Field Effect TransistorDPAK for Surface MountTMOS POWER FETPChannel EnhancementMode Silicon Gate 6.0 AMPERES100 VOLTSThis advanced TMOS EFET is designed to withstand highRDS(on) = 0.66 OHMenergy in the avalanche a

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MSD601RT1/DNPN General Purpose Amplifier*MSD601-RT1Transistors Surface MountCOLLECTORMSD601-ST13*Motorola Preferred Device2 13BASE EMITTERMAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25C) 21Rating Symbol Value UnitCollectorBase Voltage V(BR)CBO 60 VdcCASE 318D03, STYLE 1CollectorEmitter Voltage V(BR)CEO 50

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MSD6150/DDual DiodeMSD6150Common Anode3 Anode123CASE 2904, STYLE 4TO92 (TO226AA)Cathode 1 2 CathodeMAXIMUM RATINGS (EACH DIODE)Rating Symbol Value UnitReverse Voltage VR 70 VdcPeak Forward Recurrent Current IF 200 mAdcPeak Forward Surge Current IFM(surge) 500 mAdc(Pulse Width = 10 sec)To
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Order this documentMOTOROLAby BD675/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATABD675BD675APlastic Medium-PowerBD677Silicon NPN DarlingtonsBD677A. . . for use as output devices in complementary generalpurpose amplifier applica-BD679tions. High DC Current Gain BD679AhFE = 750 (Min) @ IC = 1.5 and 2.0 Adc Monolithic ConstructionBD681* BD675, 675A, 677, 677A,

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MTD6N10E/DDesigner's Data SheetMTD6N10ETMOS E-FET.Motorola Preferred DevicePower Field Effect TransistorDPAK for Surface MountTMOS POWER FETNChannel EnhancementMode Silicon Gate 6.0 AMPERES 100 VOLTSThis advanced TMOS EFET is designed to withstand highRDS(on) = 0.400 OHMenergy in the avalanche

PD -50057DGA300TD60U Ultra-FastTM Speed IGBT"HALF-BRIDGE" IGBT DOUBLE INT-A-PAKFeaturesVCES = 600V Generation 4 IGBT technology UltraFast: Optimized for high operating frequencies 8-40 kHz in hard switching, >200VCE(on) typ. = 1.80V kHz in resonant mode Very low conduction and switching losses@VGE = 15V, IC = 300A HEXFRED antiparallel diodes with ultra-

PD - 50059CGA400TD60U Ultra-FastTM Speed IGBT"HALF-BRIDGE" IGBT DOUBLE INT-A-PAKFeaturesFeaturesFeaturesFeaturesFeaturesVCES = 600V Generation 4 IGBT technology UltraFast: Optimized for high operating frequencies 8-40 kHz in hard switching, >200VCE(on) typ. = 1.70V kHz in resonant mode Very low conduction and switching losses@VGE = 15V, IC = 400A HE

PD - 50048CGA500TD60U Ultra-FastTM Speed IGBT"HALF-BRIDGE" IGBT DOUBLE INT-A-PAKFeaturesVCES = 600V Generation 4 IGBT technology UltraFast: Optimized for high operating frequencies 8-40 kHz in hard switching, >200VCE(on) typ. = 1.9V kHz in resonant mode Very low conduction and switching losses@VGE = 15V, IC = 500A HEXFRED antiparallel diodes with ultra-
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PHP/PHB/PHD63NQ03LTTrenchMOS logic level FETRev. 01 14 June 2002 Product data1. Product profile1.1 DescriptionN-channel enhancement mode field-effect transistor in a plastic package usingTrenchMOS technology.Product availability:PHP63NQ03LT in SOT78 (TO-220AB)PHB63NQ03LT in SOT404 (D2-PAK)PHD63NQ03LT in SOT428 (D-PAK).1.2 Features Logic level compatible Low gat
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Philips Semiconductors Product specification N-channel TrenchMOS transistor PHP69N03LT, PHB69N03LT Logic level FET PHD69N03LT FEATURES SYMBOL QUICK REFERENCE DATA Trench technology d VDSS = 25 V Very low on-state resistance Fast switching ID = 69 A Low thermal resistance Logic level compatible RDS(ON) 12 m (VGS = 10 V)gRDS(ON) 14 m (VGS

PHB/PHD66NQ03LTN-channel TrenchMOS logic level FETRev. 06 2 August 2004 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionLogic level N-channel enhancement mode field effect transistor in a plastic package usingTrenchMOS technology.1.2 Features Logic level threshold Low on-state resistance.1.3 Applications DC-to-DC converters General purpose switching.1.

2PD602AQL; 2PD602ARL;2PD602ASL50 V, 500 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 01 27 October 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNXP JEDEC2PD602AQL SOT23 TO-236AB -2PD602ARL 2
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DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D1142PD601ANPN general purpose transistor1999 Apr 23Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Jun 20Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNPN general purpose transistor 2PD601AFEATURES PINNING Low current (max. 100 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max. 50 V).1 base2 emitterAPPLICATIONS3 collector
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DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETndbook, halfpageMBD128PUMD6NPN/PNP resistor-equippedtransistor1999 May 28Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Dec 15Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNPN/PNP resistor-equipped transistor PUMD6FEATURES Transistors with different polarity, each with a built-inbias resistor R1 (typ. 4.7 k)6 5 4handbook, halfp
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Philips Semiconductors Product specification PowerMOS transistor PHD6N10E GENERAL DESCRIPTION QUICK REFERENCE DATAN-channel enhancement mode SYMBOL PARAMETER MAX. UNITfield-effect power transistor in aplastic envelope suitable for surface VDS Drain-source voltage 100 Vmounting featuring high avalanche ID Drain current (DC) 6.3 Aenergy capability, stable blocking Ptot Total power d
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BLD6G21L-50; BLD6G21LS-50TD-SCDMA 2010 MHz to 2025 MHz fully integrated Doherty transistorRev. 2 17 August 2010 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionThe BLD6G21L-50 and BLD6G21LS-50 incorporate a fully integrated Doherty solution using NXPs state of the art GEN6 LDMOS technology. This device is perfectly suited for TD-SCDMA base station applications
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BLD6G22L-50; BLD6G22LS-50W-CDMA 2110 MHz to 2170 MHz fully integrated Doherty transistorRev. 3 17 August 2010 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionThe BLD6G22L-50 and BLD22LS-50 incorporate a fully integrated Doherty solution using NXPs state of the art GEN6 LDMOS technology. This device is perfectly suited for CDMA base station applications at frequ

DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEETdbook, halfpageM3D1142PD602ANPN general purpose transistorProduct data sheet 1999 Apr 23Supersedes data of 1997 Jun 20 NXP Semiconductors Product data sheetNPN general purpose transistor 2PD602AFEATURES PINNING High current (max. 500 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max. 50 V).1 base2 emitterAPPLICATIONS3 collector

2PD601ART50 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistorRev. 01 15 March 2007 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistor in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-Mounted Device(SMD) plastic package.PNP complement: 2PB709ART.1.2 Features General-purpose transistor Small SMD plastic package1.3 Applications General-purpose switching
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DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D1142PD602ANPN general purpose transistor1999 Apr 23Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Jun 20Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNPN general purpose transistor 2PD602AFEATURES PINNING High current (max. 500 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max. 50 V).1 base2 emitterAPPLICATIONS3 collecto
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DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D088PMBD6050High-speed diode1999 May 11Product specificationSupersedes data of 1996 Sep 18Philips Semiconductors Product specificationHigh-speed diode PMBD6050FEATURES DESCRIPTION PINNING Small plastic SMD package The PMBD6050 is a high-speedPIN DESCRIPTIONswitching diode fabricated in planar High switching sp

2PD601ARL; 2PD601ASL50 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 01 6 November 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNXP JEDEC2PD601ARL SOT23 TO-236AB 2PB709ARL2PD601ASL 2PB70
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DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEETPEMD6; PUMD6NPN/PNP resistor-equipped transistors; R1 = 4.7 k, R2 = openProduct data sheet 2004 Apr 07Supersedes data of 2003 Nov 04NXP Semiconductors Product data sheetNPN/PNP resistor-equipped transistors; PEMD6; PUMD6R1 = 4.7 k, R2 = openFEATURES DESCRIPTION Built-in bias resistors NPN/PNP resistor-equipped transistors (see
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DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D088PMBD6100High-speed double diode1999 May 11Product specificationSupersedes data of 1996 Sep 18Philips Semiconductors Product specificationHigh-speed double diode PMBD6100FEATURES DESCRIPTION PINNING Small plastic SMD package The PMBD6100 consists of twoPIN DESCRIPTIONhigh-speed switching diodes with High sw

STD60NF55LAN-channel 55V - 0.012 - 60A - DPAKSTripFET II Power MOSFETGeneral featuresType VDSS RDS(on) IDSTD60NF55LA 55V
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STD60NF3LLN-channel 30V - 0.0075 - 60A - DPAKSTripFET II Power MOSFETGeneral featuresType VDSS RDS(on) IDSTD60NF3LL 60V

PD60015PD60015SRF POWER TRANSISTORSThe LdmoST Plastic FAMILYTARGET DATADesigned for GSM / EDGE / IS-97 applications EXCELLENT THERMAL STABILITY COMMON SOURCE CONFIGURATION POUT = 15 W with 10 dB gain @ 2000 MHz PowerSO-10RFDESCRIPTION(formed lead)The PD60015 is a common source N-Channel, en-ORDER CODE BRANDINGhancement-mode lateral Field-Effect RF powerPD
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STD60N3LH5, STP60N3LH5STU60N3LH5, STU60N3LH5-SN-channel 30 V, 0.0072 , 48 A DPAK, IPAK, Short IPAK, TO-220STripFET V Power MOSFETFeaturesOrder codes VDSS RDS(on) max ID3STD60N3LH5 30 V 0.008 48 A 213STP60N3LH5 30 V 0.0084 48 A 21IPAKTO-220STU60N3LH5 30 V 0.0084 48 ASTU60N3LH5-S 30 V 0.0084 48 A RDS(on) * Qg industry benchmark32 Extr


STD65N55LF3N-channel 55 V, 7.0 m, 80 A DPAKSTripFET III Power MOSFETFeaturesRDS(on) Order code VDSS ID Pwmax.STD65N55LF3 55 V
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STD60NH03LSTD60NH03L-1N-channel 30V - 0.0075 - 60A - DPAK/IPAKSTripFET III Power MOSFETGeneral featuresType VDSS RDS(on) IDSTD60NH03L-1 30V

STGD6NC60H-1N-channel 600 V, 7 A - IPAK Very fast PowerMESH IGBTDatasheet - production dataFeaturesICVCE(sat) TABType VCESmax@25C@100CSTGD6NC60H 600V

STD60NF06N-channel 60V - 0.014 - 60A - DPAKSTripFET II Power MOSFETGeneral featuresType VDSS RDS(on) IDSTD60NF06 60V

STD60NF55LSTD60NF55L-1N-channel 55V - 0.012 - 60A - DPAK/IPAKSTripFET II Power MOSFETGeneral featuresType VDSS RDS(on) IDSTD60NF55L-1 55V
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STD6N95K5, STP6N95K5 STU6N95K5, STW6N95K5DatasheetN-channel 950 V, 1 typ., 9 A MDmesh K5 Power MOSFETs in DPAK, TO-220, IPAK and TO-247 packagesFeaturesTABTABOrder codes VDS RDS(on) max. ID PTOT31DPAK STD6N95K53TO-220 STP6N95K521 950 V 1.25 9 A 90 WTABSTU6N95K5STW6N95K5 DPAK 950 V worldwide best RDS(on)32IPAK13 Worldwide best FOM
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STx6NM60NN-channel 600 V, 0.85 , 4.6 A MDmesh II Power MOSFETTO-220, TO-220FP, IPAK, DPAK, D2PAKFeaturesVDSS RDS(on) Type ID(@Tjmax) max33STB6NM60N 650 V
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PD60030PD60030SRF POWER TRANSISTORSThe LdmoST Plastic FAMILYTARGET DATADesigned for GSM / EDGE / IS-97 applications EXCELLENT THERMAL STABILITY COMMON SOURCE CONFIGURATION POUT = 30 W with 10 dB gain @ 2000 MHz PowerSO-10RFDESCRIPTION(formed lead)The PD60030 is a common source N-Channel, en-ORDER CODE BRANDINGhancement-mode lateral Field-Effect RF powerPD
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STD65N3LLH5STU65N3LLH5N-channel 30 V, 0.0061 , 65 A, DPAK, IPAKSTripFET V Power MOSFETFeaturesType VDSS RDS(on) max IDSTD65N3LLH5 30 V 0.0069 65 A STU65N3LLH5 30 V 0.0073 65 A3 RDS(on) * Qg industry benchmark 3211 Extremely low on-resistance RDS(on) Very low switching gate chargeDPAK IPAK High avalanche ruggedness Low gate drive pow

STGD6NC60HN-channel 600V - 7A - DPAKVery fast PowerMESH IGBTGeneral featuresICVCE(sat)MaxType VCES@25C @100CSTGD6NC60H 600V

STD6NF10STU6NF10N-channel 100 V, 0.22 , 6 A, DPAK, IPAKlow gate charge STripFET Power MOSFETFeaturesType VDSS RDS(on) max IDSTD6NF10 100 V
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STD60N3LH5STP60N3LH5, STU60N3LH5N-channel 30 V, 0.0072 , 48 A DPAK, IPAK, TO-220STripFET V Power MOSFETFeaturesType VDSS RDS(on) max IDSTD60N3LH5 30 V 0.008 48 A 32STP60N3LH5 30 V 0.0084 48 A1STU60N3LH5 30 V 0.0084 48 ATO-220 RDS(on) * Qg industry benchmark3 Extremely low on-resistance RDS(on) 3211 Very low switching gate charge
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STB6N65M2, STD6N65M2N-channel 650 V, 1.2 typ., 4 A MDmesh M2 Power MOSFETs in D2PAK and DPAK packagesDatasheet - preliminary dataFeaturesOrder codes VDS RDS(on) max IDSTB6N65M2650 V 1.35 4 ATAB TABSTD6N65M2313 Extremely low gate charge1DPAK2D PAK Excellent output capacitance (COSS) profile 100% avalanche tested Zener-protectedApp

STD60NF06N-channel 60V - 0.014 - 60A - DPAKSTripFET II Power MOSFETGeneral featuresType VDSS RDS(on) IDSTD60NF06 60V
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STP6NK50Z - STF6NK50ZSTD6NK50ZN-CHANNEL 500V - 0.93 - 5.6A TO-220/TO-220FP/DPAKZener-Protected SuperMESH MOSFETTYPE VDSS RDS(on) ID PwSTP6NK50Z 500 V
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STB6N60M2, STD6N60M2N-channel 600 V, 1.06 typ., 4.5 A MDmesh II Plus low Qg Power MOSFET in D2PAK and DPAK packagesDatasheet - production dataFeaturesVDS @ RDS(on) Order codes IDTJmax maxTAB TABSTB6N60M2650 V 1.2 4.5 A3STD6N60M2131DPAK2 Extremely low gate chargeD PAK Lower RDS(on) x area vs previous generation Low gate input resistanc


STGD6NC60HDN-channel 600V - 7A - DPAKVery fast PowerMESH IGBTGeneral featuresICVCE(sat)MaxType VCES@25C @100CSTGD6NC60HD 600V

SD60030RF POWER TRANSISTORSThe LdmoST FAMILYTARGET DATADesigned for GSM / EDGE / IS-97 applications EXCELLENT THERMAL STABILITY COMMON SOURCE CONFIGURATION POUT = 30 W with 10 dB gain @ 2000 MHz M243epoxy sealedORDER CODE BRANDINGDESCRIPTIONSD60030 SD60030The SD60030 is a common source N-Channel en-hancement-mode lateral Field-Effect RF powertransistor de

PD60004PD60004SRF POWER TRANSISTORSThe LdmoST Plastic FAMILYTARGET DATADesigned for GSM / EDGE / IS-97 applications EXCELLENT THERMAL STABILITY COMMON SOURCE CONFIGURATION POUT = 4 W with 11 dB gain @ 2000 MHz PowerSO-10RFDESCRIPTION(formed lead)The PD60004 is a common source N-Channel, en-ORDER CODE BRANDINGhancement-mode lateral Field-Effect RF powerPD6
std6nf10 stu6nf10.pdf

STD6NF10STU6NF10N-channel 100 V, 0.22 , 6 A, DPAK, IPAKlow gate charge STripFET Power MOSFETFeaturesType VDSS RDS(on) max IDSTD6NF10 100 V

std65nf06 stp65nf06.pdf

STD65NF06STP65NF06N-channel 60V - 11.5m - 60A - DPAK/TO-220STripFET II Power MOSFETGeneral featuresType VDSS RDS(on) IDSTD65NF06 60V

STD60NF55LSTD60NF55L-1N-channel 55V - 0.012 - 60A - DPAK/IPAKSTripFET II Power MOSFETGeneral featuresType VDSS RDS(on) IDSTD60NF55L-1 55V

STD64N4F6AG Automotive-grade N-channel 40 V, 7 m typ., 54 A STripFET F6 Power MOSFET in a DPAK package Datasheet - production data Features Order code V R max. I P DS DS(on) D TOTSTD64N4F6AG 40 V 8.2 m 54 A 60 W Designed for automotive applications and AEC-Q101 qualified Very low on-resistance Very low gate charge High avalanche ruggedness Figure
std6n62k3 stf6n62k3 stp6n62k3 stu6n62k3.pdf

STD6N62K3 - STF6N62K3STP6N62K3 - STU6N62K3N-channel 620 V, 1.1 , 5.5 A, IPAK, DPAK, TO-220,TO-220FPSuperMESH3 Power MOSFETFeatures3RDS(on) 3Type VDSS ID Pw2 1max1DPAKSTD6N62K3 620 V
bd677 bd677a bd678 bd678a bd679 bd679a bd680 bd680a bd681 bd682.pdf

BD677/A/679/A681BD678/A/680/A/682COMPLEMENTARY SILICONPOWER DARLINGTON TRANSISTORSn SGS-THOMSON PREFERRED SALESTYPESDESCRIPTIONThe BD677, BD677A, BD679, BD679A andBD681 are silicon epitaxial-base NPN powertransistors in monolithic Darlington configurationmounted in Jedec SOT-32 plastic package.They are intended for use in medium power linarand switching applications12
std6n95k5 stp6n95k5 stw6n95k5 stu6n95k5.pdf

STD6N95K5, STP6N95K5, STW6N95K5, STU6N95K5N-channel 950 V, 1 typ., 9 A Zener-protected SuperMESH 5 Power MOSFETs in DPAK, TO-220, TO-247 and IPAK packagesDatasheet - production dataFeatures TABTAB3 Order codes VDS RDS(on) max. ID PTOT13DPAK STD6N95K521STP6N95K5TO-220950 V 1.25 9 A 90 W STW6N95K5TABSTU6N95K53 DPAK 950 V worldwide best RDS(on)

STD65N55F3N-channel 55V - 6.5m - 80A - DPAKSTripFET Power MOSFETFeaturesType VDSS RDS(on) ID PwSTD65N55F3 55V
std60nh03l-1 std60nh03lt4.pdf

STD60NH03LSTD60NH03L-1N-channel 30V - 0.0075 - 60A - DPAK/IPAKSTripFET III Power MOSFETGeneral featuresType VDSS RDS(on) IDSTD60NH03L-1 30V

stb6nm60n std6nm60n stf6nm60n stp6nm60n.pdf

STx6NM60NN-channel 600 V, 0.85 , 4.6 A MDmesh II Power MOSFETTO-220, TO-220FP, IPAK, DPAK, D2PAKFeaturesVDSS RDS(on) Type ID(@Tjmax) max33STB6NM60N 650 V

STGD6M65DF2 Trench gate field-stop IGBT, M series 650 V, 6 A low loss Datasheet - production data Features 6 s of short-circuit withstand time V = 1.55 V (typ.) @ I = 6 A CE(sat) C Tight parameter distribution Safer paralleling Low thermal resistance Soft and very fast recovery antiparallel diode Applications Motor control Figure 1: Interna
sti6n62k3 stp6n62k3 stu6n62k3 stf6n62k3 std6n62k3.pdf

STD6N62K3, STF6N62K3STI6N62K3, STP6N62K3, STU6N62K3N-channel 620 V, 0.95 , 5.5 A SuperMESH3 Power MOSFETin IPAK, DPAK, TO-220,TO-220FP, IPAKFeaturesRDS(on) 3Order codes VDSS ID Pw2max.1321IPAKSTD6N62K3 90 WIPAKSTF6N62K3 30 W3STI6N62K3 620 V

stb6n52k3 std6n52k3 stf6n52k3 stp6n52k3.pdf

STB6N52K3, STD6N52K3STF6N52K3, STP6N52K3N-channel 525 V, 1 , 5 A, DPAK, DPAK, TO-220FP, TO-220SuperMESH3 Power MOSFETFeaturesRDS(on) 3Order codes VDSS ID Pwmax132STB6N52K3 5 A 70 WDPAK1STD6N52K3 5 A(1) 25 WTO-220FP525 V
stp6nk50z stf6nk50z std6nk50z.pdf

STP6NK50Z - STF6NK50ZSTD6NK50ZN-CHANNEL 500V - 0.93 - 5.6A TO-220/TO-220FP/DPAKZener-Protected SuperMESH MOSFETTYPE VDSS RDS(on) ID PwSTP6NK50Z 500 V
stb6n80k5 std6n80k5 sti6n80k5 stp6n80k5.pdf

STB6N80K5, STD6N80K5,STI6N80K5, STP6N80K5N-channel 800 V, 1.3 typ., 4.5 A MDmesh K5Power MOSFETs in DPAK, DPAK, IPAK and TO-220 packagesDatasheet - production dataFeaturesTABTABOrder codes VDS RDS(on)max ID PTOT3131STB6N80K5DPAKD2PAKSTD6N80K5TAB TAB800 V 1.6 4.5 A 85 WSTI6N80K5STP6N80K5323211 Industrys lowest RDS(on)TO-
stb60n55f3 std60n55f3 stf60n55f3 sti60n55f3 stu60n55f3 stp60n55f3.pdf

STB60N55F3, STD60N55F3, STF60N55F3STI60N55F3, STP60N55F3, STU60N55F3N-channel 55 V, 6.5 m, 80 A, DPAK, IPAK, D2PAK, I2PAK, TO-220TO-220FP STripFET III Power MOSFETFeaturesType VDSS RDS(on) ID Pw332131STB60N55F3 55V

STD6N62K3DatasheetN-channel 620 V, 0.95 typ., 5.5 A MDmesh K3 Power MOSFET in DPAK packageFeaturesOrder codes VDS RDS(on) max. ID PTOTTABSTD6N62K3 620 V 1.2 5.5 A 90 W 100% avalanche tested32 Extremely high dv/dt capability1 Very low intrinsic capacitance Improved diode reverse recovery characteristicsDPAK Zener-protectedD(2, TAB)Appli

TK12D60U TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (DTMOS) TK12D60U Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm10.00.3 A 9.50.2 Low drain-source ON-resistance: RDS (ON) = 0.36 (typ.) 0.60.1 3.650.2 High forward transfer admittance: Yfs = 7.0 S (typ.) Low leakage current: IDSS = 100 A (VDS = 600 V) Enhancement mode: V

This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer

TK20D60U TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (DTMOS) TK20D60U Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm10.0 0.3 A 9.5 0.2 0.60.1 Low drain-source ON-resistance: RDS (ON) = 0.165 (typ.) 3.65 0.2 High forward transfer admittance: Yfs = 12 S (typ.) Low leakage current: IDSS = 100 A (VDS = 600 V) Enhancement

TK20D60T NMOS (DTMOS) TK20D60T : mm10.00.3 A 9.50.2 0.60.1 : RDS (ON) = 0.165 () 3.650.2 : Yfs = 12 S () : IDSS = 100A (

TK15D60U TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (DTMOS II) TK15D60U Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm10.00.3 A 9.50.2 Low drain-source ON-resistance: RDS (ON) = 0.24 (typ.) 0.60.1 3.650.2 High forward transfer admittance: Yfs = 8.5 S (typ.) Low leakage current: IDSS = 100 A (max) (VDS = 600 V) Enhancement

Ordering number:341GPNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor2SB632, 632K/2SD612, 612K25V/35V, 2A Low-FrequencyPower Amplifier ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High collector dissipation and wide ASO.unit:mm2009B[2SB632, 632K/2SD612, 612K]1 : Emitter2 : Collector3 : Base( ) : 2SB632, 632KJEDEC : TO-126SpecificationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25

Ordering number:346GPNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor2SB631,631K/2SD600,600K100V/120V, 1A Low-FrequencyPower Amplifier ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High breakdown voltage VCEO 100/120V, Highunit:mmcurrent 1A.2009B Low saturation voltage, excellent hFE linearity.[2SB631, 631K/2SD600, 600K]1 : Emitter2 : Collector3 : Base( ) : 2SB631, 631K

Ordering number:513HPNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor2SB633/2SD61385V/6A, AF 25 to 35W Output ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High breakdown voltage, VCEO85V, high current 6A.unit:mm AF25 to 35W output.2010C[2SB633/2SD613]JEDEC : TO-220AB 1 : Base( ) : 2SB633EIAJ : SC-46 2 : Collector3 : EmitterSpecificationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta =
2sb633p 2sd613p.pdf

Ordering number : ENN66622SB633P/2SD613PPNP / NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors2SB633P / 2SD613P85V / 6A, AF 35 to 45W Output ApplicationsFeaturesPackage Dimensions High breakdown voltage, VCEO 85V,unit : mmhigh current 6A.2010C AF 35 to 45W output.[2SB633P / 2SD613P] : Base2 : Collector1 2 33 : EmitterSpec

Ordering number:346GPNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor2SB631,631K/2SD600,600K100V/120V, 1A Low-FrequencyPower Amplifier ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High breakdown voltage VCEO 100/120V, Highunit:mmcurrent 1A.2009B Low saturation voltage, excellent hFE linearity.[2SB631, 631K/2SD600, 600K]1 : Emitter2 : Collector3 : Base( ) : 2SB631, 631K

Preliminary Datasheet RJH60D6DPK R07DS0164EJ0400600V - 40A - IGBT Rev.4.00Application: Inverter Apr 19, 2012Features Short circuit withstand time (5 s typ.) Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) = 1.6 V typ. (at IC = 40 A, VGE = 15 V, Ta = 25C) Built in fast recovery diode (100 ns typ.) in one package Trench gate and thin wafer techno
r07ds0452ej rjh1cd6dpq.pdf

Preliminary DatasheetRJH1CD6DPQ-A0 R07DS0452EJ01001200 V - 20 A - IGBT Rev.1.00Application: Inverter Jul 22, 2011Features Short circuit withstand time (5 s typ.) Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) = 2.2 V typ. (at IC = 20 A, VGE = 15 V, Ta = 25C) Built in fast recovery diode (trr = 100 ns typ.) in one package Trench gate and thin wa
r07ds0175ej rjh60d6dpm.pdf

Preliminary Datasheet RJH60D6DPM R07DS0175EJ0200Silicon N Channel IGBT Rev.2.00Application: Inverter Nov 16, 2010Features Short circuit withstand time (5 s typ.) Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) = 1.6 V typ. (at IC = 40 A, VGE = 15 V, Ta = 25C) Built in fast recovery diode (100 ns typ.) in one package Trench gate and thin wafer t
r07ds0518ej rjh1cd6dpq.pdf

Preliminary DatasheetRJH1CD6DPQ-E0 R07DS0518EJ03001200 V - 25 A - IGBT Rev.3.00Application: Inverter Nov 21, 2011Features Short circuit withstand time (5 s typ.) Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) = 2.0 V typ. (at IC = 25 A, VGE = 15 V, Ta = 25C) Built in fast recovery diode (trr = 100 ns typ.) in one package Trench gate and thin wa

Preliminary Datasheet RJH1CD6DPQ-E0 R07DS0518EJ05001200V - 25A - IGBT Rev.5.00Application: Inverter Jun 12, 2012Features Short circuit withstand time (5 s typ.) Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) = 2.0 V typ. (at IC = 25 A, VGE = 15 V, Ta = 25C) Built-in fast recovery diode (trr = 170 ns typ.) in one package Trench gate and thin wa
r07ds0164ej rjh60d6dpk.pdf

Preliminary Datasheet RJH60D6DPK R07DS0164EJ0300Silicon N Channel IGBT Rev.3.00Application: Inverter Nov 16, 2010Features Short circuit withstand time (5 s typ.) Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) = 1.6 V typ. (at IC = 40 A, VGE = 15 V, Ta = 25C) Built in fast recovery diode (100 ns typ.) in one package Trench gate and thin wafer t

Preliminary Datasheet RJH60D6DPM R07DS0175EJ0300600V - 40A - IGBT Rev.3.00Application: Inverter Apr 19, 2012Features Short circuit withstand time (5 s typ.) Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) = 1.6 V typ. (at IC = 40 A, VGE = 15 V, Ta = 25C) Built in fast recovery diode (100 ns typ.) in one package Trench gate and thin wafer techno
fqd6p25tf fqd6p25tm fqu6p25tu.pdf

October 2008QFETFQD6P25 / FQU6P25 250V P-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThese P-Channel enhancement mode power field effect -4.7A, -250V, RDS(on) = 1.1 @VGS = -10 Vtransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, Low gate charge ( typical 21 nC)planar stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( typical 20 pF)This advanced technology has been especia

February 2007tmFDD6635 35V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel MOSFET has been produced using Fairchild Semiconductors proprietary PowerTrench 59 A, 35 V RDS(ON) = 10 m @ VGS = 10 V technology to deliver low Rdson and optimized Bvdss RDS(ON) = 13 m @ VGS = 4.5 V capability to offer superior performance benefit in the

December 2002 FDD6676S 30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features The FDS6676S is designed to replace a DPAK 78 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 6.0 m @ VGS = 10 V MOSFET and Schottky diode in synchronous DC:DC RDS(ON) = 7.1 m @ VGS = 4.5 V power supplies. This 30V MOSFET is designed to maximize power conversion efficiency, providing a low Low gate charge

May 2011 FDD6685 30V P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This P-Channel MOSFET is a rugged gate version of 40 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 20 m @ VGS = 10 V RDS(ON) = 30 m @ VGS = 4.5 V Fairchild Semiconductors advanced PowerTrench Fast switching speed process. It has been optimized for power management applications requiring a wide
fdd6612a fdu6612a.pdf

February 2004FDD6612A/FDU6612A30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 30 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 20 m @ VGS = 10 Vspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 28 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vconverters using either synchronous or conventionalswitching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for Low gate
fdd6780a fdu6780a f071.pdf

January 2009FDD6780A / FDU6780A_F071N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 25 V, 8.6 mFeatures General DescriptionThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to Max rDS(on) = 8.6 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 16.4 Aimprove the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either Max rDS(on) = 19.0 m at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 12.2 Asynchronous or conventional switching PWM contro
fqd6n40ctf fqd6n40ctm fqd6n40c fqu6n40c fqu6n40ctu.pdf

October 2008QFETFQD6N40C / FQU6N40C 400V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect 4.5A, 400V, RDS(on) = 1.0 @VGS = 10 Vtransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, Low gate charge ( typical 16nC)planar stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( typical 15pF)This advanced technology has been especiall
fdd6030bl fdu6030bl.pdf

July 2001 FDD6030BL/FDU6030BL 30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 42 A, 30 V R = 16 m @ V = 10 V DS(ON) GSspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC R = 22 m @ V = 4.5 V DS(ON) GSconverters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for

July 2003FDD6690A30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET is produced using Fairchild 46 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 12 m @ VGS = 10 VSemiconductors advanced PowerTrench process that RDS(ON) = 14 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vhas been especially tailored to minimize the on stateresistance and yet maintain low gate charge for Low gate chargesu
fdd6n50tm f085.pdf

November 2010FDD6N50TM_F085500V N-Channel MOSFETFeatures Description 6A, 500V, RDS(on) = 0.9 @VGS = 10 V These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, planar Low gate charge ( typical 12.8 nC)stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( typical 9 pF)This advanced technology has been especially tailored to

September 2001 FDD6670S 30V N-Channel PowerTrench SyncFET General Description Features The FDD6670S is designed to replace a single 64 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 9 m @ VGS = 10 V MOSFET and Schottky diode in synchronous DC:DC RDS(ON) = 12.5 m @ VGS = 4.5 V power supplies. This 30V MOSFET is designed to maximize power conversion efficiency, providing a low Includes S

January 2009FDD6770AN-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 25 V, 4.0 mFeatures General DescriptionThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to Max rDS(on) = 4.0 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 24 Aimprove the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either Max rDS(on) = 8.0 m at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 18.4 Asynchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has bee

July 2001FDD6530A20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 21 A, 20 V RDS(ON) = 32 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 47 m @ VGS = 2.5 Vconverters using either synchronous or conventionalswitching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for Low gate char

April 2001 FDD6630A 30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 21 A, 30 V R = 35 m @ V = 10 V DS(ON) GSspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC R = 50 m @ V = 4.5 V DS(ON) GSconverters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for Low g

May 2004 FDD6670AL 30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 84 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 5 m @ VGS = 10 V specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 6 m @ VGS = 4.5 V converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for Low gate c

November 2013FCD620N60ZFN-Channel SuperFET II FRFET MOSFET600 V, 7.3 A, 620 mFeatures Description 650 V @ TJ = 150oC SuperFET II MOSFET is Fairchild Semiconductors brand-newhigh voltage super-junction (SJ) MOSFET family that is utilizing Typ. RDS(on) = 528 mcharge balance technology for outstanding low on-resistance Ultra Low Gate Charge (Typ. Qg = 20 nC)

April 2001 FDD6676 30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 78 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 7.5 m @ VGS = 10 V specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 8.5 m @ VGS = 4.5 V converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for

May 2005 FDD6670AS 30V N-Channel PowerTrench SyncFET General Description Features The FDD6670AS is designed to replace a single 76 A, 30 V RDS(ON) max= 8.0 m @ VGS = 10 V MOSFET and Schottky diode in synchronous DC:DC RDS(ON) max= 10.4 m @ VGS = 4.5 V power supplies. This 30V MOSFET is designed to maximize power conversion efficiency, providing a low Inclu

April 2001 FDD6672A 30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 65 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 9.5 m @ VGS = 4.5 V specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 8 m @ VGS = 10 V converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for
fdd6644 fdu6644.pdf

April 2001 FDD6644/FDU6644 30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 67 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 8.5 m @ VGS = 10 V specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 10.5 m @ VGS = 4.5 V converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been opt

QFETFQD6N60C600V N-Channel MOSFETFeatures Description 4 A, 600 V, RDS(on) = 2.0 @ VGS = 10 V These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effecttransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, planar Low gate charge ( typical 16 nC )stripe, DMOS technology.This advanced technology has been especially tailored to Low Crss ( typical 7 pF)minimize on-s
fdd6n20 fdu6n20.pdf

May 2007UniFETTMFDD6N20 / FDU6N20tmN-Channel MOSFET 200V, 4.5A, 0.8Features Description RDS(on) = 0.6 ( Typ. )@ VGS = 10V, ID = 2.3A These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, planar Low gate charge ( Typ. 4.7nC )stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( Typ. 6.3pF )This advanced technology has b

December 2002FDD6696/FDU669630V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 50A, 30 V R = 8.0 m @ V = 10 VDS(ON) GSspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC R = 10.7 m @ V = 4.5 VDS(ON) GSconverters using either synchronous or conventionalswitching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for Low

January 2009FDD6760AN-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 25 V, 3.2 mFeatures General DescriptionThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to Max rDS(on) = 3.2 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 27 Aimprove the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either Max rDS(on) = 6.0 m at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 21 Asynchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been
fqd630tf fqd630tm.pdf

April 2000TMQFETQFETQFETQFET 200V N-ChanneI MOSFETGeneraI Description FeaturesThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect 7A, 200V, RDS(on) = 0.4 @VGS = 10 Vtransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, Low gate charge ( typical 19 nC)planar stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( typical 35 pF)This advanced technology has b

July 1999FDD6680N-Channel Logic Level PWM Optimized PowerTrench MOSFETFeaturesGeneral DescriptionThis N-Channel Logic level MOSFET has been designed 55 A, 30 V. RDS(on) = 0.010 @ VGS = 10 Vspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DCRDS(on) = 0.015 @ VGS = 4.5 V.converters using either synchronous or conventionalswitching PWM controllers. Optimi
fdd6637 f085.pdf

December 2010FDD6637_F085P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET-35V, -21A, 18m ApplicationsFeatures Typ rDS(on) = 9.7m at VGS = -10V, ID =- 14A Inverter Typ rDS(on) = 14.4m at VGS = -4.5V, ID =- 11A Power Supplies Typ Qg(10) = 45nC at VGS = -10V High performance trench technology for extremely low rDS(on). Qualified to AEC Q101 RoHS Compliant2010 Fairchild Sem
fqd6n50ctf fqd6n50ctm fqd6n50c fqu6n50c.pdf

October 2008QFETFQD6N50C / FQU6N50C500V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect 4.5A, 500V, RDS(on) = 1.2 @VGS = 10 Vtransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, Low gate charge (typical 19nC)planar stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss (typical 15pF)This advanced technology has been especially t
fdd6796a fdu6796a f071.pdf

March 2009FDD6796A / FDU6796A_F071N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 25 V, 5.7 mFeatures General DescriptionThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to Max rDS(on) = 5.7 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 20 Aimprove the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either Max rDS(on) = 15.0 m at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 15.2 Asynchronous or conventional switching PWM controller
fdd6n25 fdu6n25.pdf

February 2007TMUniFETFDD6N25 / FDU6N25250V N-Channel MOSFETFeatures Description 4.4A, 250V, RDS(on) = 1.1 @VGS = 10 V These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effecttransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, planar Low gate charge ( typical 4.5 nC)stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( typical 5 pF)This advanced technology has been especially ta
fdd6512a fdu6512a.pdf

November 2001FDD6512A/FDU6512A20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 36 A, 20 V RDS(ON) = 21 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 31 m @ VGS = 2.5 Vconverters using either synchronous or conventionalswitching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for
fdd6692 fdu6692.pdf

April 2001 FDD6692/FDU6692 30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 54 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 12 m @ VGS = 10 V specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 14.5 m @ VGS = 4.5 V converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been optim
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November 2013FDD6N50 / FDU6N50N-Channel UniFETTM MOSFET500 V, 6 A, 900 mFeatures Description RDS(on) = 900 m (Max.) @ VGS = 10 V, ID = 3 A UniFETTM MOSFET is Fairchild Semiconductors high voltageMOSFET family based on planar stripe and DMOS technology. Low Gate Charge (Typ. 12.8 nC)This MOSFET is tailored to reduce on-state resistance, and to Low Crss (Typ. 9 p

August 2003FDD6030L30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET is produced using Fairchild 12 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 14.5 m @ VGS = 10 VSemiconductors advanced PowerTrench process that RDS(ON) = 21 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vhas been especially tailored to minimize the on stateresistance and yet maintain low gate charge for Low gate charge

July 2005FDD6670A30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 66 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 8 m @ VGS = 10 Vspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 10 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vconverters using either synchronous or conventionalswitching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for Low gate chargelow ga

April 2008FDD6680AS tm30V N-Channel PowerTrench SyncFETGeneral Description Features The FDD6680AS is designed to replace a single 55 A, 30 V RDS(ON) max= 10.5 m @ VGS = 10 V MOSFET and Schottky diode in synchronous DC:DC RDS(ON) max= 13.0 m @ VGS = 4.5 V power supplies. This 30V MOSFET is designed to maximize power conversion efficiency, providing a low

July 1999FDD603ALN-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel logic level enhancement mode power 33 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 0.023 @ VGS = 10 Vfield effect transistor is produced using Fairchilds RDS(ON) = 0.037 @ VGS = 4.5 V.proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. Thisvery high density process is tai

October 2004FDD6632N-Channel Logic Level UltraFET Trench Power MOSFET30V, 9A, 70mGeneral Description FeaturesThis device employs a new advanced trench MOSFET Fast switchingtechnology and features low gate charge while maintaining rDS(ON) = 0.058 (Typ), VGS = 10V, ID = 9Alow on-resistance. rDS(ON) = 0.090 (Typ), VGS = 4.5V, ID = 6AOptimized for switching
fdd6296 fdd6296 fdu6296.pdf

June 2004FDD6296/FDU629630V N-Channel Fast Switching PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 50A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 8.8 m @ VGS = 10 Vspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 11.3 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vconverters using either synchronous or conventionalswitching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for

December 2000FDD6680S30V N-Channel PowerTrench SyncFETGeneral Description FeaturesThe FDD6680S is designed to replace a single 55 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 11 m @ VGS = 10 VMOSFET and Schottky diode in synchronous DC:DCRDS(ON) = 17 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vpower supplies. This 30V MOSFET is designed tomaximize power conversion efficiency, providing a low Inclu

June 2009FDD6780N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 25 V, 30 A, 8.5 mFeatures General DescriptionThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to Max rDS(on) = 8.5 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 16.5 Aimprove the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either Max rDS(on) = 12.5 m at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 13.0 Asynchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has
fdd6n50 fdu6n50.pdf

January 2006TMUniFETFDD6N50/FDU6N50 500V N-Channel MOSFETFeatures Description 6A, 500V, RDS(on) = 0.9 @VGS = 10 V These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, planar Low gate charge ( typical 12.8 nC)stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( typical 9 pF)This advanced technology has been especially tai

February 2004 FDD6606 30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 75 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 6 m @ VGS = 10 V specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 8 m @ VGS = 4.5 V converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for Low gate
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BD675A/677A/679A/681Medium Power Linear and Switching Applications Medium Power Darlington TR Complement to BD676A, BD678A, BD680A and BD682 respectivelyTO-1261NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor1. Emitter 2.Collector 3.BaseAbsolute Maximum Ratings TC=25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value Units VCBO Collector-Base Voltage : BD675A 45 V : BD677A 60 V : B

November 2013FDD6N20TMN-Channel UniFETTM MOSFET200 V, 4.5 A, 800 mFeatures DescriptionUniFETTM MOSFET is Fairchild Semiconductors high voltage RDS(on) = 600 m (Typ.) @ VGS = 10 V, ID = 2.3 AMOSFET family based on planar stripe and DMOS technology. Low Gate Charge (Typ. 4.7 nC)This MOSFET is tailored to reduce on-state resistance, and toprovide better switching p
fdd6n50f fdu6n50f.pdf

July 2007UniFETTMFDD6N50F / FDU6N50FtmN-Channel MOSFET 500V, 5.5A, 1.15Features Description RDS(on) = 0.95 ( Typ.)@ VGS = 10V, ID = 2.75A These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Failchilds proprietary, planar Low gate charge ( Typ. 15nC)stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( Typ. 6.3pF)This advance technology has

July 2003FDD6035AL30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET is produced using Fairchild 46 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 12 m @ VGS = 10 VSemiconductors advanced PowerTrench process that RDS(ON) = 14 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vhas been especially tailored to minimize the on stateresistance and yet maintain low gate charge for Low gate charges

June 2009FDD6796N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 25 V, 40 A, 5.7 mFeatures General DescriptionThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to Max rDS(on) = 5.7 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 20 Aimprove the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either Max rDS(on) = 9.0 m at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 15.5 Asynchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has b
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June 2004FDD6682/FDU668230V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 75 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 6.2 m @ VGS = 10 Vspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DCRDS(ON) = 8.0 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vconverters using either synchronous or conventionalswitching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for Low gate charg

November 2007tmFDD6688S 30V N-Channel PowerTrench SyncFET General Description Features The FDD6688S is designed to replace a single TO-252 88 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 5.1 m @ VGS = 10 V MOSFET and Schottky diode in synchronous DC:DC RDS(ON) = 6.3 m @ VGS = 4.5 V power supplies. This 30V MOSFET is designed to maximize power conversion efficiency, providing a low

June 2004FDD6682/FDU668230V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 75 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 6.2 m @ VGS = 10 Vspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DCRDS(ON) = 8.0 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vconverters using either synchronous or conventionalswitching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for Low gate charg
bd676a bd678a bd680a bd682.pdf

BD676A/678A/680A/682Medium Power Linear and Switching Applications Medium Power Darlington TR Complement to BD675A, BD677A, BD679A and BD681 respectivelyTO-1261PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor1. Emitter 2.Collector 3.BaseAbsolute Maximum Ratings TC=25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value Units VCBO Collector-Base Voltage : BD676A - 45 V : BD678A - 60 V

January 2009FDD6776A / FDU6776A_F071N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 25 V, 7.5 mFeatures General DescriptionThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to Max rDS(on) = 7.5 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 17.7 Aimprove the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either Max rDS(on) = 17.0m at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 13.2 Asynchronous or conventional switching PWM control
fdd6688 fdd6688 fdu6688.pdf

June 2004FDD6688/FDU668830V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 84 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 5 m @ VGS = 10 Vspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 6 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vconverters using either synchronous or conventionalswitching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for Low gate charge
fqd6n25tf fqd6n25tm fqd6n25 fqu6n25.pdf

October 2008QFETFQD6N25 / FQU6N25250V N-ChanneI MOSFETGeneraI Description FeaturesThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect 4.4A, 250V, RDS(on) = 1.0 @VGS = 10 Vtransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, Low gate charge ( typical 6.6 nC)planar stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( typical 7.5 pF)This advanced technology has been especia
fqd6n40tf fqd6n40tm.pdf

April 2000TMQFETQFETQFETQFETFQD6N40 / FQU6N40400V N-ChanneI MOSFETGeneraI Description FeaturesThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect 4.2A, 400V, RDS(on) = 1.15 @VGS = 10 Vtransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, Low gate charge ( typical 13 nC)planar stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( typical 9.5 pF)This advanced technolog

August 2006 FDD6637 35V P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This P-Channel MOSFET has been produced using 55 A, 35 V RDS(ON) = 11.6 m @ VGS = 10 V Fairchild Semiconductors proprietary PowerTrench RDS(ON) = 18 m @ VGS = 4.5 V technology to deliver low Rdson and optimized Bvdss High performance trench technology for extremely capa

January 2009FDD6782AN-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 25 V, 10.5 mFeatures General DescriptionThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to Max rDS(on) = 10.5 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 14.9 Aimprove the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either Max rDS(on) = 24.0 m at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 11.0 Asynchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has

QFETFQD6N60C600V N-Channel MOSFETFeatures Description 4 A, 600 V, RDS(on) = 2.0 @ VGS = 10 V These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effecttransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, planar Low gate charge ( typical 16 nC )stripe, DMOS technology.This advanced technology has been especially tailored to Low Crss ( typical 7 pF)minimize on-s

May 2007UniFETTMFDD6N20TMtmN-Channel MOSFET 200V, 4.5A, 0.8Features Description RDS(on) = 0.6 ( Typ. )@ VGS = 10V, ID = 2.3A These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, planar Low gate charge ( Typ. 4.7nC )stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( Typ. 6.3pF )This advanced technology has been espe

February 2000FDD6680AN-Channel, Logic Level, PowerTrench MOSFETFeaturesGeneral DescriptionThis N-Channel Logic level MOSFET is produced using 56 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 0.0095 @ VGS = 10 VFairchild Semiconductor's advanced PowerTrench process RDS(ON) = 0.0130 @ VGS = 4.5 V.that has been especially tailored to minimize the on-stateresistance and y

April 2008FDD6676AS tm30V N-Channel PowerTrench SyncFET General Description Features The FDD6676AS is designed to replace a single 90 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 5.7 m @ VGS = 10 V MOSFET and Schottky diode in synchronous DC:DC RDS(ON) = 7.1 m @ VGS = 4.5 V power supplies. This 30V MOSFET is designed to maximize power conversion efficiency, providing a low Includ

November 2013FCD600N60ZN-Channel SuperFET II MOSFET600 V, 7.4 A, 600 mFeatures Description 650 V @ TJ = 150C SuperFET II MOSFET is Fairchild Semiconductors brand-newhigh voltage super-junction (SJ) MOSFET family that is utilizing Typ. RDS(on) = 510 mcharge balance technology for outstanding low on-resistance Ultra Low Gate Charge (Typ. Qg = 20 nC)and lo

January 2009FDD6778AN-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 25 V, 14.0 mFeatures General DescriptionThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to Max rDS(on) = 14.0 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 10.0 Aimprove the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either Max rDS(on) = 30.0 m at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 9.7 Asynchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has
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2PD602AQL; 2PD602ARL;2PD602ASL50 V, 500 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 01 27 October 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNXP JEDEC2PD602AQL SOT23 TO-236AB -2PD602ARL 2

2PD601ARL; 2PD601ASL50 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 01 6 November 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNXP JEDEC2PD601ARL SOT23 TO-236AB 2PB709ARL2PD601ASL 2PB70

2PD602AQL; 2PD602ARL;2PD602ASL50 V, 500 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 01 27 October 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNXP JEDEC2PD602AQL SOT23 TO-236AB -2PD602ARL 2
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2PD602AQL; 2PD602ARL;2PD602ASL50 V, 500 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 01 27 October 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNexperia JEDEC2PD602AQL SOT23 TO-236AB -2PD602
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2PD601ARL; 2PD601ASL50 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 01 6 November 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNexperia JEDEC2PD601ARL SOT23 TO-236AB 2PB709ARL2PD601ASL

2PD601ARL; 2PD601ASL50 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 01 6 November 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNXP JEDEC2PD601ARL SOT23 TO-236AB 2PB709ARL2PD601ASL 2PB70

DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET2PD601A seriesNPN general purpose transistors; 50 V, 100 mAProduct data sheet 2004 Feb 12Supersedes data of 2002 Jun 26NXP Semiconductors Product data sheetNPN general purpose transistors; 50 V, 2PD601A series100 mAFEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATA Available in SOT323 (SC-70) and SOT346 (SC-59) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNITpackage
2pd601aqw 2pd601aqw 2pd601aq.pdf

DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET2PD601A seriesNPN general purpose transistors; 50 V, 100 mAProduct data sheet 2004 Feb 12Supersedes data of 2002 Jun 26NXP Semiconductors Product data sheetNPN general purpose transistors; 50 V, 2PD601A series100 mAFEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATA Available in SOT323 (SC-70) and SOT346 (SC-59) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNITpackage
2pd601aq 2pd601ar 2pd601as 2pd601aqw 2pd601arw 2pd601asw.pdf

Important notice Dear Customer, On 7 February 2017 the former NXP Standard Product business became a new company with the tradename Nexperia. Nexperia is an industry leading supplier of Discrete, Logic and PowerMOS semiconductors with its focus on the automotive, industrial, computing, consumer and wearable application markets In data sheets and application notes which still contain
2pd601brl 2pd601bsl.pdf

2PD601BRL; 2PD601BSL50 V, 200 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 1 28 June 2010 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number Package PNP complementNXP JEDEC2PD601BRL SOT23 TO-236AB 2PB709BRL2PD601BSL 2PB709BSL
2pd602asl 2pd602asl 2pd602arl.pdf

2PD602AQL; 2PD602ARL;2PD602ASL50 V, 500 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 01 27 October 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNXP JEDEC2PD602AQL SOT23 TO-236AB -2PD602ARL 2
2pd601axl 2pd601axl 2pd601arl.pdf

2PD601ARL; 2PD601ASL50 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 01 6 November 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNXP JEDEC2PD601ARL SOT23 TO-236AB 2PB709ARL2PD601ASL 2PB70

PHKD6N02LTDual N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FETRev. 04 27 April 2010 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionDual logic level N-channel enhancement mode Field-Effect Transistor (FET) in a plastic package using TrenchMOS technology. This product is designed and qualified for use in computing, communications, consumer and industrial applications only.1.2

2PD601ART50 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistorRev. 01 15 March 2007 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistor in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-Mounted Device(SMD) plastic package.PNP complement: 2PB709ART.1.2 Features General-purpose transistor Small SMD plastic package1.3 Applications General-purpose switching

2PD602AQL; 2PD602ARL;2PD602ASL50 V, 500 mA NPN general-purpose transistorsRev. 01 27 October 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN general-purpose transistors in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNXP JEDEC2PD602AQL SOT23 TO-236AB -2PD602ARL 2

DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET2PD601A seriesNPN general purpose transistors; 50 V, 100 mAProduct data sheet 2004 Feb 12Supersedes data of 2002 Jun 26NXP Semiconductors Product data sheetNPN general purpose transistors; 50 V, 2PD601A series100 mAFEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATA Available in SOT323 (SC-70) and SOT346 (SC-59) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNITpackage
2pd601ar 2pd601ar 2pd601as.pdf

DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET2PD601A seriesNPN general purpose transistors; 50 V, 100 mAProduct data sheet 2004 Feb 12Supersedes data of 2002 Jun 26NXP Semiconductors Product data sheetNPN general purpose transistors; 50 V, 2PD601A series100 mAFEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATA Available in SOT323 (SC-70) and SOT346 (SC-59) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNITpackage

EMD62DatasheetComplex Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors)lOutlinelParameter Value EMT6VCC50VIC(MAX.)100mA R147kEMD62R2 (SC-107C)47k Parameter ValueVCC-50VIC(MAX.)-100mAR147kR247klFeatures lInner circuitl l

EMD6 / UMD6N / IMD6ADatasheetNPN + PNP Complex Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors) lOutlineEMT6 UMT6Parameter Value(6) (6) (5) (5) VCEO50V(4) (4) (1) (1) IC (2) (2) 100mA(3) (3) R14.7kWEMD6 UMD6N (SC-107C) SOT-353 (SC-88) SMT6(4) (5) Parameter Value (6) (3) VCEO-50V (2) (1) IC
emd6fha umd6nfha.pdf

EMD6 / UMD6N / IMD6AEMD6FHA / UMD6NFHA / IMD6AFRADatasheetNPN + PNP Complex Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors)AEC-Q101 Qualified lOutlineEMT6 UMT6Parameter Value(6) (6) (5) (5) VCEO50V(4) (4) (1) (1) IC (2) (2) 100mA(3) (3) R14.7kWEMD6FHA UMD6NFHAEMD6 UMD6N (SC-107C) SOT-353 (SC-88) SMT6
emd6 umd6n imd6a umd6n.pdf

EMD6 / UMD6N / IMD6A Transistors General purpose (dual digital transistors) EMD6 / UMD6N / IMD6A Features External dimensions (Units : mm) 1) Both the DTA143T chip and DTC143T chip in an EMT EMD6or UMT or SMT package. 2) Mounting possible with EMT3 or UMT3 or SMT3 (4) (3)(5) (2)automatic mounting machines. (6) (1)1.21.63) Transistor elements are independent, elimin
emd6fha umd6nfha imd6afra.pdf

EMD6 / UMD6N / IMD6AEMD6FHA / UMD6NFHA / IMD6AFRADatasheetNPN + PNP Complex Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors)AEC-Q101 Qualified lOutlineEMT6 UMT6Parameter Value(6) (6) (5) (5) VCEO50V(4) (4) (1) (1) IC (2) (2) 100mA(3) (3) R14.7kWEMD6FHA UMD6NFHAEMD6 UMD6N (SC-107C) SOT-353 (SC-88) SMT6

VS-GP400TD60Swww.vishay.comVishay SemiconductorsDual INT-A-PAK Low Profile Half Bridge (Trench PT IGBT), 400 AProprietary Vishay IGBT Silicon L SeriesFEATURES Trench PT IGBT technology Low VCE(on) Square RBSOA HEXFRED antiparallel diode with ultrasoft reverse recovery characteristics Industry standard package Al2O3 DBC UL pending

SiHD6N62Ewww.vishay.comVishay SiliconixE Series Power MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Low figure-of-merit (FOM) Ron x QgVDS (V) at TJ max. 700 Low input capacitance (Ciss)RDS(on) max. at 25 C () VGS = 10 V 0.9 Reduced switching and conduction lossesQg max. (nC) 34 Ultra low gate charge (Qg)Qgs (nC) 4 Avalanche energy rated (UIS)Qgd (nC) 8 Mate

SiHD6N65Ewww.vishay.comVishay SiliconixE Series Power MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Low figure-of-merit (FOM) Ron x QgVDS (V) at TJ max. 700 Low input capacitance (Ciss)RDS(on) max. at 25 C () VGS = 10 V 0.6 Reduced switching and conduction lossesQg max. (nC) 48 Ultra low gate charge (Qg)Qgs (nC) 6 Avalanche energy rated (UIS)Qgd (nC) 11 Mat

VS-GP300TD60Swww.vishay.comVishay SemiconductorsDual INT-A-PAK Low Profile Half Bridge (Trench PT IGBT), 300 AProprietary Vishay IGBT Silicon L SeriesFEATURES Trench PT IGBT technology Low VCE(on) Square RBSOA HEXFRED antiparallel diode with ultrasoft reverse recovery characteristics Industry standard package Al2O3 DBC UL pending

DGTD65T50S1PT 650V FIELD STOP IGBT IN TO-247 Description Features The DGTD65T50S1PT is produced using advanced Field Stop Trench High-Speed Switching & Low Power Loss IGBT Technology, which provides excellent quality and high-switching VCE(sat) = 1.85V @ IC = 50A performance. High Input Impedance trr = 80ns (typ) @ diF/dt = 1000A/s Eoff = 0.55mJ @ TC=25C

ZXMD63N03XDUAL 30V N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE MOSFETSUMMARYV(BR)DSS=30V; RDS(ON)=0.135 ; ID=2.3ADESCRIPTIONThis new generation of high density MOSFETs from Zetex utilizes a uniquestructure that combines the benefits of low on-resistance with fast switchingspeed. This makes them ideal for high efficiency, low voltage, powermanagement applications.MSOP8FEATURES Low on-res

DGTD65T40S2PT Green650V FIELD STOP IGBT IN TO247 (Type MC) Description Features The DGTD65T40S2PT is produced using advanced Field Stop Trench High Speed Switching & Low Power Loss IGBT Technology, which provides excellent quality and high switching VCE(SAT) = 1.8V @ IC = 40A performance. tRR = 60ns (Typ) @ diF/dt = 820A/s C EOFF = 0.4mJ @ TC = +25 Ma

A Product Line ofDiodes IncorporatedZXTD618MCDUAL 20V NPN LOW SATURATION SWITCHING TRANSISTOR Features and Benefits Mechanical Data BVCEO > 20V Case: DFN3020B-3 IC = 4.5A Continuous Collector Current Case material: Molded Plastic. Green Molding Compound. Low Saturation Voltage (150mV @ 1A) Terminals: Pre-Plated NiPdAu leadframe. RSAT = 47m f
zxtd09n50de6 d619sot23-6.pdf

ZXTD09N50DE6E6SuperSOTDUAL 50V NPN SILICON LOW SATURATION SWITCHING TRANSISTORSUMMARYVCEO=50V; RSAT = 160m ; IC= 1ADESCRIPTIONA dual NPN low saturation transistor combination contained in a single 6 leadSOT23 package. Each transistor is the equivalent to the ZUMT619 device.FEATURESSOT23-6 Low Equivalent On Resistance Low Saturation Voltage IC=1A Continuous Col

A Product Line ofDiodes IncorporatedZXTD619MCDUAL 50V NPN LOW SATURATION SWITCHING TRANSISTOR Features and Benefits Mechanical Data BVCEO > 50V Case: DFN3020B-8 IC = 4A Continuous Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic. Green Molding Compound. Low Saturation Voltage (100mV max @ 1A) Terminals: Pre-Plated NiPdAu leadframe. RSAT = 68m

ZXMD63N02XDUAL 20V N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE MOSFETSUMMARYV =20V; R =0.13; I =2.4A(BR)DSS DS(ON) DDESCRIPTIONThis new generation of high density MOSFETs from Zetex utilises a uniquestructure that combines the benefits of low on-resistance with fast switchingspeed. This makes them ideal for high efficiency, low voltage, powermanagement applications.MSOP8FEATURES Lo

ZXMD63C02X20V DUAL N AND P-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE MOSFETSUMMARYN-CHANNEL: V =20V; R =0.13 ; I =2.4A(BR)DSS DS(ON) DP-CHANNEL: V =-20V; R =0.27 ; I =-1.7A(BR)DSS DS(ON) DDESCRIPTIONThis new generation of high density MOSFETs from Zetex utilises a uniquestructure that combines the benefits of low on-resistance with fast switchingspeed. This makes them ideal for high efficien

DGTD65T15H2TF Green650V FIELD STOP IGBT IN ITO220AB Description Features The DGTD65T15H2TF is produced using advanced Field Stop Trench High Ruggedness for Motor Control IGBT Technology, which provides high-performance, excellent quality, VCE(sat) Positive Temperature Coefficient and high ruggedness. Very Soft, Fast Recovery Anti-Parallel Diode Low EMI Maxi

A Product Line of Diodes Incorporated ZXTD6717E6 COMPLEMENTARY 15V NPN & 12V PNP LOW SATURATION TRANSISTORS IN SOT26 Features and Benefits Mechanical Data Pd = 1.1W in SOT26 Package Case: SOT26 Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS Compliant (Notes 1 & 2) Case Material: Molded Plastic, Green Molding Compound; Halogen and Antimony Free. Green Device (No

ZXMD63C03X30V DUAL N AND P-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE MOSFETSUMMARYN-CHANNEL: V(BR)DSS=30V; RDS(ON)=0.135 ; ID=2.3AP-CHANNEL: V(BR)DSS=-30V; RDS(ON)=0.185 ; ID=-2.0ADESCRIPTIONThis new generation of high density MOSFETs from Zetex utilizes a uniquestructure that combines the benefits of low on-resistance with fast switchingspeed. This makes them ideal for high efficiency, low volt

ZXMD63P02XDUAL 20V P-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE MOSFETSUMMARYV =-20V; R =0.27 ; I =-1.7A(BR)DSS DS(ON) DDESCRIPTIONThis new generation of high density MOSFETs from Zetex utilises a uniquestructure that combines the benefits of low on-resistance with fast switchingspeed. This makes them ideal for high efficiency, low voltage, powermanagement applications.MSOP8FEATURES Lo

DMP22D6UTP-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE MOSFET Please click here to visit our online spice models database.Features Mechanical Data Low On-Resistance Case: SOT-523 Low Gate Threshold Voltage Case Material: Molded Plastic, Green Molding Compound. UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 Low Input Capacitance Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020D

ZXMD63P03XDUAL 30V P-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE MOSFETSUMMARYV(BR)DSS=-30V; RDS(ON)=0.185V; ID=-2.0ADESCRIPTIONThis new generation of high density MOSFETs from Zetex utilizes a uniquestructure that combines the benefits of low on-resistance with fast switchingspeed. This makes them ideal for high efficiency, low voltage, powermanagement applications.MSOP8FEATURES Low on-r

A Product Line ofDiodes IncorporatedZXTD617MC DUAL 15V NPN LOW SATURATION TRANSISTORS Features and Benefits Mechanical Data BVCEO > 15V Case: DFN3020B-8 IC = 4.5A Continuous Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic. Green Molding Compound. Low Saturation Voltage (100mV max @ 1A) Terminals: Pre-Plated NiPdAu leadframe RSAT = 45 m for a

DGTD65T60S2PT 650V FIELD STOP IGBT IN TO-247 Description Features The DGTD65T60S2PT is produced using advanced Field Stop Trench High Speed Switching & Low Power Loss IGBT 2nd Generation Technology, which not only gives high-switching VCE(sat) = 1.85V @ IC = 60A efficiency, but is also extremely rugged and excellent quality for High Input Impedance applications where low

IPD60R180P7MOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS P7 Power TransistorThe CoolMOS 7th generation platform is a revolutionary technology fortabhigh voltage power MOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction(SJ) principle and pioneered by Infineon Technologies. The 600VCoolMOS P7 series is the successor to the CoolMOS P6 series. Itcombines the benefits of a fast switching SJ MOSFE
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IPD60R650CE, IPA60R650CEMOSFETDPAK PG-TO 220 FP600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistortabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle and2pioneered by Infineon Technologies. CoolMOS CE is a 13price-performance optimized platform enabling to target cost sensitiveapplications in Consumer and Ligh
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS CE600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPx60R2K1CEData SheetRev. 2.0FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPD60R2K1CE, IPU60R2K1CEDPAK IPAK1 DescriptiontabtabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunctio

IPD60R280P7SMOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS P7 Power TransistorThe CoolMOS 7th generation platform is a revolutionary technology fortabhigh voltage power MOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction(SJ) principle and pioneered by Infineon Technologies. The 600VCoolMOS P7 series is the successor to the CoolMOS P6 series. Itcombines the benefits of a fast switching SJ MOSF
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/ Technical InformationIGBT-FD600R06ME3_S2IGBT-modulesEconoDUAL3 / IGBT3 and 3diode and NTCEconoDUAL3 module with Trench/Fieldstop IGBT3 and Emitter Controlled 3 diode and NTC / Preliminary

IPD60N10S4L-12OptiMOSTM-T2 Power-TransistorProduct SummaryV 100 VDSR 12mWDS(on),maxI 60 ADFeatures N-channel - Enhancement modePG-TO252-3-313 AEC qualifiedTAB MSL1 up to 260C peak reflow 175C operating temperature13 Green Product (RoHS compliant) 100% Avalanche testedType Package MarkingIPD60N10S4L-12 PG-TO252-3-313 4N10L12Maxi
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS CE600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPx60R400CEData SheetRev. 2.0FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPD60R400CE, IPA60R400CEDPAK TO-220 FP1 DescriptiontabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunctio
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C6 600V600V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPx60R600C6Data SheetRev. 2.5FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CIMOS C6 Pwer Transistr IPD60R600C6, IPB60R600C6IPP60R600C6, IPA60R600C61 DescriptinCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs designed according to the super
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS E6 600V600V CoolMOS E6 Power TransistorIPx60R600E6Data SheetRev. 2.3FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CoolMOS E6 Power Transistor IPD60R600E6, IPP60R600E6IPA60R600E61 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) pri
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IPD60R460CE, IPA60R460CEMOSFETDPAK PG-TO 220 FP600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistortabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle and2pioneered by Infineon Technologies. CoolMOS CE is a 13price-performance optimized platform enabling to target cost sensitiveapplications in Consumer and Ligh

Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleFD600R06ME3_S2IGBT-modulesEconoDUAL3 Modul mit Trench/Feldstopp IGBT3 und Emitter Controlled 3 Diode und NTCEconoDUAL3 module with Trench/Fieldstop IGBT3 and Emitter Controlled 3 diode and NTCVorlufige Daten / Preliminary DataV = 600VCESI = 600A / I = 1200AC nom CRMTypische Anwendungen Typical Applications

IPD60N10S4-12OptiMOSTM-T2 Power-TransistorProduct SummaryVDS 100 VRDS(on),max 12.2mWID 60 AFeatures N-channel - Normal Level - Enhancement modePG-TO252-3-313 AEC qualifiedTAB MSL1 up to 260C peak reflow 175C operating temperature13 Green Product (RoHS compliant) 100% Avalanche testedDrainpin 2/TabGateType Package Markingpin 1IP
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IPD60R400CE, IPS60R400CE, IPA60R400CEMOSFETDPAK IPAK SL PG-TO 220 FP600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistortabtabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle and2pioneered by Infineon Technologies. CoolMOS CE is a 13price-performance optimized platform enabling to target cost sensitiveapplica

IPD60R2K0PFD7SMOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS PFD7 SJ Power DeviceCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies.The latest CoolMOS PFD7 is an optimized platform tailored to targetcost sensitive applications in consumer markets such as charger, adapter,motor d
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS CE600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPx60R1K0CEData SheetRev. 2.0FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPD60R1K0CE, IPU60R1K0CEDPAK IPAK1 DescriptiontabtabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunctio

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS E6600V CoolMOS E6 Power TransistorIPx60R600E6Data SheetRev. 2.0, 2010-04-12FinalIndustrial & Multimarket600V CoolMOS E6 Power Transistor IPD60R600E6, IPP60R600E6IPD60R600E61 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ)
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MOSFET+ =L9D - PA;%'*H (>E4@ +@0=A8AB>@ "( ) "(" ) "( ) "(( ) IPA65R600C61 Descriptin!GGD+ - 1Y AK 9 J=NGDMLAGF9JQ L=;@FGDG?Q >GJ @A?@ NGDL9?= HGO=J+ - 1$#2K

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS CFD2 650V650V CoolMOS CFD2 Power TransistorIPD65R950CFDData SheetRev. 2.0Rev. 2.1FinalIndustrial & Multimarket650V CoolMOS CFD2 Power TransistorIPD65R950CFDDPAK1 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETs,designed according to the superjunction (SJ) prin
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MOSFET Metall Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor CoolMOS E6 650V CoolMOSTM E6 Power Transistor IPx65R600E6 Data Sheet Rev. 2.3, 2018-02-28 Power Management & Multimarket 650V CoolMOSTM E6 Power Transistor IPD65R600E6, IPP65R600E6 IPA65R600E6 1 Description CoolMOSTM is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETs, designed according to the supe

IPD60R360P7MOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS P7 Power TransistorThe CoolMOS 7th generation platform is a revolutionary technology fortabhigh voltage power MOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction(SJ) principle and pioneered by Infineon Technologies. The 600VCoolMOS P7 series is the successor to the CoolMOS P6 series. Itcombines the benefits of a fast switching SJ MOSFE

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C6 650V 650V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPD65R250C6Data SheetRev. 2.1FinalIndustrial & Multimarket650V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPD65R250C6DPAK1 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpionee
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS CE600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPx60R650CEData SheetRev. 2.0FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPD60R650CE, IPA60R650CEDPAK TO-220 FP1 DescriptiontabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunctio
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS CE600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPx60R800CEData SheetRev. 2.0FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPD60R800CE, IPA60R800CEDPAK TO-220 FP1 DescriptiontabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunctio

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C6600V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPx60R950C6 Data SheetRev. 2.1, 2010-03-11FinalIndustrial & Multimarket600V CoolMOS C6 Power Transistor IPD60R950C6, IPB60R950C6IPP60R950C6, IPA60R950C61 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the supe

IPD60R280CFD7MOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS CFD7 Power TransistorCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies. The latest CoolMOS CFD7 is thesuccessor to the CoolMOS CFD2 series and is an optimized platformtailored to target soft switching applications suc

IPD60R280PFD7SMOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS PFD7 SJ Power DeviceCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies.The latest CoolMOS PFD7 is an optimized platform tailored to targetcost sensitive applications in consumer markets such as charger, adapter,motor d

IPD60R360P7SMOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS P7 Power TransistorThe CoolMOS 7th generation platform is a revolutionary technology fortabhigh voltage power MOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction(SJ) principle and pioneered by Infineon Technologies. The 600VCoolMOS P7 series is the successor to the CoolMOS P6 series. Itcombines the benefits of a fast switching SJ MOSF

IGLD60R070D1IGLD60R070D1 600V CoolGaN enhancement-mode Power Transistor Features Enhancement mode transistor Normally OFF switch Ultra fast switching No reverse-recovery charge GSK Capable of reverse conduction SS Low gate charge, low output charge DD Superior commutation ruggedness DD Qualified for industrial applications accor

IPD60R180P7SMOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS P7 Power TransistorThe CoolMOS 7th generation platform is a revolutionary technology fortabhigh voltage power MOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction(SJ) principle and pioneered by Infineon Technologies. The 600VCoolMOS P7 series is the successor to the CoolMOS P6 series. Itcombines the benefits of a fast switching SJ MOSF

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C6 600V600V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPD60R3K3C6Data SheetRev. 2.3FinalIndustrial & Multimarket +
ipd60r1k5ce ipu60r1k5ce.pdf

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS CE600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPx60R1K5CEData SheetRev. 2.0FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPD60R1K5CE, IPU60R1K5CEDPAK IPAK1 DescriptiontabtabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunctio

IPDD60R150G7MOSFETPG-HDSOP-10-1600V CoolMOS G7 Power TransistorThe C7 GOLD series (G7) for the first time brings together the benefits of1098the C7 GOLD CoolMOS technology, 4 pin Kelvin Source capability and76the improved thermal properties of the DDPAK package to enable apossible SMD solution for high current topologies such as PFC up to 3kW.Pin 12345F

Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleFD650R17IE4IGBT-modulesPrimePACK2 Modul und NTCPrimePACK2 module and NTCVorlufige Daten / Preliminary DataV = 1700VCESI = 650A / I = 1300AC nom CRMTypische Anwendungen Typical Applications 3-Level-Applikationen 3-Level-Applications Chopper-Anwendungen Chopper Applications Hochleistungsu

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C7650V CoolMOS C7 Power TransistorIPD65R225C7Data SheetRev. 2.0FinalPower Management & Multimarket650V CoolMOS C7 Power TransistorIPD65R225C7DPAK1 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andp
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C6650V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPx65R380C6 Data SheetRev. 2.1, 2011-02-17Rev. 2.2, 2013-07-31Final Industrial & Multimarket650V CoolMOS C6 Power Transistor IPD65R380C6, IPI65R380C6IPB65R380C6, IPP65R380C6IPA65R380C61 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MO
fd650r17ie4d b2.pdf

/ Technical InformationIGBT-FD650R17IE4D_B2IGBT-modulesPrimePACK2 NTCPrimePACK2 module and NTC / Preliminary DataV = 1700VCESI = 650A / I = 1300AC nom CRM Typical Applications 3-Level-Applications Chopper Applications Auxiliary I

IPD60R280P7MOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS P7 Power TransistorThe CoolMOS 7th generation platform is a revolutionary technology fortabhigh voltage power MOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction(SJ) principle and pioneered by Infineon Technologies. The 600VCoolMOS P7 series is the successor to the CoolMOS P6 series. Itcombines the benefits of a fast switching SJ MOSFE
ipd60r450e6 ipp60r450e6 ipa60r450e6.pdf

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS E6 600V600V CoolMOS E6 Power TransistorIPx60R450E6Data SheetRev. 2.2FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CIMOS E6 Pwer Transistr IPD60R450E6, IPP60R450E6IPA60R450E61 DescriptinCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs designed according to the superjunction (S )
ipd65r400ce ips65r400ce.pdf

IPD65R400CE, IPS65R400CEMOSFETDPAK IPAK SL650V CoolMOS CE Power TransistortabtabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle and2pioneered by Infineon Technologies. CoolMOS CE series combines the 13experience of the leading SJ MOSFET supplier with high class innovation.The resulting de

IPD60R600CPCIMOS #:A0:9 for industrial grade applications 688DF9>CC6CH; Halogen free mold compoundPGTO252 :
ipb65r600c6 ipa65r600c6 ipp65r600c6 ipd65r600c6 ipi65r600c6.pdf

MOSFET+ =L9D - PA;%'*H (>E4@ +@0=A8AB>@ "( ) "(" ) "( ) "(( ) IPA65R600C61 Descriptin!GGD+ - 1Y AK 9 J=NGDMLAGF9JQ L=;@FGDG?Q >GJ @A?@ NGDL9?= HGO=J+ - 1$#2K

IPDD60R125G7MOSFETPG-HDSOP-10-1600V CoolMOS G7 Power TransistorThe C7 GOLD series (G7) for the first time brings together the benefits of1098the C7 GOLD CoolMOS technology, 4 pin Kelvin Source capability and76the improved thermal properties of the DDPAK package to enable apossible SMD solution for high current topologies such as PFC up to 3kW.Pin 12345F

IPD60R210PFD7SMOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS PFD7 SJ Power DeviceCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies.The latest CoolMOS PFD7 is an optimized platform tailored to targetcost sensitive applications in consumer markets such as charger, adapter,motor d

IPD65R1K0CEMOSFETDPAK650V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies. CoolMOS CE is aprice-performance optimized platform enabling to target cost sensitiveapplications in Consumer and Lighting markets by still meeting high

Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleFD600R17KE3_B2IGBT-modulesVorlufige DatenIGBT, Brems-Chopper / IGBT, Brake-Chopper Preliminary DataHchstzulssige Werte / Maximum Rated ValuesKollektor-Emitter-SperrspannungT = 25C V 1700 Vvj CESCollector-emitter voltageKollektor-Dauergleichstrom T = 80C, T = 150C I 600 AC vj max C nomContinuous DC col
fd600r06me3 b11 s2.pdf

/ Technical InformationIGBT-FD600R06ME3_B11_S2IGBT-modulesEconoDUAL3 /IGBT3pressfitNTCEconoDUAL3 module with Trench/Fieldstop IGBT3 and Emitter Controlled 3 diode and PressFIT / NTC / Preliminary DataV = 600VCESI = 600A / I = 1200A

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS E6 650V650V CoolMOS E6 Power TransistorIPD65R250E6Data SheetRev. 2.2FinalIndustrial & Multimarket650V CoolMOS E6 Power TransistorIPD65R250E6DPAK1 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpi
ipa65r650ce ipd65r650ce.pdf

IPA65R650CE, IPD65R650CEMOSFETTO-220 FP DPAK650V CoolMOS CE Power TransistortabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle and2pioneered by Infineon Technologies. CoolMOS CE is a 13price-performance optimized platform enabling to target cost sensitiveapplications in Consumer and Lighti
ipa60r460ce ipd60r460ce.pdf

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS CE600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPx60R460CEData SheetRev. 2.0FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorIPD60R460CE, IPA60R460CEDPAK TO-220 FP1 DescriptiontabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunctio

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C7650V CoolMOS C7 Power TransistorIPD65R190C7Data SheetRev. 2.1FinalPower Management & Multimarket650V CoolMOS C7 Power TransistorIPD65R190C7DPAK1 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andp

IPD60R1K0PFD7SMOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS PFD7 SJ Power DeviceCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies.The latest CoolMOS PFD7 is an optimized platform tailored to targetcost sensitive applications in consumer markets such as charger, adapter,motor d
ipa60r380p6 ipd60r380p6 ipp60r380p6.pdf

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS P6600V CoolMOS P6 Power TransistorIPx60R380P6Data SheetRev. 2.1FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CoolMOS P6 Power TransistorIPP60R380P6, IPA60R380P6, IPD60R380P6TO-220 TO-220 FP DPAK1 Descriptiontab tabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed accor

IPD600N25N3 GOptiMOSTM3 Power-TransistorProduct SummaryFeaturesVDS 250 V N-channel, normal levelRDS(on),max 60mW Excellent gate charge x R product (FOM)DS(on)ID 25 A Very low on-resistance RDS(on) 175 C operating temperature Pb-free lead plating; RoHS compliant Qualified according to JEDEC1) for target application Halogen-free according to
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCFDA Automotive650V CoolMOS CFDA Power TransistorIPD65R420CFDA Data SheetRev. 2.1FinalAutomotive650V CoolMOS CFDA Power TransistorIPD65R420CFDADPAK1 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS P6600V CoolMOS P6 Power TransistorIPx60R600P6Data SheetRev. 2.2FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CoolMOS P6 Power TransistorIPB60R600P6, IPP60R600P6, IPA60R600P6,IPD60R600P6DPAK TO-220 TO-220 FP1 DescriptiontabtabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFET

IPD60R180C7MOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS C7 Power DeviceCoolMOS C7 is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies.600V CoolMOS C7 series combines the experience of the leading SJMOSFET supplier with high class innovation.21The 600V C7 is the first technology eve
ipa60r600p6 ipd60r600p6 ipp60r600p6.pdf

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS P6600V CoolMOS P6 Power TransistorIPx60R600P6Data SheetRev. 2.1FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CoolMOS P6 Power TransistorIPP60R600P6, IPA60R600P6, IPD60R600P6TO-220 TO-220 FP DPAK1 Descriptiontab tabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed accor

IPD60R170CFD7MOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS CFD7 Power DeviceCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies. The latest CoolMOS CFD7 is thesuccessor to the CoolMOS CFD2 series and is an optimized platformtailored to target soft switching applications such as

CoolMOS CP 600V600V CoolMOS CP Power TransistorIPD60R385CPData SheetRev. 2.4FinalPower Management & MultimarketIPD60R385CPCIMOS#:A0

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS CFD2 650V650V CoolMOS CFD2 Power TransistorIPD65R1K4CFDData SheetRev. 2.0Rev. 2.1, 2013-07-31FinalIndustrial & Multimarket650V CoolMOS CFD2 Power TransistorIPD65R1K4CFDDPAK1 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETs,designed according to the superjuncti

IPDD60R080G7MOSFETPG-HDSOP-10-1600V CoolMOS G7 Power TransistorThe C7 GOLD series (G7) for the first time brings together the benefits of1098the C7 GOLD CoolMOS technology, 4 pin Kelvin Source capability and76the improved thermal properties of the DDPAK package to enable apossible SMD solution for high current topologies such as PFC up to 3kW.Pin 12345F
ipb60r600p6 ipp60r600p6 ipd60r600p6 ipa60r600p6.pdf

IPB60R600P6, IPP60R600P6, IPD60R600P6,IPA60R600P6MOSFETDPAK PG-TO 220 DPAK600V CoolMOS P6 Power Transistortab tabtabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle and22pioneered by Infineon Technologies. CoolMOS P6 series combines the 1 133experience of the leading SJ MOSFET suppli
fd600r17kf6c b2.pdf

Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleFD600R17KF6C_B2IGBT-modulesIHM-A Modul mit low loss IGBT2 and Emitter Controlled Diode IHM-A module with low loss IGBT2 and Emitter Controlled Diode Vorlufige DatenIGBT, Brems-Chopper / IGBT, Brake-Chopper Preliminary DataHchstzulssige Werte / Maximum Rated ValuesKollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung T = 25C 1700vj

IPDD60R050G7MOSFETPG-HDSOP-10-1600V CoolMOS G7 Power TransistorThe C7 GOLD series (G7) for the first time brings together the benefits of1098the C7 GOLD CoolMOS technology, 4 pin Kelvin Source capability and76the improved thermal properties of the DDPAK package to enable apossible SMD solution for high current topologies such as PFC up to 3kW.Pin 12345F
ipw65r660cfd ipb65r660cfd ipi65r660cfd ipa65r660cfd ipp65r660cfd ipd65r660cfd.pdf

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS CFD2 650V650V CoolMOS CFD2 Power TransistorIPx65R660CFDData SheetRev. 2.4FinalIndustrial & Multimarket650V CoolMOS CFD2 Power TransistorIPW65R660CFD, IPB65R660CFD, IPP65R660CFDIPA65R660CFD, IPD65R660CFD, IPI65R660CFDTO-247 DPAK TO-2201 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for hi
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IPD60R600P7MOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS P7 Power TransistorThe CoolMOS 7th generation platform is a revolutionary technology fortabhigh voltage power MOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction(SJ) principle and pioneered by Infineon Technologies. The 600VCoolMOS P7 series is the successor to the CoolMOS P6 series. Itcombines the benefits of a fast switching SJ MOSFE

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C6600V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPD60 1K4C6 Data Sheet ev. 2.0 20100719Final Industrial & Multimarket600V CIMOS C6 Pwer Transistr IPD60R1K4C61 DescriptinCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETs designed according to the superjunction (S ) principle and pioneer

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCFDA Automotive650V CoolMOS CFDA Power TransistorIPD65R660CFDA Data SheetRev. 2.1FinalAutomotive650V CoolMOS CFDA Power TransistorIPD65R660CFDADPAK1 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered

/ Technical InformationIGBT-FD600R12IP4DIGBT-modulesPrimePACK2 /IGBT4 NTCPrimePACK2 module with Trench/Fieldstop IGBT4, enlarged Emitter Controlled 4 diode and NTC / Preliminary DataV = 1200VCESI = 600A / I = 1200AC nom CRM
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MO Met l Oxi e emi n t iel e t n i t C lMO C D C lMO C D e n i t I x 4 C DD t eet e 4Rev. 2.6 in lPower Management & MultimarketIn ti l & M ltim ket C lMO C D e n i t I 4 C D I 4 C D I 4 C DI 4 C D I D 4 C D I I 4 C D O 47 D O 1 DescriptinC lMO i e l ti n te n l i lt e p eMO e i ne in t t e pej n ti n ) pin i
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C6 600V600V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPx60R950C6Data SheetRev. 2.4FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CoolMOS C6 Power Transistor IPD60R950C6, IPB60R950C6IPP60R950C6, IPA60R950C61 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the sup
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Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleFD600R17KE3_B2IGBT-modulesVorlufige DatenIGBT, Brems-Chopper / IGBT, Brake-Chopper Preliminary DataHchstzulssige Werte / Maximum Rated ValuesKollektor-Emitter-SperrspannungT = 25C V 1700 Vvj CESCollector-emitter voltageKollektor-Dauergleichstrom T = 80C, T = 150C I 600 AC vj max C nomContinuous DC col

IGLD60R190D1IGLD60R190D1 600V CoolGaN enhancement-mode Power Transistor Features Enhancement mode transistor Normally OFF switch Ultra fast switching No reverse-recovery charge GSK Capable of reverse conduction SS Low gate charge, low output charge DD Superior commutation ruggedness DD Qualified for industrial applications accor

IPD60R360CFD7MOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS CFD7 Power TransistorCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies. The latest CoolMOS CFD7 is thesuccessor to the CoolMOS CFD2 series and is an optimized platformtailored to target soft switching applications suc

IPD60R210CFD7MOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS CFD7 Power TransistorCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies. The latest CoolMOS CFD7 is thesuccessor to the CoolMOS CFD2 series and is an optimized platformtailored to target soft switching applications suc

IPD60R520CPCIMOSTM #:A0:9 688DF9>CC6CH PGTO252 ::7!"% # 4= /0=4290/ 1:H8=>C
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C6 600V600V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPx60R380C6Data SheetRev. 2.3FinalPower Management & Multimarket600V CIMOS C6 Pwer Transistr IPD60R380C6, IPI60R380C6IPB60R380C6, IPP60R380C6IPA60R380C61 DescriptinCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs designed according

IPD60R600PFD7SMOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS PFD7 SJ Power DeviceCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies.The latest CoolMOS PFD7 is an optimized platform tailored to targetcost sensitive applications in consumer markets such as charger, adapter,motor d

IPD60R1K5PFD7SMOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS PFD7 SJ Power DeviceCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies.The latest CoolMOS PFD7 is an optimized platform tailored to targetcost sensitive applications in consumer markets such as charger, adapter,motor d
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IPD60R800CE, IPA60R800CEMOSFETDPAK PG-TO 220 FP600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistortabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle and2pioneered by Infineon Technologies. CoolMOS CE is a 13price-performance optimized platform enabling to target cost sensitiveapplications in Consumer and Ligh

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS E6 600V600V CoolMOS E6 Power TransistorIPx60R380E6Data SheetRev. 2.5FinalPower Management & Multimarket C lMO e n i t I I I D O O D 1 Descriptint b tabC lMO i e l ti n te n l i lt e p eMO e i ne in t t e pej n ti n ) pin iple n 2pi neee b In ine n e n l ie C
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IPB60R380P6, IPP60R380P6, IPD60R380P6,IPA60R380P6MOSFETDPAK PG-TO 220 DPAK600V CoolMOS P6 Power Transistortab tabtabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle and22pioneered by Infineon Technologies. CoolMOS P6 series combines the 1 133experience of the leading SJ MOSFET suppli
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IPD60R3K4CE, IPU60R3K4CE, IPS60R3K4CEMOSFETDPAK IPAK IPAK SL600V CoolMOS CE Power TransistortabtabtabCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powerMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle and2pioneered by Infineon Technologies. CoolMOS CE is a 11233price-performance optimized platform enabling to target cost sensitivea

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C6 650V 650V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPD65R950C6 Data SheetRev. 2.0FinalIndustrial & Multimarket650V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPD65R950C6DPAK1 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle and

IPD60R145CFD7MOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS CFD7 Power TransistorCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies. The latest CoolMOS CFD7 is thesuccessor to the CoolMOS CFD2 series and is an optimized platformtailored to target soft switching applications suc

MOSFET+ =L9D - PA;%'*H (>E4@ +@0=A8AB>@ "( ) "(" ) "( ) "(( ) IPA65R600C61 Descriptin!GGD+ - 1Y AK 9 J=NGDMLAGF9JQ L=;@FGDG?Q >GJ @A?@ NGDL9?= HGO=J+ - 1$#2K

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C6650V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPx65R380C6 Data SheetRev. 2.1, 2011-02-17Final Industrial & Multimarket650V CoolMOS C6 Power Transistor IPD65R380C6, IPI65R380C6IPB65R380C6, IPP65R380C6IPA65R380C61 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETs, designed accord

IPD650P06NMMOSFETD-PAKOptiMOSTM Power Transistor, -60 VFeaturestab P-Channel Very low on-resistance RDS(on) 100% avalanche tested Normal Level Enhancement mode1 Pb-free lead plating; RoHS compliant3 Halogen-free according to IEC61249-2-21Product validationFully qualified according to JEDEC for Industrial ApplicationsDraintabTable 1 Ke

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C6 650V 650V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPD65R1K4C6Data SheetRev. 2.0FinalIndustrial & Multimarket650V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorIPD65R1K4C6DPAK1 DescriptionCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andp

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS C6 600V600V CoolMOS C6 Power TransistorlPD60R2KOC6Data SheetRev. 2.1FinalIndustrial & Multimarket +
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MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorCoolMOS E6 600V600V CoolMOS E6 Power TransistorIPx60R380E6Data SheetRev. 2.6FinalPower Management & Multimarket C lMO e n i t I I I D O O D 1 Descriptint b tabC lMO i e l ti n te n l i lt e p eMO e i ne in t t e pej n ti n ) pin iple n 2pi neee b In ine n e n l ie C

IPD65R1K5CEMOSFETDPAK650V CoolMOS CE Power TransistorCoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage powertabMOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle andpioneered by Infineon Technologies. CoolMOS CE is aprice-performance optimized platform enabling to target cost sensitiveapplications in Consumer and Lighting markets by still meeting high

IPD60R600P7SMOSFETDPAK600V CoolMOS P7 Power TransistorThe CoolMOS 7th generation platform is a revolutionary technology fortabhigh voltage power MOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction(SJ) principle and pioneered by Infineon Technologies. The 600VCoolMOS P7 series is the successor to the CoolMOS P6 series. Itcombines the benefits of a fast switching SJ MOSF

Advanced Technical Information MIAA20WD600TMHSingle Phase Three PhaseConverter - Inverter ModuleRectifier Inverter NPT IGBTVRRM = 1600 V VCES = 600 VIDAVM25 = 65 A IC25 = 29 AIFSM = 550 A VCE(sat) = 2.1 VPart name (Marking on product)MIAA20WD600TMHP P1T1 T3 T5D8 D10D1 D3 D5NTC1G1 G3 G5L1U V WL2T2T4 T6D2D9 D11 NTC2 D4 D6E 72873G2 G4 G6Pin configu

MIXD600PF650TSFVCES = 2x 650 VXPT IGBT ModuleIC25 = 750 AVCE(sat) = 1.5 VPhase leg + free wheeling Diodes + NTCPart numberMIXD600PF650TSFBackside: isolatedE7287352 1 8 7 94310/116Features / Advantages: Applications: Package: SimBus F High level of integration - only one AC motor drives Isolation Voltage: 3000 V~ power semiconductor module required

Advanced Technical Information MIAA15WD600TMHSingle Phase Three PhaseConverter - Inverter ModuleRectifier Inverter NPT IGBTVRRM = 1600 V VCES = 600 VIDAVM25 = 65 A IC25 = 23 AIFSM = 550 A VCE(sat) = 2.1 VPart name (Marking on product)MIAA15WD600TMHP P1T1 T3 T5D8 D10D1 D3 D5NTC1G1 G3 G5L1U V WL2T2T4 T6D2D9 D11 NTC2 D4 D6E 72873G2 G4 G6Pin configu

Advanced Technical Information MIAA10WD600TMHSingle Phase Three PhaseConverter - Brake - InverterRectifier Inverter ModuleVRRM = 1600 V VCES = 600 VIDAVM25 = 35 A IC25 = 18 ANPT IGBTIFSM = 270 A VCE(sat) = 2.1 VPart name (Marking on product)MIAA10WD600TMHP P1T1 T3 T5D10D8 D1 D3 D5G1NTC1G3 G5L1WU VL2T2T4 T6D2D11D9 NTC2 D4 D6E 72873G2 G4 G6

MCCTM Micro Commercial Components20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth2SD667LMicro Commercial ComponentsCA 91311Phone: (818) 701-4933Fax: (818) 701-4939Features Low Frequency Power Amplifier NPN Complementary Pair with 2SB647/A Plastic-Encapsulate Epoxy meets UL 94 V-0 flammability rating Moisture Sensitivity Level 1Transistor Lead Free Finish/Rohs Compl
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2SD667(A)-BMCCMicro Commercial ComponentsTM2SD667(A)-C20736 Marilla Street ChatsworthMicro Commercial ComponentsCA 913112SD667(A)-DPhone: (818) 701-4933Fax: (818) 701-4939Features Epoxy meets UL 94 V-0 flammability ratingNPN Silicon Moisture Sensitivity Level 1 Capable of 0.9Watts of Power Dissipation. Capable of 0.9Watts of Power Dissipation.Pla

NTD60N03Power MOSFET60 Amps, 28 VoltsN-Channel DPAKDesigned for low voltage, high speed switching applications inpower supplies, converters and power motor controls and bridgehttp://onsemi.comcircuits.V(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAXTypical Applications28 V 6.1 mW 60 A Power Supplies ConvertersN-Channel Power Motor ControlsD Bridge CircuitsMAXIMUM RATING

NTMD6P02R2Preferred DevicePower MOSFET6 Amps, 20 VoltsPChannel SO8, DualFeatures Ultra Low RDS(on)http://onsemi.com Higher Efficiency Extending Battery Life Logic Level Gate Drive Miniature Dual SO8 Surface Mount Package6 AMPERES Diode Exhibits High Speed, Soft Recovery20 VOLTS Avalanche Energy SpecifiedRDS(on) = 33 mW SO8 Mountin

NTMFD6H852NLPower MOSFET80 V, 25.5 mW, 25 A, Dual N-ChannelFeatures Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losseswww.onsemi.com Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS CompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAXMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)25.5 mW @ 10 VPara

NIMD6302R2HDPlus Dual N-ChannelSelf-protected Field EffectTransistors with 1:200Current Mirror FEThttp://onsemi.comHDPlus devices are an advanced series of power MOSFET whichutilize ON Semiconductors latest MOSFET technology process toachieve the lowest possible on-resistance per silicon area while5.0 AMPERESincorporating smart features. They are capable of withstanding h

February 2004 FDD6685 30V P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This P-Channel MOSFET is a rugged gate version of 40 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 20 m @ VGS = 10 V RDS(ON) = 30 m @ VGS = 4.5 V Fairchild Semiconductors advanced PowerTrench Fast switching speed process. It has been optimized for power management applications requiring a

BD675, BD675A, BD677,BD677A, BD679, BD679A,BD681BD681 is a Preferred DevicePlastic Medium-PowerSilicon NPN Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon NPN Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMPERESgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesNPN SILICON High DC Current Gain:60,
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February 2004FDD6612A/FDU6612A30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 30 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 20 m @ VGS = 10 Vspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 28 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vconverters using either synchronous or conventionalswitching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for Low gate

BD676, BD676A, BD678,BD678A, BD680, BD680A,BD682, BD682TPlastic Medium-PowerSilicon PNP Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon PNP Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMP DARLINGTONgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesPNP SILICON High DC Current Gain -45, 60, 80, 100 V

NTQD6866R2Power MOSFET6.9 Amps, 20 VoltsN-Channel TSSOP-8Features New Low Profile TSSOP-8 Package Ultra Low RDS(on) http://onsemi.com Higher Efficiency Extending Battery Life Logic Level Gate Drive6.9 AMPERES Diode Exhibits High Speed, Soft Recovery20 VOLTS Avalanche Energy Specified30 mW @ VGS = 4.5 V IDSS and VDS(on) Specified at Elevated Tempe

MTD6N20EPower MOSFET6 A, 200 V, N-Channel DPAKThis advanced Power MOSFET is designed to withstand highenergy in the avalanche and commutation modes. The new energyefficient design also offers a drain-to-source diode with a fastrecovery time. Designed for low voltage, high speed switchinghttp://onsemi.comapplications in power supplies, converters and PWM motor controls,these de

NDD60N550U1N-Channel Power MOSFET600 V, 550 mWFeatures 100% Avalanche Tested These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHShttp://onsemi.comCompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAXABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)600 V 550 mW @ 10 VParameter Symbol NDD UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage VDSS 600 VGate-to-Source Voltage VGS 25 V N-Channel

NTD6415ANLN--Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 23 A, 56 m, LogicLevelFeatures Low RDS(on)http://onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested AEC--Q101 QualifiedV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX ID MAX These Devices are Pb--Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSCompliant56 m @4.5 V100 V 23 A52 m @10VMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ =25C unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Value Uni

NTMFD6H840NLPower MOSFET80 V, 6.9 mW, 74 A, Dual N-ChannelFeatures Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losseswww.onsemi.com Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS CompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAXMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)6.9 mW @ 10 VParame

NVMYS4D6N04CLMOSFET Power, SingleN-Channel40 V, 4.5 mW, 78 AFeatureswww.onsemi.com Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver LossesV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX LFPAK4 Package, Industry Standard4.5 mW @ 10 V AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable40 V 78 A7.2 mW @ 4.5 V

NTMD6N03R2Power MOSFET30 V, 6 A, Dual N-Channel SOIC-8Features Designed for use in low voltage, high speed switching applications http://onsemi.com Ultra Low On-Resistance ProvidesHigher Efficiency and Extends Battery LifeVDSS RDS(ON) Typ ID Max- RDS(on) = 0.024 W, VGS = 10 V (Typ)30 V 24 mW @ VGS = 10 V 6.0 A- RDS(on) = 0.030 W, VGS = 4.5 V (Typ) Miniature SOIC-8

Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur

FDD6630A 30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed 21 A, 30 V R = 35 m @ V = 10 V DS(ON) GSspecifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC R = 50 m @ V = 4.5 V DS(ON) GSconverters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for Low gate charge (5n
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MSD601-RT1, MSD601-ST1Preferred Device NPN General PurposeAmplifier TransistorsSurface MountFeatureshttp://onsemi.com Pb-Free Packages are AvailableCOLLECTOR3MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25C)Rating Symbol Value UnitCollector - Base Voltage V(BR)CBO 60 Vdc1 2BASE EMITTERCollector - Emitter Voltage V(BR)CEO 50 VdcEmitter - Base Voltage V(BR)EBO 7.0 VdcMARKINGColl

NTD6414ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 32 A, 37 mWFeatures Low RDS(on) High Current Capabilityhttp://onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSID MAXCompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX (Note 1)MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)100 V 37 mW @ 10 V 32 AParameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-to-Source

NDD60N360U1N-Channel Power MOSFET600 V, 360 mWFeatures 100% Avalanche Tested These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHShttp://onsemi.comCompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAXABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol NDD Unit 600 V 360 mW @ 10 VDrain-to-Source Voltage VDSS 600 VGate-to-Source Voltage VGS 25 VN-Channel

Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur

MOSFET - Power, DualN-Channel80 V, 15 mW, 31 ANTMFD6H846NLFeatureswww.onsemi.com Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver LossesV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS Compliant15 mW @ 10 V80 V31 AMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise n

NTMD6P02R2Preferred DevicePower MOSFET6 Amps, 20 VoltsP-Channel SOIC-8, DualFeatures Ultra Low RDS(on) Higher Efficiency Extending Battery Lifehttp://onsemi.com Logic Level Gate Drive Miniature Dual SOIC-8 Surface Mount Package6 AMPERES, 20 VOLTS Diode Exhibits High Speed, Soft Recovery Avalanche Energy SpecifiedP-Channel SOIC-8 Mounting Inform

NDD60N900U1N-Channel Power MOSFET600 V, 900 mWFeatures 100% Avalanche Testedhttp://onsemi.com These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSCompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX600 V 900 mW @ 10 VABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Value UnitN-Channel MOSFETDrain-to-Source Voltage VDSS 600 VD (2)Gate-to-Source V

BD676, BD676A, BD678,BD678A, BD680, BD680A,BD682, BD682TPlastic Medium-PowerSilicon PNP Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon PNP Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMP DARLINGTONgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesPNP SILICON High DC Current Gain -45, 60, 80, 100 V

BD676, BD676A, BD678,BD678A, BD680, BD680A,BD682, BD682TPlastic Medium-PowerSilicon PNP Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon PNP Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMP DARLINGTONgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesPNP SILICON High DC Current Gain -45, 60, 80, 100 V

NTMD6N04, NVMD6N04Power MOSFET40 V, 5.8 A, Dual N-Channel SOIC-8Features Designed for use in low voltage, high speed switching applications Ultra Low On-Resistance ProvidesHigher Efficiency and Extends Battery Lifehttp://onsemi.com- RDS(on) = 0.027 W, VGS = 10 V (Typ)- RDS(on) = 0.034 W, VGS = 4.5 V (Typ)VDSS RDS(ON) Typ ID Max Miniature SOIC-8 Surface Mount Packa

FDD6N50TM-F085 500V N-Channel MOSFETDescriptionThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using ON Semiconductor's Featuresproprietary, planar stripe, DMOS technology. 6A, 500V, RDS(on) = 0.9 @VGS = 10 VThis advanced technology has been especially tailored to Low gate charge ( typical 12.8 nC)minimize on-state resistance, provide s

MSD602-RT1Preferred Device NPN General PurposeAmplifier TransistorSurface MountFeatureshttp://onsemi.com Pb-Free Packages are AvailableCOLLECTOR3MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25C)Rating Symbol Value UnitCollector-Base Voltage V(BR)CBO 60 VdcCollector-Emitter Voltage V(BR)CEO 50 VdcEmitter-Base Voltage V(BR)EBO 7.0 Vdc2 1Collector Current - Continuous IC 500 mAdcBA

NTD6415AN, NVD6415ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 23 A, 55 mWFeatures Low RDS(on) High Current Capabilityhttp://onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested AEC Q101 Qualified - NVD6415ANID MAX These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS CompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX (Note 1)MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)100 V 55 mW @ 10 V 23 AParameter Symbol Value

BD676, BD676A, BD678,BD678A, BD680, BD680A,BD682, BD682TPlastic Medium-PowerSilicon PNP Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon PNP Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMP DARLINGTONgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesPNP SILICON High DC Current Gain -45, 60, 80, 100 V
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NTD6416AN, NVD6416ANMOSFET Power,N-Channel100 V, 17 A, 81 mWFeatureshttp://onsemi.com Low RDS(on) High Current CapabilityID MAX 100% Avalanche TestedV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX (Note 1) NVD Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring100 V 81 mW @ 10 V 17 AUnique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101Qualified and PPAP Capable These De

NVD6824NLPower MOSFET100 V, 20 mW, 41 A, Single N-ChannelFeatures Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses High Current Capability Avalanche Energy Specifiedhttp://onsemi.com AEC-Q101 Qualified These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSV(BR)DSS RDS(on) IDCompliant20 mW @ 10 V100 V 41 AMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise not

NTD6416ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 17 A, 81 mWFeatures Low RDS(on) High Current Capabilityhttp://onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSID MAXCompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX (Note 1)MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)100 V 81 mW @ 10 V 17 AParameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-to-Source

NTD6415ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 23 A, 55 mWFeatures Low RDS(on) High Current Capabilityhttp://onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS CompliantID MAXV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX (Note 1)MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Value Unit100 V 55 mW @ 10 V 23 ADrain-to-Source Voltage VDSS 100 VGate

NTMD6N02R2Power MOSFET6.0 Amps, 20 VoltsN-Channel Enhancement ModeDual SO-8 Packagehttp://onsemi.comFeaturesVDSS RDS(ON) TYP ID MAX Ultra Low RDS(on)20 V 35 mW @ VGS = 4.5 V 6.0 A Higher Efficiency Extending Battery Life Logic Level Gate Drive Miniature Dual SOIC-8 Surface Mount PackageN-Channel Diode Exhibits High Speed, Soft RecoveryD Avalanch
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NTD65N03RPower MOSFET25 V, 65 A, Single N-Channel, DPAKFeatures Low RDS(on) Ultra Low Gate Chargehttp://onsemi.com Low Reverse Recovery Charge Pb-Free Packages are AvailableV(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAXApplications6.5 mW @ 10 V25 V 65 A Desktop CPU Power9.7 mW @ 4.5 V DC-DC Converters High and Low Side SwitchN-ChannelDMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ

NTMD6N04R2Power MOSFET40 V, 5.8 A, Dual N-Channel SOIC-8Features Designed for use in low voltage, high speed switching applicationshttp://onsemi.com Ultra Low On-Resistance ProvidesHigher Efficiency and Extends Battery Life - RDS(on) = 0.027 W, VGS = 10 V (Typ)VDSS RDS(ON) Typ ID Max - RDS(on) = 0.034 W, VGS = 4.5 V (Typ)40 V 27 mW @ VGS = 10 V 5.8 A Miniature S
ntd6414an nvd6414an.pdf

NTD6414AN, NVD6414ANMOSFET Power,N-Channel100 V, 32 A, 37 mWFeatureshttp://onsemi.com Low RDS(on) High Current CapabilityID MAX 100% Avalanche TestedV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX (Note 1) NVD Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring100 V 37 mW @ 10 V 32 AUnique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101Qualified and PPAP Capable These De

MOSFET - Power, SingleN-Channel100 V, 3.6 mW, 131 ANTMFS3D6N10MCLFeatureswww.onsemi.com Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver LossesV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX Primary DC-DC MOSFET3.6 mW @ 10 V Synchronous Rectifier in DC-DC and AC-DC100 V 131 A5.8 mW @ 4.5 V
ntd60n02r-035 ntd60n02r ntd60n02r.pdf

NTD60N02RPower MOSFET62 A, 25 V, N-Channel, DPAKFeatures Planar HD3e Process for Fast Switching Performancehttp://onsemi.com Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Loss Low Ciss to Minimize Driver LossV(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAX Low Gate Charge25 V 8.4 mW @ 10 V 62 A Optimized for High Side Switching Requirements inHigh-Efficiency DC-DC Converters Pb-Free

MSD602-RT1G,SMSD602-RT1GPreferred Device NPN General PurposeAmplifier TransistorSurface Mounthttp://onsemi.comFeatures AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable S Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring UniqueSC-59Site and Control Change RequirementsCASE 318D These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSSTYLE 1Compliant*COLLECTOR

BD675, BD675A, BD677,BD677A, BD679, BD679A,BD681BD681 is a Preferred DevicePlastic Medium-PowerSilicon NPN Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon NPN Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMPERESgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesNPN SILICON High DC Current Gain:60,

NVMFD6H840NLPower MOSFET80 V, 6.9 mW, 74 A, Dual N-ChannelFeatures Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losseswww.onsemi.com Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses NVMFD6H840NLWF - Wettable Flank Option for EnhancedOptical InspectionV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable6.9 mW @ 1

NTD6414AN, NVD6414ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 32 A, 37 mWFeatures Low RDS(on) High Current Capabilityhttp://onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested AEC Q101 Qualified - NVD6414ANID MAX These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS CompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX (Note 1)MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)100 V 37 mW @ 10 V 32 AParameter Symbol Value

FCD600N65S3R0MOSFET Power, N-Channel,SUPERFET III, Easy Drive650 V, 6 A, 600 mWDescriptionwww.onsemi.comSUPERFET III MOSFET is ON Semiconductors brand-new highvoltage super-junction (SJ) MOSFET family that is utilizing chargebalance technology for outstanding low on-resistance and lower gateVDSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAXcharge performance. This advanced technology is tailore

MJD6039, NJVMJD6039T4GDarlington PowerTransistorsDPAK For Surface Mount ApplicationsDesigned for general purpose power and switching such as output orhttp://onsemi.comdriver stages in applications such as switching regulators, convertors,and power amplifiers.SILICON FeaturesPOWER TRANSISTORS Lead Formed for Surface Mount Applications in Plastic Sleeves 4 AMPERES,(No S
nimd6001n nimd6001an.pdf

NIMD6001N, NIMD6001ANDual N-Channel Driver withDiagnostic Output60 V, 3 A, 110 mWNIMD6001N/AN is a dual 3 Amp low-side switch with anintegrated common disable input and drain diagnostic output. Pullinghttp://onsemi.comthe Disable pin low will override any applied gate voltages and turn offboth FET switches. Should either Drain-Source voltage exceed3.0 AMPERESapproximately 50

MOSFET - Power, SingleN-Channel100 V, 3.6 mW, 132 ANVMFS3D6N10MCLFeatureswww.onsemi.com Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver LossesV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX NVMFWS3D6N10MCL - Wettable Flank Option for Enhanced3.6 mW @ 10 VOptical Inspection100 V 132 A5.8 mW @ 4.5

MOSFET Power, SingleN-Channel40 V, 0.48 mW, 533 ANVMTS0D6N04CFeatureswww.onsemi.com Small Footprint (8x8 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver LossesV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX Wettable Flank Plated for Enhanced Optical Inspection40 V 0.48 mW @ 10 V 533 A AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP C

NTD6416AN, NVD6416ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 17 A, 81 mWFeatures Low RDS(on) High Current Capabilityhttp://onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested AEC Q101 Qualified - NVD616ANID MAX These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS CompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX (Note 1)100 V 81 mW @ 10 V 17 AMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Value

NDD60N745U1N-Channel Power MOSFET600 V, 745 mWFeatures 100% Avalanche Testedhttp://onsemi.com These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSCompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX600 V 745 mW @ 10 VABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Value UnitN-Channel MOSFETDrain-to-Source Voltage VDSS 600 VD (2)Gate-to-Source V

NIMD6001N, NIMD6001ANDual N-Channel Driver withDiagnostic Output60 V, 3 A, 110 mWNIMD6001N/AN is a dual 3 Amp low-side switch with anintegrated common disable input and drain diagnostic output. Pullinghttp://onsemi.comthe Disable pin low will override any applied gate voltages and turn offboth FET switches. Should either Drain-Source voltage exceed3.0 AMPERESapproximately 50

NTD6416ANLN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 19 A, 74 mWFeatures Low RDS(on)http://onsemi.com High Current Capability 100% Avalanche Tested These are Pb-Free DevicesV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX ID MAXMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)100 V 74 mW @ 10 V 19 AParameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage VDSS 100 VDGate-to-Source Voltage - Continuo

BD675G, BD675AG,BD677G, BD677AG,BD679G, BD679AG, BD681GPlastic Medium-PowerSilicon NPN Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon NPN Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMPERESgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesNPN SILICON High DC Current Gain60, 80, 100 VOLTS, 40 WATT

MJD6039, NJVMJD6039T4GDarlington PowerTransistorsDPAK For Surface Mount ApplicationsDesigned for general purpose power and switching such as output orhttp://onsemi.comdriver stages in applications such as switching regulators, convertors,and power amplifiers.SILICON FeaturesPOWER TRANSISTORS Lead Formed for Surface Mount Applications in Plastic Sleeves 4 AMPERES,(No S

NTMTS0D6N04CPower MOSFET40 V, 0.48 mW, 533 A, Single N-ChannelFeatures Small Footprint (8x8 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losseswww.onsemi.com Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSCompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAXTypical Applications40 V 0.48 mW @ 10 V 533

BD676, BD676A, BD678,BD678A, BD680, BD680A,BD682, BD682TPlastic Medium-PowerSilicon PNP Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon PNP Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMP DARLINGTONgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesPNP SILICON High DC Current Gain -45, 60, 80, 100 V

MTD6P10EPreferred DevicePower MOSFET6 Amps, 100 VoltsP-Channel DPAKThis Power MOSFET is designed to withstand high energy in theavalanche and commutation modes. The energy efficient design alsohttp://onsemi.comoffers a drain-to-source diode with a fast recovery time. Designed forlow voltage, high speed switching applications in power supplies,converters and PWM motor control

MSD601-RT1, MSD601-ST1Preferred Device NPN General PurposeAmplifier TransistorsSurface MountFeatureshttp://onsemi.com Pb-Free Packages are AvailableCOLLECTOR3MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25C)Rating Symbol Value UnitCollector - Base Voltage V(BR)CBO 60 Vdc1 2BASE EMITTERCollector - Emitter Voltage V(BR)CEO 50 VdcEmitter - Base Voltage V(BR)EBO 7.0 VdcMARKINGColl

NTD6416AN, NVD6416ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 17 A, 81 mWFeatures Low RDS(on) High Current Capabilityhttp://onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested NVD Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications RequiringID MAXUnique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 V(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX (Note 1)Qualified and PPAP Capable100 V 81 mW @ 10 V 17 A These Devices a

NTMD6601NR2GPower MOSFET80 V, 2.2 A, Dual N-Channel, SO-8Features Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losseshttp://onsemi.com Optimized Gate Charge to Minimize Switching LossesV(BR)DSS RDS(on) Max Dual SO-8 Surface Mount Package Saves Board Space ID Max This is a Pb-Free Device215 mW @ 10 V80 V 2.2 A245 mW @ 4.5 V

BD675, BD675A, BD677,BD677A, BD679, BD679A,BD681BD681 is a Preferred DevicePlastic Medium-PowerSilicon NPN Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon NPN Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMPERESgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesNPN SILICON High DC Current Gain:60,
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FDD6N50 / FDU6N50N-Channel UniFETTM MOSFET500 V, 6 A, 900 mDescriptionFeatures RDS(on) = 900 m (Max.) @ VGS = 10 V, ID = 3 AUniFETTM MOSFET is ON Semiconductors high voltage MOSFET family based on planar stripe and DMOS technology. Low Gate Charge (Typ. 12.8 nC)This MOSFET is tailored to reduce on-state resistance, and to Low Crss (Typ. 9 pF)provide bet
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NTD6416ANL, NVD6416ANLN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 19 A, 74 mWFeatures Low RDS(on)www.onsemi.com High Current Capability 100% Avalanche TestedV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX ID MAX NVD Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications RequiringUnique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101100 V 74 mW @ 10 V 19 AQualified and PPAP Capable These Devices are Pb-Free

Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur

NTD6415AN, NVD6415ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 23 A, 55 mWFeatures Low RDS(on) High Current Capabilityhttp://onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested NVD Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications RequiringID MAXV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX (Note 1)Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101Qualified and PPAP Capable100 V 55 mW @ 10 V 23 A These Devices

NTD6414AN, NVD6414ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 32 A, 37 mWFeatures Low RDS(on) High Current Capabilityhttp://onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested NVD Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications RequiringID MAXV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAXUnique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 (Note 1)Qualified and PPAP Capable100 V 37 mW @ 10 V 32 A These Devices
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NTMSD6N303R2Power MOSFET6 Amps, 30 VoltsN-Channel SO-8 FETKYtThe FETKY product family incorporates low RDS(on) MOSFETshttp://onsemi.compackaged with an industry leading, low forward drop, low leakageSchottky Barrier rectifier to offer high efficiency components in aMOSFETspace saving configuration. Independent pinouts for MOSFET and6.0 AMPERESSchottky die allow the flexibi

MSD601-RT1, MSD601-ST1Preferred Device NPN General PurposeAmplifier TransistorsSurface MountFeatureshttp://onsemi.com Pb-Free Packages are AvailableCOLLECTOR3MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25C)Rating Symbol Value UnitCollector - Base Voltage V(BR)CBO 60 Vdc2 1BASE EMITTERCollector - Emitter Voltage V(BR)CEO 50 VdcEmitter - Base Voltage V(BR)EBO 7.0 VdcMARKINGColl

MOSFET - Power, DualN-Channel80 V, 15 mW, 31 ANVMFD6H846NLFeatureswww.onsemi.com Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver LossesV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX NVMFD6H846NLWF - Wettable Flank Option for Enhanced15 mW @ 10 VOptical Inspection80 V31 A19 mW @ 4.5 V AEC-

NVD6495NLN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 25 A, 50 mW, LogicLevelFeatures Low RDS(on)http://onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested AEC-Q101 QualifiedV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX ID MAX These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS Compliant54 mW @ 4.5 V100 V 25 AMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)50 mW @ 10 VParameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage V

NTQD6968NPower MOSFET7.0 A, 20 V, Common Drain, Dual N-Channel, TSSOP-8Featureshttp://onsemi.com Low RDS(on) Higher Efficiency Extending Battery LifeV(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAX Logic Level Gate Drive20 V 17 mW @ 4.5 V 7.0 A 3 mm Wide TSSOP-8 Surface Mount Package High Speed, Soft Recovery DiodeN-Channel N-Channel TSSOP-8 Mounting Information Provide

NTMD6P02R2Preferred DevicePower MOSFET6 Amps, 20 VoltsPChannel SO8, DualFeatures Ultra Low RDS(on)http://onsemi.com Higher Efficiency Extending Battery Life Logic Level Gate Drive Miniature Dual SO8 Surface Mount Package6 AMPERES Diode Exhibits High Speed, Soft Recovery20 VOLTS Avalanche Energy SpecifiedRDS(on) = 33 mW SO8 Mountin

BD675, BD675A, BD677,BD677A, BD679, BD679A,BD681BD681 is a Preferred DevicePlastic Medium-PowerSilicon NPN Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon NPN Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMPERESgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesNPN SILICON High DC Current Gain:60,
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Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur

BD676, BD676A, BD678,BD678A, BD680, BD680A,BD682, BD682TPlastic Medium-PowerSilicon PNP Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon PNP Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMP DARLINGTONgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesPNP SILICON High DC Current Gain -45, 60, 80, 100 V

Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur

NVMFD6H852NLPower MOSFET80 V, 25.5 mW, 25 A, Dual N-ChannelFeatures Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losseswww.onsemi.com Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses NVMFD6H852NLWF - Wettable Flank Option for EnhancedOptical InspectionV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable25.5 mW @

NVD6820NLPower MOSFET90 V, 17 mW, 50 A, Single N-ChannelFeatures Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses High Current Capability Avalanche Energy Specifiedhttp://onsemi.com AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSV(BR)DSS RDS(on) IDCompliant16.7 mW @ 10 V90 V 50 AMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unl

NTD6416ANL, NVD6416ANLN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 19 A, 74 mWFeatures Low RDS(on)http://onsemi.com High Current Capability 100% Avalanche TestedV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX ID MAX NVD Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications RequiringUnique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101100 V 74 mW @ 10 V 19 AQualified and PPAP Capable These Devices are Pb-F
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NTMD6N03R2,NVMD6N03R2Power MOSFET30 V, 6A, Dual N--Channel SOIC--8http://onsemi.comFeatures Designed for use in low voltage, high speed switching applicationsVDSS RDS(ON) Typ ID Max Ultra Low On--Resistance ProvidesHigher Efficiency and Extends Battery Life30 V 24 m @VGS =10V 6.0 A-- RDS(on) = 0.024 , VGS = 10 V (Typ)-- RDS(on) = 0.030 , VGS = 4.5 V (Typ)N-

NVD6828NLPower MOSFET90 V, 20 mW, 41 A, Single N-ChannelFeatures Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses High Current Capability Avalanche Energy Specifiedhttp://onsemi.com AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSV(BR)DSS RDS(on) IDCompliant20 mW @ 10 V90 V 41 AMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unles

BD675G, BD675AG,BD677G, BD677AG,BD679G, BD679AG, BD681GPlastic Medium-PowerSilicon NPN Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon NPN Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMPERESgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesNPN SILICON High DC Current Gain60, 80, 100 VOLTS, 40 WATT

Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur

NID6002NPreferred DeviceSelf-Protected FETwith Temperature and Current Limit65 V, 6.5 A, Single N-Channel, DPAKhttp://onsemi.comHDPlus devices are an advanced series of power MOSFETsVDSS ID TYPwhich utilize ON Semiconductors latest MOSFET technology(Clamped) RDS(on) TYP (Limited)process to achieve the lowest possible on-resistance per silicon areawhile incorporatin
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NTD6415ANL, NVD6415ANLN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 23 A, 56 mW, LogicLevelFeatures Low RDS(on)www.onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested NVD Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications RequiringV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX ID MAXUnique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101Qualified and PPAP Capable56 mW @ 4.5 V100 V 23 A These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS

NTMTS0D6N04CLPower MOSFET40 V, 0.42 mW, 554.5 A, Single N-ChannelFeatures Small Footprint (8x8 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losseswww.onsemi.com Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSCompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAXTypical Applications0.42 mW @ 10 V40 V
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NTD6600NPower MOSFET100 V, 12 A, N-Channel,Logic Level DPAKFeatures Source-to-Drain Diode Recovery Time Comparable to a http://onsemi.comDiscrete Fast Recovery Diode Avalanche Energy SpecifiedV(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAX Logic Level100 V 118 mW @ 5.0 V 12 A Pb-Free Packages are AvailableTypical ApplicationsN-Channel PWM Motor ControlsD Power Su

Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur

MOSFET - Power, SingleP-Channel-40 V, 9.5 mW, -64 ANVTFS9D6P04M8LFeatures Small Footprint (3.3 x 3.3 mm) for Compact Designwww.onsemi.com Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses NVTFWS9D6P04M8L - Wettable Flanks ProductV(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX ID MAX AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable9.5 mW @ -10 V These Device

MSD601-RT1, MSD601-ST1Preferred Device NPN General PurposeAmplifier TransistorsSurface MountFeatureshttp://onsemi.com Pb-Free Packages are AvailableCOLLECTOR3MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25C)Rating Symbol Value UnitCollector - Base Voltage V(BR)CBO 60 Vdc1 2BASE EMITTERCollector - Emitter Voltage V(BR)CEO 50 VdcEmitter - Base Voltage V(BR)EBO 7.0 VdcMARKINGColl
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MTD6N15Power Field Effect TransistorDPAK for Surface MountN-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon GateThis TMOS Power FET is designed for high speed, low loss powerswitching applications such as switching regulators, converters,http://onsemi.comsolenoid and relay drivers.V(BR)DSS RDS(on) MAX ID MAXFeatures150 V 0.3 W 6.0 A Silicon Gate for Fast Switching Speeds Low RDS(

BD676, BD676A, BD678,BD678A, BD680, BD680A,BD682, BD682TPlastic Medium-PowerSilicon PNP Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon PNP Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMP DARLINGTONgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesPNP SILICON High DC Current Gain -45, 60, 80, 100 V

MSD602-RT1GNPN General PurposeAmplifier TransistorSurface MountFeatureshttp://onsemi.com S Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring UniqueSite and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 Qualified andPPAP Capable These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSSC-59Compliant*CASE 318DSTYLE 1MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25C)COLLECTORRatin
mtd6n20et4 mtd6n20et4g.pdf

MTD6N20EPower MOSFET6 A, 200 V, N-Channel DPAKThis advanced Power MOSFET is designed to withstand highenergy in the avalanche and commutation modes. The new energyefficient design also offers a drain-to-source diode with a fastrecovery time. Designed for low voltage, high speed switchinghttp://onsemi.comapplications in power supplies, converters and PWM motor controls,these de

FQD6N40CN-Channel QFET MOSFET 400 V, 4.5 A, 1.0 DescriptionFeaturesThis N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFET is produced using ON Semiconductors proprietary planar 4.5 A, 400 V, RDS(on) = 1.0 (Max.) @VGS = 10 V, ID = 2.25 Astripe and DMOS technology. This advanced MOSFET Low Gate Charge (Typ. 16 nC)technology has been especially tailored to reduce on-st

BD675, BD675A, BD677,BD677A, BD679, BD679A,BD681BD681 is a Preferred DevicePlastic Medium-PowerSilicon NPN Darlingtonshttp://onsemi.comThis series of plastic, medium-power silicon NPN Darlingtontransistors can be used as output devices in complementary4.0 AMPERESgeneral-purpose amplifier applications.POWER TRANSISTORSFeaturesNPN SILICON High DC Current Gain:60,
2sd637 e.pdf

Transistor2SD637Silicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor low-power general amplificationUnit: mm6.9 0.1 2.5 R0.9 1.0Features R0.9High foward current transfer ratio hFE.Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat).M type package allowing easy automatic and manual insertion aswell as stand-alone fixing to the printed circuit board.0.850.55 0.1 0.45

Transistor2SD637Silicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor low-power general amplificationUnit: mm6.9 0.1 2.5 R0.9 1.0Features R0.9High foward current transfer ratio hFE.Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat).M type package allowing easy automatic and manual insertion aswell as stand-alone fixing to the printed circuit board.0.850.55 0.1 0.45
2sd601a e.pdf

Transistor2SD601ASilicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor general amplificationUnit: mmComplementary to 2SB709A+0.22.8 0.3+0.250.65 0.15 1.5 0.05 0.65 0.15FeaturesHigh foward current transfer ratio hFE.Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat).1Mini type package, allowing downsizing of the equipment and3automatic insertion through the tape packin
2sd638 e.pdf

Transistor2SD638, 2SD639Silicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor medium-power general amplificationUnit: mmComplementary to 2SB643 and 2SB6446.9 0.1 2.5 R0.9 1.0FeaturesR0.9Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat).M type package allowing easy automatic and manual insertion aswell as stand-alone fixing to the printed circuit board.0.85Absolute
2sd602 e.pdf

Transistor2SD602, 2SD602ASilicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor general amplificationUnit: mmComplementary to 2SB710 and 2SB710A+0.2Features2.8 0.3+0.25 0.65 0.15 1.5 0.05 0.65 0.15Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat).Mini type package, allowing downsizing of the equipment andautomatic insertion through the tape packing and the magazine1pack

Transistor2SD662, 2SD662BSilicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor high breakdown voltage general amplificationUnit: mm6.9 0.1 2.5 R0.9 1.0Features R0.9High collector to emitter voltage VCEO.High transition frequency fT.M type package allowing easy automatic and manual insertion aswell as stand-alone fixing to the printed circuit board.0.85Absolute Maximum
2sd661 e.pdf

Transistor2SD661, 2SD661ASilicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor low-frequency and low-noise amplificationUnit: mm6.9 0.1 2.5 R0.9 1.0R0.9FeaturesLow noise voltage NV.High foward current transfer ratio hFE.M type package allowing easy automatic and manual insertion aswell as stand-alone fixing to the printed circuit board.0.850.55 0.1 0.45 0.05Abso

Transistor2SD661, 2SD661ASilicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor low-frequency and low-noise amplificationUnit: mm6.9 0.1 2.5 R0.9 1.0R0.9FeaturesLow noise voltage NV.High foward current transfer ratio hFE.M type package allowing easy automatic and manual insertion aswell as stand-alone fixing to the printed circuit board.0.850.55 0.1 0.45 0.05Abso

Transistor2SD602, 2SD602ASilicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor general amplificationUnit: mmComplementary to 2SB710 and 2SB710A+0.2Features2.8 0.3+0.25 0.65 0.15 1.5 0.05 0.65 0.15Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat).Mini type package, allowing downsizing of the equipment andautomatic insertion through the tape packing and the magazine1pack
2sd662 e.pdf

Transistor2SD662, 2SD662BSilicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor high breakdown voltage general amplificationUnit: mm6.9 0.1 2.5 R0.9 1.0Features R0.9High collector to emitter voltage VCEO.High transition frequency fT.M type package allowing easy automatic and manual insertion aswell as stand-alone fixing to the printed circuit board.0.85Absolute Maximum

Transistor2SD601ASilicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor general amplificationUnit: mmComplementary to 2SB709A+0.22.8 0.3+0.250.65 0.15 1.5 0.05 0.65 0.15FeaturesHigh foward current transfer ratio hFE.Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat).1Mini type package, allowing downsizing of the equipment and3automatic insertion through the tape packin

UTC D65H2 PNP EXPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR PNP EXPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR DESCRIPTION The UTC D65H2 is a general purpose power application and switching. FEATURE 1*Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE(sat)=-1v(MAX)@-15A *Fast Switching Speeds TO-220 1:BASE 2:COLLECTOR 3:EMITTER ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25C) PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNITCollector to
2sd669 2sd669a.pdf

UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 2SD669/A NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR BIPOLAR POWER GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTOR APPLICATIONS * Low frequency power amplifier complementary pair with UTC 2SB649/A ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Pin Assignment Package Packing Lead Free Halogen Free 1 2 3 2SD669xL-x-AA3-R 2SD669xG-x-AA3-R SOT-223 B C E Tape Reel2SD669xL-x-AB3-R 2SD669xG-

UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 2SD667 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN EPITAXIAL DESCRIPTION The UTC 2SD667 is a NPN epitaxial silicon transistor, which can be used as a low frequency power amplifier. FEATURES * Low frequency power amplifier ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Pin Assignment Package Packing Lead Free Halogen Free 1 2 3 2SD667L-x-AE3-R 2SD6

STD6528SSemiconductor Semiconductor NPN Silicon TransistorApplication Micom Direct drive and switching Application Features Very low saturation voltage: VCE(sat)=0.2V (Max.) @ IC=50mA, IB=5mA High DC current gain: hFE=1000~2500 Ordering Information Type NO. Marking Package Code STD6528S ZA SOT-23Outline Dimensions unit : mm 2.20~2.60 1.20~1.40 1 3

STD6528EFNPN Silicon TransistorApplication PIN Connection Micom Direct drive and switching Application Features 3 Very low saturation voltage: VCE(sat)=0.2V (Max.) 1 @ IC=50mA, IB=5mA High DC current gain: hFE=1000~2500 2 Small size SMD package SOT-523F Ordering Information Type NO. Marking Package Code ZB STD6528EF SOT-523F

SEMICONDUCTORSBD643/645/647/649/651 SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS NPN epitaxial-base transistors in a monolithic Dalrington circuit and housed in a TO-220 enveloppe. They are intended for output stages in audio equipment, general amplifiers, and analogue switching application. PNP complements are BD644, BD646, BD648, BD650 and BD652 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Ratings

PNP BD676/A - BD678/A - BD680/A - BD682/A SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS The BD676/A-BD678/A-BD680/A-BD682/A are PNP transistors mounted in Jedec TO-126 plastic package. They are eptaxial-base transistors in monolithic Darlington circuit for audio and video applications. NPN complements are BD675/A-BD677/A-BD679/A-BD681/A Compliance to RoHS. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symb

SEMICONDUCTORSBD644/646/648/650/652 SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS PNP epitaxial-base transistors in a monolithic Dalrington circuit and housed in a TO-220 enveloppe. They are intended for output stages in audio equipment, general amplifiers, and analogue switching application. NPN complements are BD643, BD645, BD647, BD649 and BD651 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Ratings
bd684 bd683.pdf

PNP BD684 NPN BD683 SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORSThe BD684 are PNP eptaxial-base transistors in monolithic Darlington circuit for audio and video applications. They are mounted in Jedec TO-126 plastic package. NPN complements are BD683 . ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Ratings Value Unit-VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 120 V-VCBO Collector-Base Voltage 120 V-VEBO E

NPN BD675/A - BD677/A - BD679/A - BD681/A SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS The BD675/A-BD677/A-BD679/A-BD681/A are NPN transistors mounted in Jedec TO-126 plastic package. They are eptaxial-base transistors in monolithic Darlington circuit for audio and video applications. PNP complements are BD676/A - BD678/A - BD680/A - BD682/A Compliance to RoHS. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS

PNP BD684 BD684A SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS The BD684 and BD684A are PNP eptaxial-base transistors in monolithic Darlington circuit for audio and video applications. They are mounted in Jedec TO-126 plastic package. NPN complements are BD683 and BD683A. Compliance to RoHS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Ratings Value UnitVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -120 V VC
bd675 bd677 bd679 bd681.pdf

NPN BD675/A - BD677/A - BD679/A - BD681/A SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORSThe BD675/A-BD677/A-BD679/A-BD681/A are NPN They are eptaxial-base transistors in monolithic Darlington circuit for audio and video applications. They are mounted in Jedec TO-126 plastic package. PNP complements are BD676/A-BD678/A-BD680/A-BD682/A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Ratings Value UnitB

NPN BD683 BD683A SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS The BD683 and BD683A are NPN eptaxial-base transistors in monolithic Darlington circuit for audio and video applications. They are mounted in Jedec TO-126 plastic package. PNP complements are BD684 and BD684A. Compliance to RoHS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Ratings Value UnitVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 120 V VCB
bsm30gd60dlc e3224.pdf

Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleBSM 30 GD 60 DLC E3224IGBT-ModulesHchstzulssige Werte / Maximum rated valuesElektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical propertiesKollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung VCES 600 Vcollector-emitter voltageTC = 70C IC,nom. 30 AKollektor-DauergleichstromDC-collector currentTC = 25 C IC 40 APeriodischer Kollektor Spitze

European Power-Semiconductor andElectronics CompanyGmbH + Co. KGMarketing InformationFD 600 R 12 KF455,211,85M8screwing depthmax. 813031,5114E1 C2C1 E2E1C1G1167M440282,5 deep 2,5 deepscrewing depth53max. 8E1 C2 (K)E1G1C1C1 E2 (A)A13/97 Mod-E/ 13.Jan 1998 G.SchulzeFD 600 R 12 KF 4Hchstzulssige Werte / Maximum rated values

Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleBSM 200 GD 60 DLCIGBT-ModulesHchstzulssige Werte / Maximum rated valuesElektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical propertiesKollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung VCES 600 Vcollector-emitter voltageTC= 45C IC,nom. 200 AKollektor-DauergleichstromDC-collector currentTC= 25C IC 226 APeriodischer Kollektor Spitzenstrom
bsm50gd60dlc e3226.pdf

Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleBSM 50 GD 60 DLC E3226IGBT-ModulesHchstzulssige Werte / Maximum rated valuesElektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical propertiesKollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung VCES 600 Vcollector-emitter voltageTC= 80C IC,nom. 50 AKollektor-DauergleichstromDC-collector currentTC= 25C IC 70 APeriodischer Kollektor Spitzenst
bsm20gd60dlc e3224.pdf

Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleBSM 20 GD 60 DLC E3224IGBT-ModulesHchstzulssige Werte / Maximum rated valuesElektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical propertiesKollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung VCES 600 Vcollector-emitter voltageTC= 80C IC,nom. 20 AKollektor-DauergleichstromDC-collector currentTC= 25C IC 32 APeriodischer Kollektor Spitzenst

Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleBSM 150 GD 60 DLCIGBT-ModulesHchstzulssige Werte / Maximum rated valuesElektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical propertiesKollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung VCES 600 Vcollector-emitter voltageTc= 55C IC,nom. 150 AKollektor-DauergleichstromDC-collector currentTc= 25C IC 180 APeriodischer Kollektor Spitzenstrom

Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleBSM 50 GD 60 DLCIGBT-ModulesHchstzulssige Werte / Maximum rated valuesElektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical propertiesKollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung VCES 600 Vcollector-emitter voltageTC= 80C IC,nom. 50 AKollektor-DauergleichstromDC-collector currentTC= 25C IC 70 APeriodischer Kollektor Spitzenstromt

Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleBSM 75 GD 60 DLCIGBT-ModulesHchstzulssige Werte / Maximum rated valuesElektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical propertiesKollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung VCES 600 Vcollector-emitter voltageTC = 70 C IC,nom. 75 AKollektor-DauergleichstromDC-collector currentTC = 25 C IC 95 APeriodischer Kollektor Spitzenstro

European Power-Semiconductor andElectronics CompanyMarketing InformationFD 600 R 16 KF455,211,85M8screwing depthmax. 813031,5114E1 C2C1 E2E1 E2C1 C2G1 G216 187M440 44282,5 deep2,5 deepscrewing depth53 57max. 8E1 C2 (K)E1G1C1C1 E2 (A)VWK Apr. 1997IGBT-Module FD 600 R 16 KF4Hchstzulssige Werte / Maximum rated valuesElekt

Technische Information / Technical InformationIGBT-ModuleBSM 100 GD 60 DLCIGBT-ModulesHchstzulssige Werte / Maximum rated valuesElektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical propertiesKollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung VCES 600 Vcollector-emitter voltageTc= 65C IC,nom. 100 AKollektor-DauergleichstromDC-collector currentTc= 25C IC 130 APeriodischer Kollektor Spitzenstrom

2SD667, 2SD667ASilicon NPN EpitaxialApplication Low frequency power amplifier Complementary pair with 2SB647/AOutlineTO-92MOD1. Emitter2. Collector3. Base3212SD667, 2SD667AAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C)Item Symbol 2SD667 2SD667A UnitCollector to base voltage VCBO 120 120 VCollector to emitter voltage VCEO 80 100 VEmitter to base voltage VEBO 55V

2SD655Silicon NPN EpitaxialApplicationLow frequency power amplifier, MutingOutlineTO-92 (1)1. Emitter2. Collector3. Base3212SD655Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C)Item Symbol Ratings UnitCollector to base voltage VCBO 30 VCollector to emitter voltage VCEO 15 VEmitter to base voltage VEBO 5VCollector current IC 0.7 ACollector peak current iC(peak) 1.0 A

2SD669, 2SD669ASilicon NPN EpitaxialApplicationLow frequency power amplifier complementary pair with 2SB649/AOutlineTO-126 MOD1. Emitter2. Collector3. Base1232SD669, 2SD669AAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C)RatingsItem Symbol 2SD669 2SD669A UnitCollector to base voltage VCBO 180 180 VCollector to emitter voltage VCEO 120 160 VEmitter to base voltage VEBO

2SD669, 2SD669ASilicon NPN EpitaxialADE-208-899 (Z)1st. EditionSep. 2000ApplicationLow frequency power amplifier complementary pair with 2SB649/AOutlineTO-126 MOD1. Emitter2. Collector3. Base1232SD669, 2SD669AAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C)RatingsItem Symbol 2SD669 2SD669A UnitCollector to base voltage VCBO 180 180 VCollector to emitter voltage VCE

BFD63SEMELAB4TH GENERATION MOSFETTO3 (TO204AA) Package Outline.Dimensions in mm (inches)NCHANNEL25.15 (0.99)6.35 (0.25)26.67 (1.05)9.15 (0.36)10.67 (0.42) ENHANCEMENT MODE11.18 (0.44) 1.52 (0.06)3.43 (0.135)HIGH VOLTAGEPOWER MOSFETSVDSS 1000V1 2ID(cont) 6.0A3(case)3.84 (0.151)4.09 (0.161)RDS(on) 2.007.92 (0.312)12.70 (0.50)Pin 1 G

2SD602 / 2SD602A NPN Plastic-Encapsulate Transistor Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen & lead-free SOT-23 FEATURE Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) AL33Top ViewCLASSIFICATION OF hFE (1) C B11 2Product-Rank 2SD602-Q 2SD602-R 2SD602-S 2K ERange 85~170 120~240 170~340 DMarking Code WQ

UMD6N Dual NPN+PNP Digital Transistors (Built-in Resistors) Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen & lead-free FEATURES SOT-363 DTA143T(PNP) and DTC143T(NPN) transistors are built-in a package. Transistor elements are independent, eliminating interference. A Mounting cost and area can be cut in half. ELB

2SD601A 0.1A , 60V NPN Plastic-Encapsulate Transistor Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen & lead-free SOT-23 FEATURE High forward current transfer ratio hFE AL Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) 33Top ViewC BCLASSIFICATION OF hFE 11 22K EProduct-Rank 2SD601A-Q 2SD601A-R 2SD601A-S Ran

2SD667A 1A , 120V NPN Plastic Encapsulated Transistor Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen & lead-free TO-92MOD FEATURES AD Low Frequency Power Amplifier Complementary Pair with 2SB647A BKEFCLASSIFICATION OF hFE (1) CProduct-Rank 2SD667A-B 2SD667A-C 2SD667A-D Range 60~120 100~200 160~320 NG H1 Emitte

2SD669/2SD669A NPN Type Elektronische Bauelemente Plastic Encapsulate Transistors RoHS Compliant ProductA suffix of "-C" specifies halogen & lead-freeTO-126C2. dissipation 10.80.2 PCM : 1mWTamb=25 O3.1 0.1Collector current 1 2 32.20.1 ICM : 1.5 A1.270.1Collector-base voltage 15.50.2V

SSD60N04-12D N-Ch Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET 53A, 40V, RDS(ON) 12m Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen free DESCRIPTION These miniature surface mount MOSFETs utilize a high cell density trench TO-252(D-Pack)process to provide low RDS(on) and to ensure minimal power loss and heat dissipation. Typical applications are DC
kd501 kd502 kd503 kd601 kd602 kd605 kd606 kd607 kd3055 kd3442 kd3772 kd3773 kd4348 kd615 kd616 kd617.pdf

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Continental Device India LimitedAn ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified CompanyNPN SILICON PLASTIC POWER DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR CFD611 (9AW)TO-220FP MARKING : CFD611BCEDesigned for Relay Drive and Motor DriveABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25deg C)DESCRIPTION SYMBOL VALUE UNITCollector -Base Voltage VCBO 110 VCollector Emitter Voltage VCEO 110 VEmitter Base
csb649 a csd669-a.pdf

bd676 bd678 bd680 bd682 bd684 a.pdf

Continental Device India LimitedAn ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified CompanyPNP DARLIGNTON POWER SILICON TRANSISTORS BD676, 676ABD678, 678ABD680, 680ABD682, 684TO126 Plastic PackageECBFor Use As Output Devices In Complementary General Purpose Amplifier Applications.COMPLEMENTARY TO BD675, 675A, 677, 677A, 679, 679A, 681 & 683BD678, 678A, 680, 680A ARE E

Continental Device India LimitedAn ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified CompanyNPN SILICON PLASTIC POWER DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR CSD611(9AW)TO-220 MARKING : CSD611Designed for Relay Drive and Motor DriveABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25deg C)DESCRIPTION SYMBOL VALUE UNITCollector -Base Voltage VCBO 110 VCollector Emitter Voltage VCEO 110 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO 5
bd675 bd677 bd679 bd681 bd683.pdf

Continental Device India LimitedAn ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified CompanyNPN PLASTIC POWER DARLINGTON TRANSISTORS BD675, BD675ABD677, BD677ABD679, BD679ABD681, BD683TO126 Plastic PackageECBComplementary BD676, 676A, 678, 678A, 680, 680A, 682 & 684ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS DESCRIPTION SYMBOL BD675 677 679 681 683 UNITSBD675A 677A 679AVCBOCollector B

Continental Device India LimitedAn ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified CompanyNPN EPITAXIAL PLANAR SILICON TRANSISTOR CSD655(9AW)TO-92BCEMarking : As BelowABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25deg C unless otherwise specified)DESCRIPTION SYMBOL VALUE UNITCollector -Base Voltage VCBO 30 VCollector -Emitter Voltage VCEO 15 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO 5.0 VCollector Curre
cld667 a.pdf

Continental Device India LimitedAn ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified CompanyNPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS CLD667, CLD667ATO-92Plastic PackageBCELow Frequency Power AmplifierComplementary CLB647/CLB647AABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25C unless specified otherwise)DESCRIPTION SYMBOL CLD667 CLD667A UNITSVCBOCollector Base Voltage 120 120 VVCEOC
2sd667 2sd667a.pdf

JIANGSU CHANGJING ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD TO-92MOD Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsTO-92MOD 2SD667,2SD667A TRANSISTOR (NPN)1. EMITTERFEATURES Low Frequency Power Amplifier2. COLLECTOR Complementary Pair with 2SB647/A3. BASE Equivalent Circuit D667=Device code Solid dot = Green molding compound device, D667if none, the normal device XXX=Code
2sd669 2sd669a.pdf

JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD TO-126C Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors 2SD669 TO- 126C 2SD669A TRANSISTOR (NPN) FEATURES 1. EMITTER Low Frequency Power Amplifier Complementary Pair with 2SB649/A 2. COLLECTOR MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) 3. BASE Symbol Parameter Value UnitVCBO Collector- Base Voltage 180 V VCEO Collector-E

JIANGSU CHANGJING ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD TO-220-3L Plastic-Encapsulate Transistor TO-220-3L 3DD13005ND66 TRANSISTOR (NPN) BASE 1 . FEATURES 2. COLLECTOR Power switching applic

JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD TO-126 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors TO 126 2SD669AL TRANSISTOR (NPN) FEATURES 1. EMITTER Low Frequency Power Amplifier 2. COLLECTOR 3. BASE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 200 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 170 V VEBO Emitter-Base Volt

JIANGSU CHANGJING ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors 2SD602A TRANSISTOR (NPN)SOT23 FEATURES Low Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage Mini Type Package1. BASEMAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) 2. EMITTERSymbol Parameter Value Unit 3. COLLECTORV Collector-Base Voltage 60 V CBOV Collector-Emitter Voltage 50

Power Transistors www.jmnic.com BD680 Silicon PNP Transistors Features E C B With TO-126 package In monolithic Darlington configuration This transistor is intended for use in medium power linar and switching applications Complement to type BD679 Absolute Maximum Ratings Tc=25 SYMBOL PARAMETER RATING UNITVCBO Collector to base voltage 80 V VCEO Collector to emitter vol

SEMICONDUCTOR KMB7D6NP30QTECHNICAL DATA N and P-Ch Trench MOSFETGeneral DescriptionSwitching regulator and DC-DC Converter applications.It s mainly suitable for power management in PC,Hportable equipment and battery powered systems.TD P GLFEATURES AN-ChannelDIM MILLIMETERS: VDSS=30V, ID=7.6A.A 5.05+0.25/-0.20: RDS(ON)=20m (Max.) @ VGS=10V_3.90 + 0.3B18 5

SEMICONDUCTOR KMA3D6N20SATECHNICAL DATAN-Ch Trench MOSFETGeneral DescriptionThis Trench MOSFET has better characteristics, such as fast switchingEtime, low on resistance, low gate charge and excellent avalancheL B LDIM MILLIMETERScharacteristics. It is mainly suitable for portable equipment._+A 2.93 0.20B 1.30+0.20/-0.15C 1.30 MAX23 D 0.40+0.15/-0.05E 2.40+0.30

SEMICONDUCTOR KMB6D6N30QTECHNICAL DATA N-Ch Trench MOSFETGeneral DescriptionSwitching regulator and DC-DC Converter applications.It s mainly suitable for power management in PC,portable equipment and battery powered systems.HTD P GLFEATURES VDSS=30V, ID=6.6A.ALow Drain-Source ON Resistance.DIM MILLIMETERS: RDS(ON)=28m (typ.) @ VGS=10VA 5.05+0.25/-0.20: RDS(ON)=

SEMICONDUCTOR KMD6D0DN40QTECHNICAL DATADual N-Ch Trench MOSFETGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThis Trench MOSFET has better characteristics, such as fast switchingtime, low on resistance, low gate charge and excellent avalanchecharacteristics. It is mainly suitable for DC/DC Converters. HTD PG LFEATURES AVDSS=40V, ID=6A.DIM MILLIMETERSA _+Drain-Source ON Resistance. 4.85

SEMICONDUCTOR KML0D6NP20EATECHNICAL DATA N and P-Ch Trench MOSFETGeneral DescriptionIts Mainly Suitable for Load Switching Cell Phones, Battery PoweredBSystems and Level-Shifter.B11 6 DIM MILLIMETERS_A 1.6 + 0.05FEATURES _A1 1.0 + 0.052 5_N-ChannelB 1.6 + 0.05_B1 1.2 + 0.05: VDSS=20V, ID=600mA (RDS(ON)=0.70 @ VGS=4.5V).C 0.503 4_D 0.2 + 0.05


APT60GA60JD60 600V High Speed PT IGBTPOWER MOS 8 is a high speed Punch-Through switch-mode IGBT. Low Eoff is achieved through leading technology silicon design and lifetime control processes. A reduced Eoff - VCE(ON) tradeoff results in superior efficiency compared to other IGBT technologies. Low gate charge and a greatly reduced ratio of Cres/Cies provide excellent noise immunity
bd645 bd647 bd649 bd651.pdf

BD645, BD647, BD649, BD651NPN SILICON POWER DARLINGTONSCopyright 1997, Power Innovations Limited, UK MAY 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1997 Designed for Complementary Use with BD646, BD648, BD650 and BD652TO-220 PACKAGE(TOP VIEW) 62.5 W at 25C Case Temperature 8 A Continuous Collector CurrentB 1C 2 Minimum hFE of 750 at 3 V, 3 AE 3Pin 2 is in electrical contact with the mo

http://www.sanken-ele.co.jp SANKEN ELECTRIC Feb. 2011 Features Package MT100 (TO3P) Low on-state resistance Built-in gate protection diode Applications Electric power steering High current switching Key Specifications V(BR)DSS=60V (ID=100A) RDS(ON)=4.7m Max. (VGS=10V,ID=42A) Internal Equivalent Circuit (2) (1) (3)

IGBT MGD623N July, 2009 Features Package----TO-3P Low Saturation Voltage VCE(sat)=1.7V typ. High Speed tf=200ns typ. Low VF FRD Included VF=1.2V typ. Applications Current Resonance Inverter Switching Induction Heating Cooking Equivalent circuit C (2) G (1) E (3) Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit

IGBT MGD623S July, 2009 Features Package----TO-3P Low Saturation Voltage VCE(sat)=1.8V typ. High Speed tf=120ns typ. Low VF FRD Included VF=1.2V typ. Applications Current Resonance Inverter Switching Induction Heating Cooking Equivalent circuit C (2) G (1) E (3) Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit

VCE = 600 V, IC = 37 A Trench IGBT with Fast Recovery Diode MGD633 Data Sheet Description Package The MGD633 is 600 V trench IGBT. Sanken original TO247-3L trench structure decreases gate capacitance, and achieves (4) high speed switching and switching loss reduction. Thus, C the IGBT can improve the efficiency of your circuit. Features Low Saturation Voltage Hi

UMD6N DIGITAL TRANSISTOR (NPN+ PNP)SOT-363 FEATURES DTA143T(PNP) and DTC143T(NPN) transistors are built-in a package. Transistor elements are independent, eliminating interference. Mounting cost and area can be cut in half. 1 External circuit MARKING:D6 Absolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) Parameter Symbol Limits UnitCollector-base voltage V(BR)CBO 50 VCollector-em

EMD6DIGITAL TRANSISTOR (NPN+ PNP)FEATURES SOT-563 DTA143T(PNP) and DTC143T(NPN) transistors are built-in a package. 1 Transistor elements are independent, eliminating interference. Mounting cost and area can be cut in half. External circuit MARKING:D6 Absolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) Parameter Symbol Limits UnitCollector-base voltage V(BR)CBO 50 VCollector-emitter

2SD602ATRANSISTOR (NPN)SOT23 FEATURES Low Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage Mini Type Package 1. BASE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) 2. EMITTER Symbol Parameter Value Unit 3. COLLECTOR V Collector-Base Voltage 60 V CBOV Collector-Emitter Voltage 50 V CEOV Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V EBOIC Collector Current 500 mA PC Collector

2SD602TRANSISTOR (NPN)SOT23 FEATURES Low Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage Mini Type Package 1. BASE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) 2. EMITTER Symbol Parameter Value Unit 3. COLLECTOR V Collector-Base Voltage 30 V CBOV Collector-Emitter Voltage 25 V CEOV Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V EBOIC Collector Current 500 mA PC Collector P
ced6601 ceu6601.pdf

CED6601/CEU6601P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURES-60V, -16A, RDS(ON) = 86m @VGS = -10V. RDS(ON) = 125m @VGS = -4.5V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.DLead free product is acquired.TO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE MA
ceu655 ced655.pdf

CED655/CEU655N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor PRELIMINARYFEATURES150V, 6.4A, RDS(ON) = 0.45 @VGS = 10V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.DLead free product is acquired.TO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Tc = 25 C
ced6861 ceu6861.pdf

CED6861/CEU6861P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURES-60V, -12A, RDS(ON) = 132m @VGS = -10V. RDS(ON) = 195m @VGS = -4.5V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.DLead free product is acquired.TO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE M
ced6426 ceu6426.pdf

CED6426/CEU6426N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURES60V, 16A , RDS(ON) = 66m @VGS = 10V. RDS(ON) = 85m @VGS = 4.5V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.DLead free product is acquired.TO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE MAXIMU
ceu630n ced630n.pdf

CED630N/CEU630NN-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURES200V, 7.5A, RDS(ON) = 0.36 @VGS = 10V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.DLead free product is acquired.TO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Tc = 25 C unless oth
ceu6086 ced6086.pdf

CED6086/CEU6086N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURES60V, 50A, RDS(ON) = 8.7m @VGS = 10V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.Lead free product is acquired. DTO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Tc = 25 C unless otherw
ced6186 ceu6186.pdf

CED6186/CEU6186N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURES60V, 28A, RDS(ON) = 25m @VGS = 10V. RDS(ON) = 32m @VGS = 4.5V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.DLead free product is acquired.TO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM
ceu6186 ced6186.pdf

CED6186/CEU6186N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURES60V, 28A, RDS(ON) = 25m @VGS = 10V. RDS(ON) = 32m @VGS = 4.5V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.DLead free product is acquired.TO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM
ceu6336 ced6336.pdf

CED6336/CEU6336N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor PRELIMINARYFEATURES60V, 25A , RDS(ON) = 41m @VGS = 10V. RDS(ON) = 55m @VGS = 4.5V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.DLead free product is acquired.TO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABS
ceu6426 ced6426.pdf

CED6426/CEU6426N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURES60V, 16A , RDS(ON) = 66m @VGS = 10V. RDS(ON) = 85m @VGS = 4.5V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.DLead free product is acquired.TO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE MAXIMU
ceu6060n ced6060n.pdf

CED6060N/CEU6060NN-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURES60V, 34A, RDS(ON) = 25m @VGS = 10V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.Lead free product is acquired.DTO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Tc = 25 C unless othe

CED6042/CEU6042N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorPRELIMINARYFEATURES60V, 90A , RDS(ON) = 5m @VGS = 10V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.Lead-free plating ; RoHS compliant.DTO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Tc =
ceu6056 ced6056.pdf

CED6056/CEU6056N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURES60V, 76A , RDS(ON) = 6.2m @VGS = 10V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.Lead free product is acquired.DTO-251 & TO-252 package.D GGSCEU SERIESCED SERIESSTO-252(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Tc = 25 C unless othe
2sd669-2sd669a to-126.pdf

2SD669/2SD669A(NPN) TO-126 TransistorTO-1261. EMITTER 2. COLLECTOR 3. BASE 3 21 Features2.5007.4002.9001.1007.800 Low frequency power amplifier complementary pair 1.500with 2SB649/A 3.9003.0004.100MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) 3.20010.6000.0000.300Symbol Parameter Value Units11.000VCBO Collector- Base Voltage 180 V 2.
2sd667-2sd667a to-92mod.pdf

2SD667/2SD667A TO-92MOD Transistor (NPN)TO-92MOD1. EMITTER 1 22. COLLECTOR 3 3. BASE Features Low frequency power amplifier 5.8006.200 Complementary pair with 2SB647/A 8.400MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) 8.8000.9001.100Symbol Parameter Value Units 0.400VCBO Collector- Base Voltage 120 V 0.600VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 2SD667 8
2sd667-2sd667a to-92l.pdf

2SD667/2SD667A TO-92L Transistor (NPN)TO-92L1. EMITTER 2. COLLECTOR 3. BASE 4.7005.100 2 3 1Features7.800 Low frequency power amplifier 8.200 Complementary pair with 2SB647/A 0.6000.800MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) 0.350Symbol Parameter Value Units0.55013.80014.200VCBO Collector- Base Voltage 120 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Vol
sd168 sd335 sd336 sd337 sd338 sd339 sd340 sd345 sd346 sd347 sd348 sd349 sd350 sd600 sd601 sd602 sd802 sd812.pdf


MSD601NPN General Purpose Transistors31P b Lead(Pb)-Free2SOT-23MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25C)Rating Symbol Value UnitCollector-Emitter VoltageVCEO50 VVCBOCollector-Base Voltage 60 VVEBOEmitter-Base Voltage 7.0 VICCollector Current - Continuous 100 mAIC(P)Collector Current - Peak 200 mATotal Device DissipationPD0.2 mWTA=25CTj CJunction Temperature

2SD669/2SD669ANPN Epitaxial Planar Transistors1. EMITTER2. COLLECTORP b Lead(Pb)-Free3. BASE123TO-126CABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(TA=25C)Rating Symbol 2SD669 2SD669A UnitVCBO180 180 VCollector-Emitter VoltageVCEO120 160 VCollector-Base VoltageVEBOEmitter-Base Voltage 5.0 5.0 VCollector Current IC1.5 APD1.0 WPower DisspationTj150 CJunction T

WNMD6003 WNMD6003 Dual N-Channel, 60V, 0.30A, Power MOSFET Http//:www.sh-willsemi.com VDS (V) Rds(on) () 1.4@ VGS=10V 60 1.7@ VGS=4.5V ESD Rating:2000V HBM SOT-563 Descriptions The WNMD6003 is Dual N-Channel enhancem -ent MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced D1 G2 S2trench technology and design to provide excellent 6 5 4RDS (ON) with low gate charge. This d

Spec. No. : HE6510HI-SINCERITYIssued Date : 1996.07.15Revised Date : 2004.08.16MICROELECTRONICS CORP.Page No. : 1/5HSD667ASILICON NPN EPITAXIALDescriptionLow Frequency Power Amplifier Complementary Pair With HSB647A.TO-92Absolute Maximum Ratings Maximum TemperaturesStorage Temperature ..................................................................................

Spec. No. : H200901 HI-SINCERITY Issued Date : 2009.02.20 Revised Date : MICROELECTRONICS CORP. Page No. : 1/4 HSD669AT NPN Epitaxial Planar Transistor Description Low frequency power amplifier complementary pair with HSB649A TO-126 Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA=25C) Maximum Temperatures Storage Temperature .........................................................

Spec. No. : HE6630HI-SINCERITYIssued Date : 1995.12.18Revised Date : 2006.07.27MICROELECTRONICS CORP.Page No. : 1/4HSD669ANPN Epitaxial Planar TransistorDescriptionLow frequency power amplifier complementary pair with HSB649ATO-126MLAbsolute Maximum Ratings (TA=25C) Maximum TemperaturesStorage Temperature............................................................

AOD609G Complementary Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General DescriptionFeaturesThe AOD609G uses advanced trench technology n-channelMOSFETs to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate VDS (V) = 40V, ID = 12A (VGS=10V) charge. The complementary MOSFETs may be used RDS(ON)

AOD607A30V Complementary MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummaryQ1 Q2VDS 30V -30V Trench Power MOSFET technology Low RDS(ON) ID (at VGS=10V) 8A -12A Low Gate Charge RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD6B65MQ1ETM 650V, 6A AlphaIGBTWith Soft and Fast Recovery Anti-Parallel DiodeGeneral Description Product SummaryVCE Latest AlphaIGBT (IGBT) technology 650V 650V breakdown voltageIC (TC=100 6AC) IGBT copacked with very fast and soft antiparallelVCE(sat) (TJ=25 1.9VC) diode Very good EMI performance with lower turn-on switching losses H

AOD600A60/AOI600A60TM600V, aMOS5 N-Channel Power TransistorGeneral Description Product Summary VDS @ Tj,max 700V Proprietary aMOS5TM technology Low RDS(ON) IDM 32A Optimized switching parameters for better EMI RDS(ON),max

AOD66130V Dual Complementary MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummaryQ1 Q2VDS 30V -30V Trench Power MOSFET technology Low RDS(ON) ID (at VGS=10V) 12A -12A Low Gate Charge RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD66643TM60V N-Channel AlphaSGTGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS60V Trench Power AlphaSGTTM technology ID (at VGS=10V) 70A Low RDS(ON) RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD6661660V N-Channel AlphaSGT TMGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS60V Trench Power MOSFET - AlphaSGTTM technology ID (at VGS=10V) 70A Low RDS(ON) Excellent Gate Charge x RDS(ON) Product (FOM) RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD609Complementary Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThe AOD609 uses advanced trench technology n-channelMOSFETs to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate VDS (V) = 40V, ID = 12A (VGS=10V)charge. The complementary MOSFETs may be usedRDS(ON)

AOD6N50500V,5.3A N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummaryThe AOD6N50 is fabricated using an advanced highvoltage MOSFET process that is designed to deliver high VDS 600V@150levels of performance and robustness in popular AC-DC ID (at VGS=10V) 5.3Aapplications.By providing low RDS(on), Ciss and Crss along RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD606Complementary Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThe AOD606 uses advanced trench n-channel p-channeltechnology MOSFETs to provide VDS (V) = 40V -40Vexcellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge. ID = 8A (VGS=10V) -8A (VGS = -10V)The complementary MOSFETs may be RDS(ON) RDS(ON) used in H-bridge, Inverters and other

AOD66406/AOI66406TM40V N-Channel AlphaSGTGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS40V Trench Power AlphaSGTTM technology ID (at VGS=10V) 60A Low RDS(ON) Logic Level Driving RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD603A60V Complementary MOSFETGeneral Description Product Summary N-Channel P-ChannelThe AOD603A uses advanced trench technologyMOSFETs to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gateVDS= 60V -60Vcharge. The complementary MOSFETs may be ID= 13A (VGS=10V) -13A (VGS=-10V)used in H-bridge, Inverters and other applications. RDS(ON) RDS(ON)

AOD66920TM100V N-Channel AlphaSGTGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS100V Trench Power AlphaSGTTM technology ID (at VGS=10V) 70A Low RDS(ON) Logic Level Driving RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD607Complementary Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThe AOD607 uses advanced trench n-channel p-channeltechnology MOSFETs to provide VDS (V) = 30V -30Vexcellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge. ID = 12A (VGS=10V) -12A (VGS = -10V)The complementary MOSFETs may be RDS(ON) RDS(ON) used in H-bridge, Inverters and other

AOD600A70R/AOI600A70RTM700V, a MOS5 N-Channel Power TransistorGeneral Description Product Summary VDS @ Tj,max 800V Proprietary aMOS5TM technology Low RDS(ON) IDM 34A Optimized switching parameters for better EMI RDS(ON),max

AOND62930TM100V Dual N-Channel AlphaSGTGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS100V Trench Power AlphaSGTTM technology ID (at VGS=10V) 7A Dual N-Ch MOSFET Layout optimized RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD66620TM60V N-Channel AlphaSGTGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS60V Trench Power MOSFET - AlphaSGTTM technology ID (at VGS=10V) 58A Low RDS(ON) Excellent Gate Charge x RDS(ON) Product(FOM) RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD66919TM100V N-Channel AlphaSGTGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS100V Trench Power AlphaSGTTM technology ID (at VGS=10V) 70A Low RDS(ON) Logic Level Driving RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOSD62666ETM60V Dual N-Channel AlphaSGTGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS60V Trench Power AlphaSGTTM technology ID (at VGS=10V) 9.5A Low RDS(ON) Logic Level Gate Drive RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD6B60M1TM600V, 6A AlphaIGBTWith Soft and Fast Recovery Anti-Parallel DiodeGeneral Description Product SummaryVCE Latest AlphaIGBT (IGBT) Technology 600V 600V Breakdown VoltageIC (TC=100C) 6A Very Fast and Soft Recovery Freewheeling DiodeVCE(sat) (TJ=25C) 1.7V High Efficient Turn-On di/dt Controllability Low VCE(sat) Enables High Efficiencies L

AOD66923TM100V N-Channel AlphaSGTGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS100V Trench Power AlphaSGTTM technology ID (at VGS=10V) 58A Low RDS(ON) Logic Level Driving RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD600A70/AOI600A70TM700V, aMOS5 N-Channel Power TransistorGeneral Description Product Summary VDS @ Tj,max 800V Proprietary aMOS5TM technology Low RDS(ON) IDM 34A Optimized switching parameters for better EMI RDS(ON),max

Spec. No. : C659J3 Issued Date : 2008.06.25 CYStech Electronics Corp.Revised Date : Page No. : 1/6 Low Vcesat NPN Epitaxial Planar Transistor BTD6055J3 Features Low VCE(SAT) Low RCE(SAT), RCE(SAT)=50 m(typically) at IC=5A Low operating collector voltage Excellent current gain characteristics at very low VCE Suitable for low dropout voltage applicati

Spec. No. : C659M3 Issued Date : 2008.06.25 CYStech Electronics Corp.Revised Date : Page No. : 1/6 NPN Epitaxial Planar High Current (High Performance) Transistor BTD6055M3Features Low VCE(SAT) Low RCE(SAT), RCE(SAT)=50 m(typically) at IC=5A Low operating collector voltage Excellent current gain characteristics at very low VCE Suitable for low drop

Spec. No. : C894J3 Issued Date : 2013.03.11 CYStech Electronics Corp.Revised Date : 2013.12.30 Page No. : 1/9 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET BVDSS 250VMTED6N25J3 ID 8A435m VGS=10V, ID=5A RDSON(TYP) 410m VGS=6V, ID=3A Features Low Gate Charge Simple Drive Requirement Pb-free lead plating and halogen-free package Equivalent Circuit Out

Spec. No. : C936J3 Issued Date : 2013.12.09 CYStech Electronics Corp.Revised Date : Page No. : 1/9 lN-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET BVDSS 250VMTED6N25KJ3 ID @ VGS=10V 8A422m VGS=10V, ID=5A RDSON(TYP) 399m VGS=6V, ID=3A Features ESD protected Low Gate Charge Fast Switching Characteristic Simple Drive Requirement Pb-free lead

Spec. No. : C652T3-M Issued Date : 2006.05.24 CYStech Electronics Corp.Revised Date : 2011.09.30 Page No. : 1/6 NPN Epitaxial Planar Transistor BD679A Description The BD679A is a NPN Darlington transistor, designed for general purpose amplifier and low speed switching application. Features: High BVCEO Low VCE(SAT) High current gain Monolithic construction
stu650s std650s.pdf

GreenProductSTU/D650SaS mHop Microelectronics C orp.Ver 1.0N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).RDS(ON) (m) MaxVDSS IDRugged and reliable.75 @ VGS=10VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.16A65V97 @ VGS=4.5VGGSSSTU SERIESSTD SERIES( )TO - 252AA D- PAK ( )TO - 25
stu622s std622s.pdf

GreerrPPrPrProSTU/D622SaS mHop Microelectronics C orp.Ver 1.1N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).RDS(ON) (m ) MaxVDSS IDRugged and reliable.74 @ VGS=10VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.17A60V96 @ VGS=4.5VGGSSSTU SERIESSTD SERIES( )TO - 252AA D- PAK (
stu602s std602s.pdf

GreenProduct STU/D602SSamHop Microelectronics Corp.Aug 26,2006N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorPRODUCT SUMMARY FEATURESSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).VDSS IDRDS(ON) ( m ) MaxRugged and reliable.30 @ VGS = 10V22A60VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.38@VGS = 4.5VDDDGGSSGSTU SERIES STD SERIESTO-252AA(D-PAK) TO-251(l-PAK)S
stu618s std618s.pdf

GreenProductSTU/D618SaS mHop Microelectronics C orp.Ver 1.1N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).RDS(ON) (m) MaxVDSS IDRugged and reliable.56 @ VGS=10VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.21A60V70 @ VGS=4.5VGGSSSTU SERIESSTD SERIES( )TO - 252AA D- PAK ( )TO - 25
stu666s std666s.pdf

STU666SGreenProductSTD666SSamHop Microelectronics Corp.Ver 1.0N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).VDSS ID RDS(ON) (m) MaxRugged and reliable.101 @ VGS=10VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.60V 6A 126 @ VGS=4.5V GSSTU SERIESSTD SERIESTO-252AA(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOL
stu624s std624s.pdf

GrerrPPrPrProSTU/D624SSamHop Microelectronics Corp.Ver 1.0N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).RDS(ON) (m ) MaxVDSS IDRugged and reliable.17.5 @VGS=10VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.35A60V30 @VGS=4.5VGGSSSTU SERIESSTD SERIESTO-252AA(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK
stu668s std668s.pdf

STU668SGreenProductSTD668SSamHop Microelectronics Corp.Ver 1.0N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).VDSS ID RDS(ON) (m) MaxRugged and reliable.9.0 @ VGS=10VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.60V 50A13.2 @ VGS=4.5VGSSTU SERIESSTD SERIESTO-252AA(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOL
stu610s std610s.pdf

GreenProductSTU/D610SaS mHop Microelectronics C orp.Ver 1.0N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).RDS(ON) (m) MaxVDSS IDRugged and reliable.9.5A 240 @ VGS=10V60VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.GGSSSTU SERIESSTD SERIES( )TO - 252AA D- PAK ( )TO - 251 I - PAK(TA
stu660 std660.pdf

GreenProductSTU/D660SamHop Microelectronics Corp.Ver 2.1N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).RDS(ON) (m) MaxVDSS IDRugged and reliable.620 @VGS=10VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.80V 3A800 @VGS=4.5VESD Protected.DGGGSSSTU SERIESSTD SERIESTO-252AA(D-PAK)TO-
stu6025nl2 std6025nl2.pdf

GreenProductSTU/D6025NL2aS mHop Microelectronics C orp.Ver 2.0N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).VDSS ID RDS(ON) (m) MaxRugged and reliable.6.5 @ VGS=10VSuface Mount Package.30V 60A9.5 @ VGS=4.5VGGSSSTU SERIES STD SERIESTO-252AA(D-PAK) TO-251(I-PAK)(TA=25
stu609s std609s.pdf

GrPPrPPSTU/D609SaS mHop Microelectronics C orp.Ver 1.1P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).VDSS ID RDS(ON) (m ) MaxRugged and reliable.53 @ VGS=-10VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.-60V -20A80 @ VGS=-4.5VGGSSSTU SERIESSTD SERIES( )TO - 252AA D- PAK ( )TO -
stu664s std664s.pdf

STU664SGreenProductSTD664SSamHop Microelectronics Corp.Ver 1.0N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).RDS(ON) (m) MaxVDSS IDRugged and reliable.60V 30A 20 @VGS=10VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.GSSTU SERIESSTD SERIESTO-252AA(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS
stu616s std616s.pdf

GreenProductSTU/D616SaS mHop Microelectronics C orp.Ver1.1N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).RDS(ON) (m) TypVDSS IDRugged and reliable.64 @ VGS=10VSuface Mount Package.60V 16A81 @ VGS=4.5VESD Protected.DDGGSSSTU SERIES STD SERIESTO-252AA(D-PAK) TO-25
stu670s std670s.pdf

STU670SGreenProductSTD670SSamHop Microelectronics Corp.Ver 1.0N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).VDSS ID RDS(ON) (m) MaxRugged and reliable.15 @ VGS=10VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.60V 36A23 @ VGS=4.5VGSSTU SERIESSTD SERIESTO-252AA(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)ABSOLUTE
stu6025nl std6025nl.pdf

GreenProductSTU/D6025NLSamHop Microelectronics Corp. Feb 25,2006 Ver1.2N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorPRODUCT SUMMARY FEATURESSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).VDSS ID RDS(ON) ( m ) TypRugged and reliable.5.5 @ VGS = 10V30V 60ATO-252 and TO-251 Package.8 @ VGS = 4.5VDDDGGSSGSTU SERIES STD SERIESTO-252AA(D-P
stu608s std608s.pdf

STU/D608SSamHop Microelectronics Corp.Feb. 06 2007N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).VDSS IDRDS(ON) ( m ) MaxRugged and reliable.55 @ VGS = 10VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.60V 16A65@VGS = 4.5VESD Protected.DDGSGSTU SERIES STD SERIESTO-252AA(D-PAK) TO-251(l-PAK)SABSOLU
stu628s std628s.pdf

STU628SGreenProductSTD628SSamHop Microelectronics Corp.Ver 1.0N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for low RDS(ON).VDSS ID RDS(ON) (m) MaxRugged and reliable.12.5 @ VGS=10VTO-252 and TO-251 Package.60V 40A16 @ VGS=4.5VGGSSSTU SERIESSTD SERIESTO-252AA(D-PAK)TO-251(I-PAK)

PD6A8BAN-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID6.2m @VGS = 10V40V 75ATO-252ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted)PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSVDSDrain-Source Voltage 40VVGSGate-Source Voltage 20TC = 25 C75IDContinuous Drain Current2TC = 100 C47AIDM120Pulsed Drain Curren

PD612BAN-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID9m @VGS = 10V30V 47ATO-252ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted)PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSVDSDrain-Source Voltage 30VVGSGate-Source Voltage 20TC= 25 C47IDContinuous Drain Current2TC= 100 C30AIDM120Pulsed Drain Current1

PD636BAN-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID9m @VGS = 10V30V 48A100% RG Test100% UIL TestTO-252ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted)PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSVDSDrain-Source Voltage 30 VVGSGate-Source Voltage 20 VTC= 25 C48IDContinuous Drain Current2TC= 100 C30.5AI

PD648BAN-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID3.9m @VGS = 10V30V 94ATO-252ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted)PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSVDSDrain-Source Voltage 30 VVGSGate-Source Voltage 20 VTC = 25 C94IDContinuous Drain Current2TC = 100 C59AIDM170Pulsed Drain Curre

PD628BAN-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID14m @VGS = 10V30V 27ATO-252ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted)PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSVDSDrain-Source Voltage 30 VVGSGate-Source Voltage 20 VTC= 25 C27IDContinuous Drain CurrentTC= 100 C17AIDM100Pulsed Drain Current1

PD696BAN-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID6m @VGS = 10V30V 66ATO-252ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted)PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSVDSDrain-Source Voltage 30 VVGSGate-Source Voltage 20 VTC= 25 C66IDContinuous Drain Current2TC= 100 C41AIDM150Pulsed Drain Current1

PD632BAN-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID3.7m @VGS = 10V30V 105ATO-252ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted)PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSVDSDrain-Source Voltage 30 VVGSGate-Source Voltage 20 VTC= 25 C105IDContinuous Drain Current2TC= 100 C66AIDM200Pulsed Drain Curre

SSFD6035DDESCRIPTION The SSFD6035 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON) Gand low gate charge .This device is suitable for use as a load switch or in PWM applications. S Schematic diagram GENERAL FEATURES VDS =- 60V,ID =-26A RDS(ON)

SSFD6046 Feathers: ID =12A Advanced trench process technology BV=60V avalanche energy, 100% test Rdson=50mmax. Fully characterized avalanche voltage and current Description: The SSFD6046 is a new generation of middle voltage NChannel enhancement mode trench power MOSFET. This new technology increases the device reliability and electrical SSFD6046param

BRD640 Rev.D May.-2016 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-252 N MOS N-CHANNEL MOSFET in a TO-252 Plastic Package. / Features ,,Low gate charge, low crss, fast switching. / Applications DC/DC These devices are well suited for high efficiency swi

2SD669AD Rev.E May.-2016 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-252 NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-252 Plastic Package. / Features 2SB649AD Complementary pair with 2SB649AD. / Applications Low frequency power amplifier. / Equivalent Circuit / Pinni
2sd667 2sd667a.pdf

2SD667(A) Rev.F Mar.-2016 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-92LM NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package. / Features 2SB647(A)Complementary pair with 2SB647(A). / Applications Low frequency power amplifier. / Equivalent Circuit / P
2sd669 2sd669a.pdf

2SD669(A) Rev.F Mar.-2016 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-126F NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-126F Plastic Package. / Features 2SB649(A)Complementary pair with 2SB649(A). / Applications Low frequency power amplifier. / Equivalent Circuit / P

2SD600K(BR3DA600KQF) Rev.C Feb.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-126F NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-126F Plastic Package. / Features V , 2SB631K(BR3CA631KQF) CEOHigh VCEO ,high current, low VCE(sat) and good linearity of hFE; complementary pair with 2SB63

2SD601A(BR3DG601AM) Rev.C Feb.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions SOT-23 NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a SOT-23 Plastic Package. / Features 2SB709A(BR3CG709AM)Complementary pair with 2SB709A(BR3CG709AM). / Applications General power amplifier applications / Equiva

2SD667(A)(BR3DG667(A)L) Rev.C Feb.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-92LM NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package. / Features 2SB647(BR3CG647L)/2SB647A(BR3CG647AL) Complementary pair with 2SB647(BR3CG647L)/2SB647A(BR3CG647AL). / Applications Low frequency power ampli

BRD65R1K0C Rev.B May.-2022 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-252 N 650V N-CHANNEL 650V Super-Junction Power MOSFET in a TO-252 Plastic Package. / Features R C DS(on) rssLow RDS(on),low gate charge, low Crss, fast switching, HF Product. / Applicatio

2SD655(BR3DG655K) Rev.C Feb.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-92 NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92 Plastic Package. / Features Low frequency. / Applications Low frequency power amplifier. / Equivalent Circuit / Pinning 1 2 3 PIN1Base PIN 2

BRD6N60(BRCS6N60D) Rev.C Feb.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-252 N MOS N-CHANNEL MOSFET in a TO-252 Plastic Package. / Features DS dv/dt Low RDS(ON)Low gate chargeLow Crss Fast switchingImproved dv/dt capability.

BUL6802(BR3DD6802Q) Rev.C Feb.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-126(R) NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-126(R) Plastic Package. / Features , ROHS High Voltage Capability High Speed Switching, wide SOA,ROHS compliant. / Applications

BRD6N70(BRCS6N70D) Rev.C Feb.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-252 N MOS N-CHANNEL MOSFET in a TO-252 Plastic Package. / Features Fast switching, low on resistance, low gate charge, low reverse transfer capacitances. / Applications

2SD669(A)(BR3DA669(A)QF) Rev.C Feb.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-126F NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-126F Plastic Package. / Features 2SB649(BR3CA649QF)/2SB649A(BR3CA649AQF) Complementary pair with 2SB649(BR3CA649QF)/2SB649A(BR3CA649AQF). / Applications Low frequency power

BRD630(BRCS630D) Rev.C Feb.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-252 N MOS N-CHANNEL MOSFET in a TO-252 Plastic Package. / Features ,,Low gate charge, low crss, fast switching. / Applications DC/DC These devices are well suited for high e

2SD602(BR3DG602M) 2SD602A(BR3DG602AM) Rev.C Feb.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions SOT-23 NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a SOT-23 Plastic Package. / Features 2SB710(BR3CG710M),2SB710A(BR3CG710AM)Complementary pair with 2SB710(BR3CG710M),2SB710A(BR3CG710AM) / Applications General

BRD65R650C Rev.B May.-2022 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-252 N 650V N-CHANNEL 650V Super-Junction Power MOSFET in a TO-252 Plastic Package. / Features R C DS(on) rssLow RDS(on),low gate charge, low Crss, fast switching, HF Product. / Applicatio

BRD65R600C Rev.A Dec.-2023 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-252 N 650V N-CHANNEL 650V Super-Junction Power MOSFET in a TO-252 Plastic Package. / Features R Qg100% ROHS DS(on)Very low R Qg,100% avalanche tested,RoHS compliant, HF Product. DS(on) / App

BRD65R380C Rev.B May.-2022 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-252 N 650V N-CHANNEL 650V Super-Junction Power MOSFET in a TO-252 Plastic Package. / Features R C DS(on) rssLow RDS(on),low gate charge, low Crss, fast switching, HF Product. / Applicatio

BRD65R280C Rev.B May.-2022 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-252 N 650V N-CHANNEL 650V Super-Junction Power MOSFET in a TO-252 Plastic Package. / Features R C DS(on) rssLow RDS(on),low gate charge, low Crss, fast switching, HF Product. / Applicatio

RoHS RoHS 2SD669AM SeriesSEMICONDUCTORNell High Power ProductsBipolar General Purpose NPN Power Transistor1.5A / 120V, 160V / 20W2.7 0.11.1(B)32(C)(E)1TO-1260.82.290.5 2.290.5 0.55 1.2 APPLICATIONSCLow frequency power amplifier complementaryE C B Bpair with 2SB649AM/2SB649AM-ANPNEAll dimensions in millimeters

N P N S I L I C O N T R A N S I S T O R Shantou Huashan Electronic Devices Co.,Ltd. HBD681 APPLICATIONS Medium Power Linear switching. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTa=25 TO-126F TstgStorage Temperature -65~150TjJunction Temperature 150PCCollector DissipationTc=25

P N P S I L I C O N T R A N S I S T O R Shantou Huashan Electronic Devices Co.,Ltd. HBD682 APPLICATIONS Medium Power Linear switching. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTa=25 TO-126F TstgStorage Temperature -65~150TjJunction Temperature 150PCCollector DissipationTc=25
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NPN R 3DD6012 A6 3DD6012 A6 NPN VCEO 530 V IC 1.5 A Ptot W TC=25 50

NPN R 3DD6012 A6 3DD6012 A6 NPN VCEO 530 V IC 1.5 A Ptot W TC=25 50
3dd6012 a1.pdf

NPN R 3DD6012 A1 3DD6012 A1 NPN VCEO 530 V IC 1.5 A Ptot Ta=25 0.8 W

3DD6 NPN A B C D E F PCM TC=75 50 W ICM 5 A Tjm 175 Tstg -55~150 VCE=10V Rth 2 /W IC=1.5A V(BR)CBO ICB=7mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)CEO ICE=7mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)EBO IEB=10mA 5.0 V ICBO VCB=20V 1.0 mA

3DD68/3DD69 NPN A B C D E F PCM TC=75 100 W ICM 15 A Tjm 175 Tstg -55~150 VCE=10V Rth 1 /W IC=3A V(BR)CBO ICB=10mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)CEO ICE=10mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)EBO IEB=20mA 5.0 V ICBO VCB=20V 1.5 mA

FHD651(BD651) NPN PCM Tc=25 62.5 W ICM 8 A Tjm 150 Tstg -55~150 V(BR) CBO ICB=30mA 140 V V(BR) CEO ICE=30mA 120 V V(BR)EBO IEB=30mA 5 IEBO VEB=5V 5.0 mA ICEO VCE=60V 0.5 mA IC=3A VCEsat 2.0 V IB=12mA VCE=3V hFE 750 IC=3A

3DD65/3DD66 NPN A B C D E F PCM TC=75 75 W ICM 10 A Tjm 175 Tstg -55~150 VCE=10V Rth 1.33 /W IC=1.5A V(BR)CBO ICB=10mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)CEO ICE=10mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)EBO IEB=15mA 5.0 V ICBO VCB=20V 1.

3DD62/3DD63/3DD64 NPN A B C D E F PCM TC=75 50 W ICM 7.5 A Tjm 175 Tstg -55~150 VCE=10V Rth 2 /W IC=1.5A V(BR)CBO ICB=7mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)CEO ICE=7mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)EBO IEB=10mA 5.0 V ICBO VCB=20V

3CD6 PNP B C D E F G H PCM TC=75 50 W ICM 5 A Tjm 175 Tstg -55~150 VCE=10V Rth 2 /W IC=1.5A V(BR)CBO ICB=5mA 50 80 110 150 200 250 300 V V(BR)CEO ICE=5mA 50 80 110 150 200 250 300 V V(BR)EBO IEB=7mA 4.0 V ICBO VCB=20V

3DD62/3DD63/3DD64 NPN A B C D E F PCM TC=75 50 W ICM 7.5 A Tjm 175 Tstg -55~150 VCE=10V Rth 2 /W IC=1.5A V(BR)CBO ICB=7mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)CEO ICE=7mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)EBO IEB=10mA 5.0 V ICBO VCB=20V

3DD6E-T NPN PCM 50 W ICM 5.0 A Tjm 175 Tstg -55~150 V(BR)CBO ICB=3.0mA 350 V V(BR)CEO ICE=3.0mA 250 V V(BR)EBO IEB=1.0mA 5.0 V ICEO VCE=100V 1.0 mA VBEsat 1.5 IC=2.5A V IB=0.25A VCEsat 1.2 VCE=5.0V hFE 15~270 IC=2.5A

FHD6058(2N6058) NPN PCM Tc=25 150 W ICM 12 A Tstg -55~150 VCBO sus ICB100mA 80 V VCEO sus ICE100mA 80 V VEBO sus IEB100mA 5 V ICEO VCE=40V 1.0 mA IEBO VEB=5V 2.0 mA IC=12A VBEsat 4.0 IB=120mA V IC=6.0A

3CD6 PNP B C D E F G H PCM TC=75 50 W ICM 5 A Tjm 175 Tstg -55~150 VCE=10V Rth 2 /W IC=1.5A V(BR)CBO ICB=5mA 50 80 110 150 200 250 300 V V(BR)CEO ICE=5mA 50 80 110 150 200 250 300 V V(BR)EBO IEB=7mA 4.0 V ICBO VCB=20V

3DD65/3DD66 NPN A B C D E F PCM TC=75 75 W ICM 10 A Tjm 175 Tstg -55~150 VCE=10V Rth 1.33 /W IC=1.5A V(BR)CBO ICB=10mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)CEO ICE=10mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)EBO IEB=15mA 5.0 V ICBO VCB=20V 1.

3DD59/3DD60 NPN A B C D E F PCM TC=75 25 W ICM 5 A Tjm 175 Tstg -55~150 VCE=10V Rth 4 /W IC=0.5A V(BR)CBO ICB=5mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)CEO ICE=5mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)EBO IEB=10mA 5.0 V ICBO VCB=20V 1.0 mA

3DD68/3DD69 NPN A B C D E F PCM TC=75 100 W ICM 15 A Tjm 175 Tstg -55~150 VCE=10V Rth 1 /W IC=3A V(BR)CBO ICB=10mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)CEO ICE=10mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)EBO IEB=20mA 5.0 V ICBO VCB=20V 1.5 mA

3DD62/3DD63/3DD64 NPN A B C D E F PCM TC=75 50 W ICM 7.5 A Tjm 175 Tstg -55~150 VCE=10V Rth 2 /W IC=1.5A V(BR)CBO ICB=7mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)CEO ICE=7mA 30 50 80 110 150 200 V V(BR)EBO IEB=10mA 5.0 V ICBO VCB=20V

2SD601LT1 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR PRE-AMPLIFIER,LOW LEVEL&LOW NOISE Package:SOT-23 * Collector Current: Ic= 100mA * Collector-Emitter Voltage:Vce= 45V * High Total Power Dissipation:Pc=225mW * High Hfe And Good Linearity ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS at Ta=25 Characteristic Symbol Rating UnitCollector-Base Voltage Vcbo 50 V PIN: 1 2 3Collector-Emitter Voltage Vceo 45

RD667 www.jdsemi.cn Bipolar Junction Transistor ShenZhen Jingdao Electronic Co.,Ltd. Si NPN RoHS COMPLIANT 111APPLICATION 1ChargerEmergency lamp and Electric toy control circuit 222FEATURES 2

SEMICONDUCTORBRD630TECHNICAL DATAN-Channel Power MOSFET AICJGENERAL DESCRIPTION DIM MILLIMETERSThis advanced high voltage MOSFET is designed to stand high A 6 50 0 2B 5 60 0 2C 5 20 0 2energy in the avalanche mode and switch efficiently. D 1 50 0 2E 2 70 0 2F 2 30 0 1This new high energy device also offers a drainHH 1 00 MAXI 2 30
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640/F640/I640/E640/B640/D64018A 200V N-channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET1 DescriptionThese N-channel enhanced vdmosfets, is obtained by the2 DV = 200Vself-aligned planar technology which reduce the DSSconduction loss, improve switching performance andR = 0.12DS(on) (TYP)Genhance the avalanche energy. Which accords with the1RoHS standard.I = 18A3 S D2 Featur
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630/F630/I630/E630/B630/D6309A 200V N-channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET1 DescriptionThese N-channel enhanced vdmosfets, is obtained by the2 DV = 200Vself-aligned planar technology which reduce the conduction DSSloss, improve switching performance and enhance theR = 0.23DS(on) (TYP)Gavalanche energy. Which accords with the RoHS standard.1I = 9A3 S D2 Feature
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SMD Type TransistorsNPN General Purpose Transistor2PD601AWFeaturesHigh collector current (max. 100 mA)Low collector-emitter saturation voltage (max. 500 mV).1 Emitter2 Base3 CollectorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 60 VCollector-emitter voltage VCEO 50 VEmitter-base voltage VEBO 6VCollector current IC 100 mAPe

SMD Type ICSMD Type TransistorsNPN General Purpose Transistor2PD601ASOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9-0.1+0.10.4-0.13FeaturesLow current (max. 100 mA)Low voltage (max. 50 V).12+0.1+0.050.95-0.1 0.1-0.01+0.11.9-0.11.Base2.Emitter3.collectorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 60 VCollector-emitter voltage

SMD Type ICSMD Type Transistors30V N-Channel Power Trench MOSFETKDD6030LTO-252Unit: mm6.50+0.15 2.30+0.1-0.15 -0.1Features+0.25.30-0.2 0.50+0.8-0.712 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 14.5m @VGS =10VRDS(ON) =21m @VGS =4.5 VLow gate charge0.1270.80+0.1 max-0.1Fast switching speedHigh performance trench technology for extremely low RDS(ON)1. Gate2.3 0.60+0.1-0.14.60

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SD601ASOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9-0.1+0.10.4 -0.1 Features3 High hFE Low VCE(sat) For general amplification1 2+0.10.95-0.1 0.1+0.05-0.01 Complimentary to 2SB709A+0.11.9-0.11.Base2.Emitter3.collector Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SD602ASOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9-0.1+0.10.4 -0.13 Features Low Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage Mini Type Package1 2 Complimentary to 2SB710A+0.050.95+0.1-0.1 0.1 -0.011.9+0.1-0.11.Base2.Emitter3.collector Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Volt

SMD Type MOSFETN-Channel MOSFETNTD6N15TO-252Unit: mm6.50+0.15-0.15+0.12.30 -0.1+0.25.30-0.2 +0.80.50 -0.7 Features4 VDS (V) = 150V ID = 6 A (VGS = 10V)0.127 RDS(ON) 300m (VGS = 10V)+0.10.80-0.1max Silicon Gate for Fast Switching Speeds Low Drive Requirement 1 Gate2.3 0.60+ 0.1- 0.12 Drain+0.154.60 -0.15D3 S

SMD Type ICSMD Type TransistorsNPN General Purpose Transistor2PD602ASOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9-0.1+0.10.4-0.13FeaturesHigh current (max. 500 mA)12Low voltage (max. 50 V). +0.1+0.050.95-0.1 0.1-0.01+0.11.9-0.11.Base2.Emitter3.collectorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 60 VCollector-emitter voltage

SMD Type TransistorsNPN/PNP Resistor-Equipped TransistorsPUMD6 SOT323-6 (SOT363) Features4 Built-in bias resistors Simplified circuit design5 Reduction of component count 3 Reduced pick and place costs.1.Emitter NPN26 2.Base NPN3.Collector PNP 4.Emitter PNP1PNP34 5.Base PNPTop view6.Collector NPNR1R15 261NPN Absolute
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SVD640T/D/S 18A200V N 2SVD640T/D/S N MOS S-RinTM VDMOS .13. 1. 2. 3.

MMD60R750P Datasheet MMD60R750P 600V 0.75 N-channel MOSFET Description MMD60R750P is power MOSFET using magnachips advanced super junction technology that can realize very low on-resistance and gate charge. It will provide much high efficiency by using optimized charge coupling technology. These user friendly devices give an advantage of Low EMI to designers as well as l

MMD60R900P Datasheet MMD60R900P 600V 0.9 N-channel MOSFET Description MMD60R900P is power MOSFET using magnachips advanced super junction technology that can realize very low on-resistance and gate charge. It will provide much high efficiency by using optimized charge coupling technology. These user friendly devices give an advantage of Low EMI to designers as well as lo

MMD60R360P Datasheet MMD60R360P 600V 0.38 N-channel MOSFET Description MMD60R360P is power MOSFET using magnachips advanced super junction technology that can realize very low on-resistance and gate charge. It will provide much high efficiency by using optimized charge coupling technology. These user friendly devices give an advantage of Low EMI to designers as well as l

MMD60R580P Datasheet MMD60R580P 600V 0.58 N-channel MOSFET Description MMD60R580P is power MOSFET using magnachips advanced super junction technology that can realize very low on-resistance and gate charge. It will provide much high efficiency by using optimized charge coupling technology. These user friendly devices give an advantage of Low EMI to designers as well as

MMD65R380Q Datasheet MMD65R380Q 650V 0.38 N-channel MOSFET Description MMD65R380Q is power MOSFET using Magnachips advanced super junction technology that can realize very low on-resistance and gate charge. It will provide much high efficiency by using optimized charge coupling technology. These user friendly devices give an advantage of low EMI to designers as well as l

MDD6N60G N-Channel MOSFET 600V, 4.5A, 1.45General Description Features These N-channel MOSFET are produced using advanced VDS = 600V MagnaChips MOSFET Technology, which provides low on- ID = 4.5A @ VGS = 10V state resistance, high switching performance and excellent RDS(ON) 1.45 @ VGS = 10V quality. Applications These devices are suitable device for SMPS, high S

MMD60R580PB Datasheet MMD60R580PB 600V 0.58 N-channel MOSFET Description MMD60R580PB is power MOSFET using magnachips advanced super junction technology that can realize very low on-resistance and gate charge. It will provide much high efficiency by using optimized charge coupling technology. These user friendly devices give an advantage of Low EMI to designers as well

MMD60R580Q Datasheet MMD60R580Q 600V 0.58 N-channel MOSFET Description MMD60R580Q is power MOSFET using magnachips advanced super junction technology that can realize very low on-resistance and gate charge. It will provide much high efficiency by using optimized charge coupling technology. These user friendly devices give an advantage of Low EMI to designers as well as

MMD60R360Q Datasheet MMD60R360Q 600V 0.36 N-channel MOSFET Description MMD60R360Q is power MOSFET using Magnachips advanced super junction technology that can realize very low on-resistance and gate charge. It will provide much high efficiency by using optimized charge coupling technology. These user friendly devices give an advantage of Low EMI to designers as well as l

RUH60D60MDual N-Channel Advanced Power MOSFETFeatures Pin Description 60V/60A,D2RDS (ON) =7.2m(Typ.)@VGS=10VD2D1RDS (ON) =8.2m(Typ.)@VGS=4.5VD1 Uses Ruichips Advanced RUISGTTM Technology Low Gate Charge Minimizing Switching LossG2 Ultra Low On-ResistanceS2G1 Excellent QgxRDS(on) product(FOM)S1 100% Avalanche TestedPIN1 Lead Free
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PPJU6NA40 / PJD6NA40 / PJP6NA40 / PJF6NA40 400V N-Channel MOSFET 400 V 6 A Voltage Current Features RDS(ON), VGS@10V,ID@3A
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PPJU6NA70 / PJD6NA70 / PJP6NA70 / PJF6NA70 700V N-Channel MOSFET 700 V 6 A Voltage Current Features RDS(ON), VGS@10V,ID@3A

CHENMKO ENTERPRISE CO.,LTDCHUMD6GPSURFACE MOUNT Dual Digital Silicon TransistorVOLTAGE 50 Volts CURRENT 100 mAmpereAPPLICATION* Switching circuit, Inverter, Interface circuit, Driver circuit.FEATURE* Small surface mounting type. (SC-88/SOT-363)SC-88/SOT-363* High current gain. * Suitable for high packing density.* Low colloector-emitter saturation.* High saturation cur

CHENMKO ENTERPRISE CO.,LTDCHIMD6GPSURFACE MOUNT Dual Digital Silicon TransistorVOLTAGE 50 Volts CURRENT 100 mAmpereAPPLICATION* Switching circuit, Inverter, Interface circuit, Driver circuit.FEATURE* Small surface mounting type. (SC-74/SOT-457)SC-74/SOT-457* High current gain. * Suitable for high packing density.* Low colloector-emitter saturation.(4)* High saturatio
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N N-CHANNEL MOSFET FHU630A/FHD630A /FHP630A /FHF630A MAIN CHARACTERISTICS FEATURES ID 9A Low gate charge VDSS 200V Crss ( 24pF) Low Crss (typical 24pF ) Rdson-typ @Vgs=10V 0.3 Fast switching Qg-typ 12nC 100% 100% avalanche tested dv/d

TRANSISTOR D667A MAIN CHARACTERISTICS FEATURES IC 600mA Epitaxial silicon VCEO 165V High switching speed PC 625mW RoHS RoHS product APPLICATIONS High frequency switch power supply Commonly power amplifier circuit High frequency power
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15A100VN-CHANNELMOSFET KNX6610AKIAKIAKIASEMICONDUCTORSSEMICONDUCTORSSEMICONDUCTORS1. FeaturesThe KNX6610Ais the highest performance trench N-ch MOSFETSwith extreme high cell density,which provide excellent RDSONand gate charge for most of the synchronous buck converter applications.The KNX6610A meet the RoHSand green product requirement, 100%EASguaranteed with full func

2N6125(3CD6125) PNP /SILICON PNP TRANSISTOR Purpose: Medium power linear switching applications. 2N61223DD6122 Features: Complement to 2N6122(3DD6122). /Absolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) Symbol Rating Unit V -60 V CBO V -60 V CEO V -5.0 V EB

2N6124(3CD6124) PNP /SILICON PNP TRANSISTOR Purpose: Medium power linear switching applications. 2N61213DD6121 Features: Complement to 2N6121(3DD6121). /Absolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) Symbol Rating Unit V -45 V CBO V -45 V CEO V -5.0 V EB

2N6126(3CD6126) PNP /SILICON PNP TRANSISTOR Purpose: Medium power linear switching applications. 2N61233DD6123 Features: Complement to 2N6123(3DD6123). /Absolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) Symbol Rating Unit V -80 V CBO V -80 V CEO V -5.0 V EB

MMG300B065PD6TC650V 300A Three Level Inverter ModuleApril 2019 Version 01 RoHS CompliantPRODUCT FEATURES IGBT CHIP(Trench+Field Stop technology) Low saturation voltage and positive temperature coefficient Low switching losses and short tail current Free wheeling diodes with fast and soft reverse recovery Temperature sense includedAPPLICATIONS 3-Level-Applic

MMG150B065PD6TC650V 150A Three Level Inverter ModuleApril 2019 Version 01 RoHS CompliantPRODUCT FEATURES IGBT CHIP(Trench+Field Stop technology) Low saturation voltage and positive temperature coefficient Low switching losses and short tail current Free wheeling diodes with fast and soft reverse recovery Temperature sense includedAPPLICATIONS 3-Level-Applic

MMG300B065PD6EN650V 300A IGBT ModuleOctober 2015 Version 01 RoHS CompliantPRODUCT FEATURES IGBT3 CHIP(Trench+Field Stop technology) High short circuit capability,self limiting short circuit current VCE(sat) with positive temperature coefficient Fast switching and short tail current Free wheeling diodes with fast and soft reverse recovery Low switching losses

MMG150B065PD6EN650V 150A IGBT ModuleOctober 2015 Version 01 RoHS CompliantPRODUCT FEATURES IGBT3 CHIP(Trench+Field Stop technology) High short circuit capability,self limiting short circuit current VCE(sat) with positive temperature coefficient Fast switching and short tail current Free wheeling diodes with fast and soft reverse recovery Low switching losses

MMG200B065PD6EN650V 200A Three Level Inverter ModuleNovember 2017 Version 01 RoHS CompliantPRODUCT FEATURES 650V IGBT3 CHIP(Trench+Field Stop technology) Low saturation voltage and positive temperature coefficient Low switching losses and short tail current Free wheeling diodes with fast and soft reverse recovery Temperature sense includedAPPLICATIONS 3-Lev

MMG150CE065PD6TC650V 150A Three Level Inverter ModuleMarch 2019 Version 01 RoHS CompliantPRODUCT FEATURES 650V IGBT CHIP(Trench+Field Stop technology) Low saturation voltage and positive temperature coefficient Low switching losses and short tail current Free wheeling diodes with fast and soft reverse recovery Temperature sense includedAPPLICATIONS 3-Level-

SLD65R950S2650V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis Power MOSFET is produced using Maple semis - 5A, 650V, RDS(on) = 950m@VGS = 10 Vadvanced planar stripe DMOS technology. - Low gate charge This advanced technology has been especially tailored - High ruggednessto minimize on-state resistance, provide superior switching - Fast switchingperformance, and withstand h
sld65r700s2 slu65r700s2.pdf

SLD65R700S2/SLU65R700S2650V N-channel MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis Power MOSFET is produced using Maple semis- 7A, 650V, RDS(on)typ= 0.55@VGS = 10 VAdvanced Super-Junction technology.- Low gate charge ( typical 16nC)This advanced technology has been especially tailored to- High ruggednessminimize conduction loss, provide superior switching- Fast switchingper
sld60r650s2 slu60r650s2.pdf

SLD60R650S2/SLU60R650S2600V N-channel MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis Power MOSFET is produced using Maple semis- 7A, 600V, RDS(on)typ= 0.48@VGS = 10 VAdvanced Super-Junction technology.- Low gate charge ( typical 16nC)This advanced technology has been especially tailored to- High ruggednessminimize conduction loss, provide superior switching- Fast switchingper
sld65r420s2 slu65r420s2.pdf

SLD65R420S2/SLU65R420S2650V N-channel MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis Power MOSFET is produced using Maple semis- 11A, 650V, RDS(on)typ= 0.33@VGS = 10 VAdvanced Super-Junction technology.- Low gate charge ( typical 23nC)This advanced technology has been especially tailored to- High ruggednessminimize conduction loss, provide superior switching- Fast switchingpe
sld60r380s2 slu60r380s2.pdf

SLD60R380S2/SLU60R380S2600V N-channel MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis Power MOSFET is produced using Maple semis- 11A, 600V, RDS(on)typ= 0.3@VGS = 10 VAdvanced Super-Junction technology.- Low gate charge ( typical 22nC)This advanced technology has been especially tailored to- High ruggednessminimize conduction loss, provide superior switching- Fast switchingper

NCE100ED65VT4650V 100A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.45V(Typ.) @ IC =

NCE75ED65VT4650V 75A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.45V(Typ.) @ IC = 7

Pb Free ProductNCE30TD60BP600V, 30A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE40TD65B650V, 40A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching
nce10td60bf nce10td60bd nce10td60b.pdf

PbFreeProduct NCE10TD60BF,NCE10TD60BD,NCE10TD60B 600V, 10A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat

NCE40ED65BT650V 40A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.50V(Typ.) @ IC = 40

NCE100ED65BT650V 100A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.50V(Typ.) @ IC =

NCE75ED65VT650V 75A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.45V(Typ.) @ IC = 75

Pb Free ProductNCE07TD60BI600V, 7A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology Offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE40TD60BP600V, 40A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

NCE40ED65VT650V 40A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.45V(Typ.) @ IC = 40

NCE100ED65VTP4650V 100A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.45V(Typ.) @ IC

Pb Free ProductNCE15TD60BT600V, 15A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

PbFreeProduct NCE10TD60BK 600V, 10A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat High speed s

Pb Free ProductNCE60TD60BP600V, 60A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

NCE100ED65VT650V 100A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.45V(Typ.) @ IC =

PbFreeProduct NCE30TD60BD 600V, 30A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat High speed

Pb Free ProductNCE07TD60BD600V, 7A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology Offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE80TD60BT600V, 80A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE60TD60BT600V, 60A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE15TD65BT650V, 15A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

NCE100ED65BT4650V 100A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.50V(Typ.) @ IC =

Pb Free ProductNCE80TD65BP650V, 80A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

NCE160ED65VTP650V, 160A, Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.45V(Typ.) @ IC

Pb Free ProductNCE15TD60BP600V, 15A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE07TD60BK600V, 7A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology Offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE15TD65BF650V, 15A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching
nce30td60bp nce30td60bt.pdf

PbFreeProduct NCE30TD60BP,NCE30TD60BT 600V, 30A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSIIIGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat H

Pb Free ProductNCE30TD60B600V, 30A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

PbFreeProduct NCE40TD65BT 650V, 40A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 650V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat High sp

Pb Free ProductNCE30TD60BT600V, 30A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching
nce60td60bp nce60td60bt.pdf

PbFreeProduct NCE60TD60BP,NCE60TD60BT 600V, 60A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat

Pb Free ProductNCE30TD65BD650V, 30A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching
nce80td60bp nce80td60bt.pdf

PbFreeProduct NCE80TD60BP,NCE80TD60BT 600V, 80A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSIIIGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat H
nce07td60bf nce07td60bd nce07td60b.pdf

PbFreeProduct NCE07TD60BF,NCE07TD60BD,NCE07TD60B 600V, 7A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat

Pb Free ProductNCE15TD65BP650V, 15A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE15TD60BD600V, 15A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching
nce15td60bd nce15td60b nce15td60bf.pdf

PbFreeProduct NCE15TD60BD,NCE15TD60B,NCE15TD60BF 600V, 15A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat
nce07td60bi nce07td60bk.pdf

PbFreeProduct NCE07TD60BI,NCE07TD60BK 600V, 7A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat H

NCE75ED65BT650V 75A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.50V(Typ.) @ IC = 75
nce80td65bp nce80td65bt.pdf

PbFreeProduct NCE80TD65BP,NCE80TD65BT 650V, 80A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 650V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat

NCE50ED65VT650V 50A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench Field Stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.45V(Typ.) @ IC = 50

Pb Free ProductNCE30TD60BF600V, 30A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE60TD65BT650V, 60A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE40TD60BPF600V, 40A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE20TD65B650V, 20A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology Offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE60TD65BT4650V, 60A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

PbFreeProduct NCE15TD60B 600V, 15A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE(sat) High speed switch

Pb Free ProductNCE07TD60BF600V, 7A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology Offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE10TD60BD600V, 10A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology Offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

NCE160ED65VTP4650V, 160A, Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.45V(Typ.) @ I
nce40td60bp nce40td60bt.pdf

PbFreeProduct NCE40TD60BP,NCE40TD60BT 600V, 40A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSIIIGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat H

PbFreeProduct NCE20TD60BT, NCE20TD60BP 600V, 20A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat

PbFreeProduct NCE10TD60BF,NCE10TD60BD,NCE10TD60B 600V, 10A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat
nce20td60bd nce20td60b nce20td60bf.pdf

PbFreeProduct NCE20TD60BD,NCE20TD60B,NCE20TD60BF 600V, 20A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat

PbFreeProduct NCE10TD60BF,NCE10TD60BD,NCE10TD60B 600V, 10A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat

NCEAP60ND60Ghttp://www.ncepower.comNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescriptionGeneral FeaturesThe NCEAP60ND60G uses Super Trench technology that is V =60V,I =70ADS Duniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequencyR =7.8m (typical) @ V =10VDS(ON) GSswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power Excellent gate charge x R

PbFreeProduct NCE20TD60BT, NCE20TD60BP 600V, 20A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat

Pb Free ProductNCE20TD60B600V, 20A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

NCE40ED65BF650V 40A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.50V(Typ.) @ IC = 40

Pb Free ProductNCE80TD65BT4650V, 80A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE40TD65BP650V, 40A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE15TD60BF600V, 15A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE07TD60B600V, 7A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology Offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching P

Pb Free ProductNCE20TD60BF600V, 20A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology Offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

http://www.ncepower.com NCEP60ND60GNCE N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescriptionGeneral FeaturesThe NCEP60ND60G uses Super Trench technology that is V =60V,I =55ADS Duniquely optimized to provide the most efficient highR =7.8m (typical) @ V =10VDS(ON) GSfrequency switching performance. Both conduction and Excellent gate charge x R product(FOM)DS(on)switchi

Pb Free ProductNCE30TD65BT650V, 30A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

NCE75ED65VTP650V 75A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.45V(Typ.) @ IC = 7

Pb Free ProductNCE80TD65BT650V, 80A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE20TD60BD600V, 20A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology Offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching
nce30td60b nce30td60bf.pdf

PbFreeProduct NCE30TD60B,NCE30TD60BF 600V, 30A, Trench FS II Fast IGBT General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 600V Trench FSIIIGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low V CE sat Hi

Pb Free ProductNCE30TD65BP650V, 30A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

NCE100ED65VTP650V 100A Trench FS Gen.7 IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary high density trench gate design and advanced FS(Field Stop) Gen.7 technology, the 650V Trench FS Gen.7 IGBT offers superiorconduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation.Features Trench field stop Gen.7 Technology Offering Low saturation voltage: V = 1.45V(Typ.) @ IC =

Pb Free ProductNCE40TD60BT600V, 40A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FS II IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

NCEAP40ND60AGhttp://www.ncepower.comNCE N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescription General FeaturesThe NCEAP40ND60AG uses Super Trench technology that is V =40V,I =65ADS Duniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequency R =8.3m (typical) @ V =10VDS(ON) GSswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power losses Excellent gate charge x R produ

Pb Free ProductNCE80TD60BP600V, 80A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 600V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

Pb Free ProductNCE60TD65BP650V, 60A, Trench FS II Fast IGBTGeneral DescriptionUsing NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) secondgeneration technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction andswitching performances, and easy parallel operation;Features Trench FSII Technology offering Very low VCE(sat) High speed switching

N-Channel Enhancement Mode PD676BA NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free PRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID D40V 2.9m 133A G1. GATE 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 40 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS 20 V TC = 2

PD616BA N-Channel Enhancement Mode NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G30V 7m 55A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS 20 V TC = 25

N-Channel Enhancement Mode PD6A8BA NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G40V 6.2m 75A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 40 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS 20 V TC = 25

PD636BA N-Channel Enhancement Mode NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G30V 9m 48A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE S100% RG Test , 100% UIL Test ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30 V Gate-Source

PD618BA N-Channel Enhancement Mode NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G30V 5.5m 74A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS 20 V TC = 25

N- & P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field PD601CX NIKO-SEM Effect Transistor TO-252-5 Halogen-Free & Lead-Free PRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID Q2 -30V 28m -25A Q1 30V 22m 23A D1D2G1 G2S1 S2Features Pb-Free, Halogen Free and RoHS compliant. Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses. Ohmic Region Good RDS(on) Ratio. Optimized Gate Charge to Mi

N-Channel Enhancement Mode PD6A4BANIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-FreeDPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G40V 12m 35A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSDrain-Source Voltage VDS 40 VGate-Source Voltage VGS 20 VTC = 25 C 35

N-Channel Enhancement Mode PD6B2BANIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-FreePRODUCT SUMMARY DV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 30V 6.2m 63A GSFeatures Pb-Free, Halogen Free and RoHS compliant. Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses. Ohmic Region Good RDS(on) Ratio. 1. GATE Optimized Gate Charge to Minimize Switching Losses. 2. DRA

N-Channel Enhancement Mode PD608BA NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G40V 4m 97A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 40 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS 20 V TC = 25

PD600BA N-Channel Enhancement Mode NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G30V 9.5m 42A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE S100% RG Test , 100% UIL Test ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30 V Gate-Sour

N- & P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field PD609CX NIKO-SEM Effect Transistor TO-252-5 Halogen-Free & Lead-Free PRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID Q2 -40V 60m -17A Q1 40V 25m 22.5A D1D2G1 G2S1 S2Features Pb-Free, Halogen Free and RoHS compliant. Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses. Ohmic Region Good RDS(on) Ratio. Optimized Gate Charge to

PD606BA N-Channel Enhancement Mode NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G30V 18m 24A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE S100% RG Test , 100% UIL Test ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30 V Gate-Sourc

N-Channel Enhancement Mode PD6D2BANIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-FreeDPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G40V 25m 21A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSDrain-Source Voltage VDS 40 VGate-Source Voltage VGS 20 VTC = 25 C 21

N-Channel Enhancement Mode PD6A6BANIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-FreeDPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G40V 8m 60A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSDrain-Source Voltage VDS 40 VGate-Source Voltage VGS 20 VTC = 25 C 60

PD648BA N-Channel Enhancement Mode NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G30V 3.9m 94A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS 20 V TC = 25

PD632BAN-Channel Enhancement Mode NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-FreeDPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G30V 3.7m 105A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSDrain-Source Voltage VDS 30 VGate-Source Voltage VGS 20 VTC = 25 C

60V N-Channel MOSFETs PDD6902 General Description BVDSS RDSON ID These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are using trench DMOS technology. This 60V 4.5m 90A advanced technology has been especially tailored to minimize on-state resistance, provide superior switching Features performance, and withstand high energy pulse in the 60V,90A, RDS(ON)
sw6n80d swn6n80d swf6n80d swd6n80d swu6n80d swj6n80d.pdf

SW6N80D N-channel Enhanced mode TO-251N/TO-220F/TO-252/TO-262/TO-262N MOSFET Features TO-251N TO-220F TO-252 TO-262 BVDSS : 800V TO-262N ID : 6A High ruggedness Low RDS(ON) (Typ 2.0)@VGS=10V RDS(ON) : 2.0 Low Gate Charge (Typ 32nC) Improved dv/dt Capability 2 1 1 1 1 1 100% Avalanche Tested 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 Application:LED
sw6n70da swn6n70da swsi6n70da swui6n70da swd6n70da swf6n70da swi6n70da swnx6n70da swp6n70da swqi6n70da swmqi6n70da.pdf

SW6N70DAN-channel Enhanced mode TO-251N/S/U/TO-252/TO-220F/TO-251/TO-251NX/TO-220/TO-251Q /TO-251MQ MOSFETTO251N TO251S TO251U TO252 TO220FFeaturesBVDSS : 700Vl High ruggednessID : 6Al Low RDS(ON) (Typ 1.7)1 1 RDS(ON) : 1.71 1 @VGS=10V 2 22 213 3 23 3l Low Gate Charge (Typ 26nC)32l Improved dv/dt Capability TO220 TO251Q TO251NXTO251 TO251MQ l
sw630d swp630d swd630d.pdf

SW630D N-channel Enhanced mode TO-220/TO-252 MOSFET Features TO-220 TO-252 BVDSS : 200V High ruggedness ID : 9A Low RDS(ON) (Typ 0.27)@VGS=10V RDS(ON) : 0.27 Low Gate Charge (Typ 20nC) Improved dv/dt Capability 2 100% Avalanche Tested 1 1 2 2 Application:Synchronous Rectification, 3 3 DC-DC 1 1. Gate 2. Drain 3. Source 3 G
swf6n60d swd6n60d swn6n60d.pdf

SW6N60D N-channel Enhanced mode TO-220F/TO-252/TO-251N MOSFET Features TO-220F TO-252 TO-251N BVDSS : 600V High ruggedness ID : 6A Low RDS(ON) (Typ 1.4)@VGS=10V RDS(ON) :1.4 Low Gate Charge (Typ 23nC) Improved dv/dt Capability 2 100% Avalanche Tested 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 Application: UPS,Inverter,TV-POWER 1. Gate 2. Drain 3. Source
sw630 swp630 swf630 swd630.pdf

SAMWIN SW630N-channel MOSFETTO-220F TO-220 TO-252FeaturesBVDSS : 200V High ruggednessID : 10A RDS(ON) (Max 0.4 )@VGS=10V Gate Charge (Typ 20nC)RDS(ON) : 0.4ohm1 Improved dv/dt Capability 2 100% Avalanche Tested1 132 23 321. Gate 2. Drain 3. SourceGeneral Description1This power MOSFET is produced with advanced VDMOS technology of SAMW

SW6N80DE N-channel Enhanced mode TO-252 MOSFET Features TO-252 BVDSS : 800V High ruggedness ID : 6A Low RDS(ON) (Typ 1.8)@VGS=10V RDS(ON) : 1.8 Low Gate Charge (Typ 36nC) Improved dv/dt Capability 100% Avalanche Tested 1 2 ESD protected 3 2 Application:LED , Charger, SMPS 1. Gate 2. Drain 3. Source 1 General Description
swf6n65k swi6n65k swn6n65k swd6n65k swu6n65k swmn6n65k.pdf

SW6N65K N-channel Enhanced mode TO-220F/TO-251/TO-251N/TO-252/TO-262 /TO-220SF MOSFET Features TO251 TO220F TO251N TO252 TO262 TO220SF BVDSS : 650V High ruggedness ID : 6A Low RDS(ON) (Typ 0.8)@VGS=10V RDS(ON) : 0.8 Low Gate Charge (Typ 17nC) Improved dv/dt Capability 2 1 1 100% Avalanche Tested 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 Applicat
swf6n70k swn6n70k swd6n70k.pdf

SW6N70K N-channel Enhanced mode TO-220F/TO-251N/TO-252 MOSFET Features TO-220F TO-251N TO-252 BVDSS : 700V High ruggedness ID : 6A Low RDS(ON) (Typ 1.1)@VGS=10V RDS(ON) : 1.1 Low Gate Charge (Typ 13nC) Improved dv/dt Capability 2 100% Avalanche Tested 1 1 1 2 2 2 Application:Charger,LED,TV-Power 3 3 3 1. Gate 2. Drain 3. Source 1

SW6N65D N-channel Enhanced mode TO-252 MOSFET TO-252 BVDSS : 650V Features ID : 6A High ruggedness RDS(ON) : 1.3 Low RDS(ON) (Typ 1.3)@VGS=10V Low Gate Charge (Typ 22nC) 2 Improved dv/dt Capability 1 100% Avalanche Tested 2 1 3 Application: LED , Charger 1. Gate 2. Drain 3. Source 3 General Description This power MOSFET is
sw6n70k swf6n70k swn6n70k swd6n70k.pdf

SW6N70K N-channel Enhanced mode TO-220F/TO-251N/TO-252 MOSFET Features TO-251N TO-220F TO-252 BVDSS : 700V High ruggedness ID : 6A Low RDS(ON) (Typ 1.1)@VGS=10V RDS(ON) : 1.1 Low Gate Charge (Typ 13nC) Improved dv/dt Capability 2 100% Avalanche Tested 1 1 1 2 2 2 Application:Charge,LED,TV-Power 3 3 3 1. Gate 2. Drain 3. Source
swp630d swd630d.pdf

SW630D N-channel Enhanced mode TO-220/TO-252 MOSFET Features TO-220 TO-252 BVDSS : 200V High ruggedness ID : 9A Low RDS(ON) (Typ 0.27)@VGS=10V RDS(ON) : 0.27 Low Gate Charge (Typ 20nC) Improved dv/dt Capability 2 100% Avalanche Tested 1 1 2 2 Application:Synchronous Rectification, 3 3 DC-DC 1 1. Gate 2. Drain 3. Source 3 G
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SW6N70DAN-channel Enhanced mode TO-251N/S/U/TO-252/TO-220F/TO-251/TO-251NX/TO-220/TO-251Q /TO-251MQ MOSFETTO251N TO251S TO251U TO252 TO220FFeaturesBVDSS : 700Vl High ruggednessID : 6Al Low RDS(ON) (Typ 1.7)1 1 RDS(ON) : 1.71 1 @VGS=10V 2 22 213 3 23 3l Low Gate Charge (Typ 26nC)32l Improved dv/dt Capability TO220 TO251Q TO251NXTO251 TO251MQ l
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SW6N80DN-channel Enhanced mode TO-251N/TO-220F/TO-252/TO-262/TO-262N MOSFETFeaturesTO-251N TO-220F TO-252 BVDSS : 800VTO-262 TO-262NID : 6A High ruggedness Low RDS(ON) (Typ 2.0)@VGS=10VRDS(ON) : 2.0 Low Gate Charge (Typ 32nC) Improved dv/dt Capability 211 1 1 1 100% Avalanche Tested22 2 2 233 3 3 3 Application:LED , Charger, SMPS1.
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SW6N70DBN-channel Enhanced mode TO-220F /TO-252/TO-251N MOSFETFeaturesBVDSS : 700VTO-220F TO-252 TO-251NID : 6A High ruggedness Low RDS(ON) (Typ 1.4)@VGS=10VRDS(ON) : 1.4 Low Gate Charge (Typ 30nC) Improved dv/dt Capability 21 100% Avalanche Tested112223 Application:LED, PC Power, Charger 3311. Gate 2. Drain 3. Source3Gen

Datasheet 60A 650V Trench Fieldstop IGBT with anti-parallel diode SRE60N065FSUD6 General Description Symbol The SRE60N065FSUD6 is a Field Stop Trench IGBT with anti-parallel diode, which offers ultra-low switching losses, high energy efficiency for switching applications such as PFC, Power Supply, Inverter, etc. The SRE60N065FSUD6 package is TO-247. Figure 1 Symbol of SRE60N

Datasheet 100A 650V Trench Fieldstop IGBT with FRD SRE100N065FSU2D6 General Description Symbol The SRE100N065FSU2D6 is a Field Stop Trench IGBT with anti-parallel diode, which offers ultra low conduction loss, high energy efficiency for switching applications such as Inverter, PFC, Converter, etc. The SRE100N065FSU2D6 package is TO-247. Features Figure 1 Symbol of SRE100N0

Datasheet 100A 650V Trench Fieldstop IGBT with anti-parallel diode SRE100N065FSUD6 General Description Symbol The SRE100N065FSUD6 is a Field Stop Trench IGBT with anti-parallel diode, which offers ultra-low switching losses, high energy efficiency for switching applications such as PFC, Power Supply, Inverter, etc. The SRE100N065FSUD6 package is TO-247. Figure 1 Symbol of SR

Datasheet 50A 650V Trench Fieldstop IGBT with anti-parallel diode SRE50N065FSUD6 General Description Symbol The SRE50N065FSUD6 is a Field Stop Trench IGBT with anti-parallel diode, which offers ultra low switching losses, high energy efficiency for switching applications such as PFC, Power Supply, Inverter, etc. The SRE50N065FSUD6 package is TO-247. Figure 1 Symbol of SRE50N

Datasheet 80A 650V Trench Fieldstop IGBT with anti-parallel diode SRE80N065FSUD6 General Description Symbol The SRE80N065FSUD6 is a Field Stop Trench IGBT with anti-parallel diode, which offers ultra low switching losses, high energy efficiency for switching applications such as Inverter, PFC, Converter, etc. The SRE80N065FSUD6 package is TO-247. Features Figure 1 Symbol o

Datasheet 75A 650V Trench Fieldstop IGBT with anti-parallel diode SRE75N065FSUD6 General Description Symbol The SRE75N065FSUD6 is a Field Stop Trench IGBT with anti-parallel diode, which offers ultra-low switching losses, high energy efficiency for switching applications such as PFC, Power Supply, Inverter, etc. The SRE75N065FSUD6 package is TO-247. Figure 1 Symbol of SRE75N

Sep 2020HCD65R450650V N-Channel Super Junction MOSFETFeatures Key ParametersParameter Value Unit Very Low FOM (RDS(on) X Qg)BVDSS @Tj,max 700 V Extremely low switching lossID 9.2 A Excellent stability and uniformityRDS(on), max 0.45 100% Avalanche Tested Built-in ESD DiodeQg, Typ 20 nCApplicationPackage & Internal CircuitD-PAK SYMBOL Switch

April 2020HCD65R2K7650V N-Channel Super Junction MOSFETFeatures Key ParametersParameter Value Unit Very Low FOM (RDS(on) X Qg)BVDSS @Tj,max 700 V Extremely low switching lossID 2.2 A Excellent stability and uniformityRDS(on), max 2.7 100% Avalanche TestedQg, Typ 4.1 nCApplicationPackage & Internal CircuitD-PAK SYMBOL Switch Mode Power Supply (SM

Jan 2014BVDSS = 600 VRDS(on) typ HFD6N60U / HFU6N60U ID = 4.8 A600V N-Channel MOSFETD-PAK I-PAKFEATURES21 Originative New Design13 23 Superior Avalanche Rugged TechnologyHFD6N60U HFU6N60U Robust Gate Oxide Technology 1.Gate 2. Drain 3. Source Very Low Intrinsic Capacitances Excellent Switching Characteristics Unrivalled Gate Charge : 16.0 n
hfd630 hfu630.pdf

Dec 2012BVDSS = 200 VRDS(on) typ HFD630 / HFU630ID = 7.2 A200V N-Channel MOSFETD-PAK I-PAK2FEATURES113 23 Originative New DesignHFD630 HFU630 Superior Avalanche Rugged Technology1.Gate 2. Drain 3. Source Robust Gate Oxide Technology Very Low Intrinsic Capacitances Excellent Switching Characteristics Unrivalled Gate Charge : 22 nC (Typ.)

June 2020HCD65R2K2650V N-Channel Super Junction MOSFETFeatures Key ParametersParameter Value Unit Very Low FOM (RDS(on) X Qg)BVDSS @Tj,max 700 V Extremely low switching lossID 2.5 A Excellent stability and uniformityRDS(on), max 2.2 100% Avalanche TestedQg, Typ 6.2 nCApplicationPackage & Internal CircuitD-PAK SYMBOL Switch Mode Power Supply (SMP

June 2019HCD60R900600V N-Channel Super Junction MOSFETFeatures Key ParametersParameter Value Unit Very Low FOM (RDS(on) X Qg)BVDSS @Tj,max 650 V Extremely low switching lossID 5.0 A Excellent stability and uniformityRDS(on), max 0.9 100% Avalanche Tested Built-in ESD DiodeQg, Typ 9.3 nCApplicationPackage & Internal CircuitD-PAK SYMBOL Switc

July 2020HCD60R750600V N-Channel Super Junction MOSFETFeatures Key ParametersParameter Value Unit Very Low FOM (RDS(on) X Qg)BVDSS @Tj,max 650 V Extremely low switching lossID 5.8 A Excellent stability and uniformityRDS(on), max 0.75 100% Avalanche Tested Built-in ESD DiodeQg, Typ 11.2 nCApplicationPackage & Internal CircuitD-PAK SYMBOL Swi

Dec 2013BVDSS = 700 VRDS(on) typ = 1.05 HCD6NC70S ID = 5.0 A700V N-Channel Super Junction MOSFETD-PAKFEATURES 2 Originative New Design1 Superior Avalanche Rugged Technology3 Robust Gate Oxide Technology 1.Gate 2. Drain 3. Source Very Low Intrinsic Capacitances Excellent Switching Characteristics Unrivalled Gate Charge : 7 nC (Typ.) Extended Safe Operati

April 2020HCD60R49060V N-Channel Super Junction MOSFETFeatures Key ParametersParameter Value Unit Very Low FOM (RDS(on) X Qg)BVDSS @Tj,max 650 V Extremely low switching lossID 8 A Excellent stability and uniformityRDS(on), max 0.49 100% Avalanche Tested Built-in ESD DiodeQg, Typ 16 nCApplicationPackage & Internal CircuitD-PAK SYMBOL Switch

Sep 2020HCD60R260600V N-Channel Super Junction MOSFETFeatures Key ParametersParameter Value Unit Very Low FOM (RDS(on) X Qg)BVDSS @Tj,max 650 V Extremely low switching lossID 14.4 A Excellent stability and uniformityRDS(on), max 0.26 100% Avalanche Tested Built-in ESD DiodeQg, Typ 31 nCApplicationPackage & Internal CircuitD-PAK SYMBOL Switc

Jan 2014BVDSS = 650 VRDS(on) typ HFD6N65U / HFU6N65U ID = 4.8 A650V N-Channel MOSFETD-PAK I-PAKFEATURES21 Originative New Design13 23 Superior Avalanche Rugged TechnologyHFD6N65U HFU6N65U Robust Gate Oxide Technology 1.Gate 2. Drain 3. Source Very Low Intrinsic Capacitances Excellent Switching Characteristics Unrivalled Gate Charge : 16.0 nC

July 2020HCD65R830650V N-Channel Super Junction MOSFETFeatures Key ParametersParameter Value Unit Very Low FOM (RDS(on) X Qg)BVDSS @Tj,max 700 V Extremely low switching lossID 5.5 A Excellent stability and uniformityRDS(on), max 0.83 100% Avalanche Tested Built-in ESD DiodeQg, Typ 11.2 nCApplicationPackage & Internal CircuitD-PAK SYMBOL Swi

Jan 2014BVDSS = 700 VRDS(on) typ HFD6N70U / HFU6N70U ID = 4.8 A700V N-Channel MOSFETD-PAK I-PAKFEATURES21 Originative New Design13 23 Superior Avalanche Rugged TechnologyHFD6N70U HFU6N70U Robust Gate Oxide Technology 1.Gate 2. Drain 3. Source Very Low Intrinsic Capacitances Excellent Switching Characteristics Unrivalled Gate Charge : 16.0 nC

SENSITRON ______ SHD619532 SEMICONDUCTOR DATASHEET 5313, REV - 1200V, 23A Silicon Carbide Power MOSFET Through-hole hermetic package Low Rdson over full temperature range Low switching losses Very low capacitances JANTX / JANS screening options available Maximum Ratings PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Continuous Drain Current Vgs = 20V, Tc=250C Id 23 A

SENSITRON ______ SHD626532 SEMICONDUCTOR DATASHEET 5312, REV - 1200V, 20A Silicon Carbide Power MOSFET Through-hole hermetic package Low Rdson over full temperature range Low switching losses Very low capacitance JANTX / JANS screening options available Maximum Ratings PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Continuous Drain Current Vgs = 20V, Tc=250C Id 20 A 1
tmd6n65g tmu6n65g.pdf

TMD6N65G/TMU6N65G Features VDSS = 715 V @Tjmax Low gate charge ID = 5.5A 100% avalanche tested RDS(on) = 1.6 W(max) @ VGS= 10 V Improved dv/dt capability RoHS compliant Halogen free package JEDEC Qualification D-PAK D I-PAK G S Device Package Marking Remark TMD6N65/TMU6N65 D-PAK/I-PAK TMD6N65/TMU6N65 RoHS TMD6N65G/TMU6N65G D-PAK/I-PAK TM

TMD6N70(G)/TMU6N70(G) Features VDSS = 770 V @Tjmax Low gate charge ID = 5A 100% avalanche tested RDS(on) = 1.65 W(max) @ VGS= 10 V Improved dv/dt capability RoHS compliant Halogen free package JEDEC Qualification D-PAK D I-PAK G S Device Package Marking Remark TMD6N70/TMU6N70 D-PAK/I-PAK TMD6N70/TMU6N70 RoHS TMD6N70G/TMU6N70G D-PAK/I-PAK
tmd6n70g tmu6n70g tmd6n70 tmu6n70.pdf

TMD6N70(G)/TMU6N70(G) Features VDSS = 770 V @Tjmax Low gate charge ID = 5A 100% avalanche tested RDS(on) = 1.65 W(max) @ VGS= 10 V Improved dv/dt capability RoHS compliant Halogen free package JEDEC Qualification D-PAK D I-PAK G S Device Package Marking Remark TMD6N70/TMU6N70 D-PAK/I-PAK TMD6N70/TMU6N70 RoHS TMD6N70G/TMU6N70G D-PAK/I-PAK
tmd630z tmu630z.pdf

TMD630Z(G)/TMU630Z(G) Features N-channel MOSFET Low gate charge BVDSS ID RDS(on)MAX 100% avalanche tested 200V 9A

RoHS 2SD602LT1 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTOR * Complement to MMBT2907ALT1 * Collector Dissipation: Pc(max)=225mW * Collector-Emitter Voltage :Vceo= 40V ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS at Ta=25 Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit1.1.GATECollector-Base Voltage Vcbo 75 V 2.SOURCER2.43.DRAIE1.3Collector-Emitter Voltage Vceo 40 V Emitter-Base V

ZXMD63C02X20V DUAL N AND P-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE MOSFETSUMMARYN-CHANNEL: V =20V; R =0.13 ; I =2.4A(BR)DSS DS(ON) DP-CHANNEL: V =-20V; R =0.27 ; I =-1.7A(BR)DSS DS(ON) DDESCRIPTIONThis new generation of high density MOSFETs from Zetex utilises a uniquestructure that combines the benefits of low on-resistance with fast switchingspeed. This makes them ideal for high efficien
hd60p03 hu60p03.pdf

HD60P03 / HU60P03 P-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET DESCRIPTION The 60P03 uses advanced trench technology to provide BVDSS = -30Vexcellent RDS(ON), low gate charge and operation with gate voltages as low as 4.5V. mRDS(on) typ =13 ID = -50 AGENERAL FEATURES VDS = -30V,ID = -20A TO-252 TO-251RDS(ON)
hd60n75 hu60n75.pdf

Nov 2009BVDSS = 75VRDS(on) = 16 mHD60N75 / HU60N75ID = 60 A75V N-Channel MOSFETTO-252 TO-251FEATURES Originative New DesignHD60N75 HU60N75 Superior Avalanche Rugged Technology1.Gate 2. Drain 3. Source Robust Gate Oxide Technology Very Low Intrinsic Capacitances Excellent Switching Characteristics Unrivalled Gate Charge : 40 nC (Typ.) Exten
hd60n03 hu60n03.pdf

Nov 2009BVDSS = 30 VRDS(on) = 0.014HD60N03 / HU60N03ID = 60 A30V N-Channel MOSFETTO-252 TO-251FEATURES Originative New DesignHD60N03 HU60N03 Superior Avalanche Rugged Technology1.Gate 2. Drain 3. Source Robust Gate Oxide Technology Very Low Intrinsic Capacitances Excellent Switching Characteristics Unrivalled Gate Charge : 18.5 nC (Typ.) E

HSD6016 N-Ch 60V Fast Switching MOSFETs Description Product Summary The HSD6016 is the high cell density trenched N- VDS 60 V ch MOSFETs, which provide excellent RDSON and RDS(ON),max 12 m gate charge for most of the synchronous buck converter applications. ID 47 A The HSD6016 meet the RoHS and Green Product requirement, 100% EAS guaranteed with full function reliabilit

HSD6004 N-Ch 60V Fast Switching MOSFETs Description Product Summary V 60 V DSThe HSD6004 is the high cell density trenched N-ch MOSFETs, which provide excellent R 30 m DS(ON),maxRDSON and gate charge for most of the synchronous buck converter applications. I 23 A DThe HSD6004 meet the RoHS and Green Product requirement, 100% EAS guaranteed with full function reli
lsc65r380ht lsd65r380ht lse65r380ht lsf65r380ht lsdn65r380ht lsh65r380ht lsg65r380ht lsnc65r380ht lsn65r380ht.pdf

LSC65R380HT /LSD65R380HT / LSE65R380HT /LSF65R380HT/LSDN65R380HTLSH65R380HT/LSG65R380HT/LSNC65R380HT/LSN65R380HTLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 11A, 0.38 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.38DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it
lsc65r290hf lsg65r290hf lsh65r290hf lsd65r290hf lsf65r290hf lse65r290hf.pdf

LSC65R290HF/LSG65R290HF/LSH65R290HF/LSD65R290HF/LSF65R290HF/ LSE65R290HFLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 15A, 0.29 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.29DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 45ADMespecially suitable for appli
lsb65r180gf lsc65r180gf lsd65r180gf lse65r180gf lsf65r180gf.pdf

LSB65R180GF/ LSC65R180GF/ LSD65R180GF/ LSE65R180GF/ LSF65R180GFLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 20A, 0.18 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated V @ T 700VDS j,maxusing advanced super junction technology. R 0.18DS(on),maxThe resulting device has extremely low on I 60ADMresistance, making it especially suitable for Q 39nCg,typa
lsb60r105hf lsd60r105hf lse60r105hf lsc60r105hf.pdf

LSB60R105HF/LSD60R105HF/LSE60R105HF/LSC60R105HFLonFETLonten N-channel 600V, 40A, 0.105 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 650VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.105DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 120ADMespecially suitable for applications which require
lsd65r1k5ht lsg65r1k5ht lsh65r1k5ht lse65r1k5ht lss65r1k5ht.pdf

LSD65R1K5HT/LSG65R1K5HT/ LSH65R1K5HT/ LSE65R1K5HT/ LSS65R1K5HTLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 3A, 1.5 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 1.5DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 9ADMespecially suitable for applications which re
lsb60r092gf lsd60r092gf lse60r092gf.pdf

LSB60R092GF/LSD60R092GF/LSE60R092GF LonFET Lonten N-channel 600V, 40A, 0.092 LonFETTM Power MOSFET Description Product Summary LonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using VDS @ Tj,max 650V advanced super junction technology. The resulting RDS(on),max 0.092 device has extremely low on resistance, making it IDM 120A especially suitable for applications which require Qg,typ 66nC
lsc65r380gt lsd65r380gt lse65r380gt lsf65r380gt lsg65r380gt.pdf

LSC65R380GT/LSD65R380GT/LSE65R380GT/LSF65R380GT/LSG65R380GTLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 11A, 0.38 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.38DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 30ADMespecially suitable for applications which
lsc65r380ht lsd65r380ht lse65r380ht lsf65r380ht lsg65r380ht.pdf

LSC65R380HT /LSD65R380HT / LSE65R380HT /LSF65R380HT/LSG65R380HT LonFET Lonten N-channel 650V, 11A, 0.38 LonFETTM Power MOSFET Description Product Summary LonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using VDS @ Tj,max 700V advanced super junction technology. The resulting RDS(on),max 0.38 device has extremely low on resistance, making it IDM 30A especially suitable for applications wh
lsd60r380ht lsg60r380ht lsh60r380ht lsf60r380ht lse60r380ht.pdf

LSD60R380HT/LSG60R380HT/LSH60R380HT/LSF60R380HT/ LSE60R380HTLonFETLonten N-channel 600V, 11A, 0.38 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 650VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.38DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 30ADMespecially suitable for applications which
lsc65r380gf lsd65r380gf lse65r380gf lsf65r380gf lsg65r380gf.pdf

LSC65R380GF/LSD65R380GF/LSE65R380GF/LSF65R380GF/LSG65R380GFLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 11A, 0.38 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.38DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 30ADMespecially suitable for applications which
lsd60r280ht lsg60r280ht lsh60r280ht lsf60r280ht lse60r280ht lsb60r280ht.pdf

LSD60R280HT/LSG60R280HT/LSH60R280HT/LSF60R280HT/ LSE60R280HT/ LSB60R280HTLonFETLonten N-channel 600V, 15A, 0.28 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 650VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.28DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 45ADMespecially suitable for appl
lsb60r125ht lsc60r125ht lsd60r125ht lse60r125ht.pdf

LSB60R125HT/LSC60R125HT/LSD60R125HT/LSE60R125HT LonFET Lonten N-channel 600V, 25A, 0.125 LonFETTM Power MOSFET Description Product Summary LonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using VDS @ Tj,max 650V advanced super junction technology. The resulting RDS(on),max 0.125 device has extremely low on resistance, making it IDM 75A especially suitable for applications which require Qg
lsd60r280ht lsg60r280ht lsh60r280ht lsb60r280ht lsf60r280ht lse60r280ht lsc60r280ht.pdf

LSD60R280HT/LSG60R280HT/LSH60R280HT/LSB60R280HTLSF60R280HT/ LSE60R280HT/ LSC60R280HTLonFETLonten N-channel 600V, 15A, 0.28 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 650VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.28DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 45ADMespecially suitab
lsd65r930gt lsg65r930gt lsh65r930gt.pdf

LSD65R930GT/LSG65R930GT/ LSH65R930GTLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 4A, 930m LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The R 930mDS(on),maxresulting device has extremely low on I 12ADMresistance, making it especially suitable for Q 13.6nCg,typapplications which require
lsb60r180ht lsc60r180ht lsd60r180ht lse60r180ht lsf60r180ht lsnc60r180ht.pdf

LSB60R180HT/ LSC60R180HT/ LSD60R180HT / LSE60R180HT/ LSF60R180HT/LSNC60R180HT LonFET Lonten N-channel 600V, 20A, 0.18 LonFETTM Power MOSFET Description Product Summary LonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated VDS @ Tj,max 650V using advanced super junction technology. RDS(on),max 0.18 The resulting device has extremely low on IDM 60A resistance, making it especially suitable fo
lsb60r092gt lsd60r092gt lse60r092gt.pdf

LSB60R092GT/LSD60R092GT/LSE60R092GT LonFET Lonten N-channel 600V, 40A, 0.092 LonFETTM Power MOSFET Description Product Summary LonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using VDS @ Tj,max 650V advanced super junction technology. The resulting RDS(on),max 0.092 device has extremely low on resistance, making it IDM 120A especially suitable for applications which require Qg,typ 66nC
lsb65r099gf lsd65r099gf lse65r099gf.pdf

LSB65R099GF/LSD65R099GF/LSE65R099GFLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 40A, 0.099 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.099DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 120ADMespecially suitable for applications which require Q 66nCg,typ
lsb60r170gt lsd60r170gt.pdf

LSB60R170GT/ LSD60R170GT LonFET Lonten N-channel 600V, 20A, 0.17 LonFETTM Power MOSFET Description Product Summary LonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using VDS @ Tj,max 650V advanced super junction technology. The resulting RDS(on),max 0.17 device has extremely low on resistance, making it IDM 60A especially suitable for applications which require Qg,typ 39nC superior pow
lsd65r280ht lsg65r280ht lsh65r280ht lsf65r280ht lse65r280ht lsc65r280ht.pdf

LSD65R280HT/LSG65R280HT/LSH65R280HT/LSF65R280HT/LSE65R280HT/LSC65R280HTLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 15A, 0.28 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.28DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 45ADMespecially suitable for applic
lsd60r1k4ht lsg60r1k4ht lsh60r1k4ht lse60r1k4ht.pdf

LSD60R1K4HT/LSG60R1K4HT/ LSH60R1K4HT/ LSE60R1K4HTLonFETLonten N-channel 600V, 3A, 1.4 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 650VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 1.4DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 9ADMespecially suitable for applications which require Q 5.8nC
lsc60r650ht lsd60r650ht lsg60r650ht lsh60r650ht.pdf

LSC60R650HT/LSD60R650HT/LSG60R650HT/LSH60R650HTLonFETLonten N-channel 600V, 7A, 0.65 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 650VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.65DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 21ADMespecially suitable for applications which require Q 13.1 n
lsb65r180gt lsc65r180gt lsd65r180gt lse65r180gt lsf65r180gt.pdf

LSB65R180GT/ LSC65R180GT/ LSD65R180GT/ LSE65R180GT/ LSF65R180GTLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 20A, 0.18 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated V @ T 700VDS j,maxusing advanced super junction technology. RDS(on),max 0.18I 60AThe resulting device has extremely low on DMQ 39nCresistance, making it especially suitable for g,typapp
lsb60r070ht lsd60r070ht.pdf

LSB60R070HT/ LSD60R070HTLonFETLonten N-channel 600V, 47A, 0.07 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 650VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.07DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 141ADMespecially suitable for applications which require Q 68nCg,typsuperior pow
lsb60r170gf lsd60r170gf.pdf

LSB60R170GF/ LSD60R170GF LonFET Lonten N-channel 600V, 20A, 0.17 LonFETTM Power MOSFET Description Product Summary LonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated VDS @ Tj,max 650V using advanced super junction technology. RDS(on),max 0.17 The resulting device has extremely low on IDM 60A resistance, making it especially suitable for Qg,typ 39nC applications which require superior powe
lsb65r180ht lsc65r180ht lsd65r180ht lse65r180ht lsf65r180ht lsnc65r180ht.pdf

LSB65R180HT/ LSC65R180HT/ LSD65R180HT/ LSE65R180HT/ LSF65R180HT/LSNC65R180HTLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 20A, 0.18 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated V @ T 700VDS j,maxusing advanced super junction technology. R 0.18DS(on),maxThe resulting device has extremely low on I 60ADMresistance, making it especially suitable for Q
lsd60r280ht lsg60r280ht lsh60r280ht lsf60r280htlse60r280ht lsb60r280ht.pdf

LSD60R280HT/LSG60R280HT/LSH60R280HT/LSF60R280HT/ LSE60R280HT/ LSB60R280HTLonFETLonten N-channel 600V, 15A, 0.28 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 650VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.28DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 45ADMespecially suitable for appl

LSD65R105HFLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 40A, 0.105 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.105DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 120ADMespecially suitable for applications which require Q 49.8nCg,typsuperior power densit
lsc65r650ht lsd65r650ht lsdn65r650ht lse65r650ht lsg65r650ht lsh65r650ht.pdf

LSC65R650HT/LSD65R650HT/ LSDN65R650HT/ LSE65R650HT/LSG65R650HT/LSH65R650HTLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 7A, 0.65 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.65DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 21ADMespecially suitable for appl
lsc65r380gt lsd65r380gt lsh65r380gt lse65r380gt lsf65r380gt lsg65r380gt.pdf

LSC65R380GT/LSD65R380GT/LSH65R380GT/LSE65R380GT/LSF65R380GT/LSG65R380GTLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 11A, 0.38 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.38DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 30ADMespecially suitable for applic
lsb60r099ht lsd60r099ht lse60r099ht.pdf

LSB60R099HT/LSD60R099HT/LSE60R099HTLonFETLonten N-channel 600V, 40A, 0.099 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 650VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.099DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 120ADMespecially suitable for applications which require Q 48nCg,typ
lsd65r280ht lsg65r280ht lsh65r280ht lsf65r280ht lse65r280ht.pdf

LSD65R280HT/LSG65R280HT/LSH65R280HT/LSF65R280HT/ LSE65R280HTLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 15A, 0.28 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.28DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 45ADMespecially suitable for applications which
lsd60r240ht lsg60r240ht lsh60r240ht lsf60r240ht lse60r240ht.pdf

LSD60R240HT/LSG60R240HT/LSH60R240HT/LSF60R240HT/ LSE60R240HTLonFETLonten N-channel 600V, 17A, 0.24 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 650VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.24DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 50ADMespecially suitable for applications which
lsb65r125ht lsc65r125ht lsd65r125ht lse65r125ht lsnc65r125ht lsf65r125ht.pdf

LSB65R125HT/LSC65R125HT/LSD65R125HT/LSE65R125HT/LSNC65R125HT/LSF65R125HTLonFETLonten N-channel 650V, 25A, 0.125 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 700VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.125DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 75ADMespecially suitable for app
lsb65r099gt lsd65r099gt lse65r099gt.pdf

LSB65R099GT/LSD65R099GT/LSE65R099GT LonFET Lonten N-channel 650V, 40A, 0.099 LonFETTM Power MOSFET Description Product Summary LonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using VDS @ Tj,max 700V advanced super junction technology. The resulting RDS(on),max 0.099 device has extremely low on resistance, making it IDM 120A especially suitable for applications which require Qg,typ 66nC
lsd60r290hf lsg60r290hf lsh60r290hf lsc60r290hf lsf60r290hf lse60r290hf.pdf

LSD60R290HF/LSG60R290HF/LSH60R290HF//LSC60R290HFLSF60R290HF/ LSE60R290HFLonFETLonten N-channel 600V, 15A, 0.29 LonFETTM Power MOSFETDescription Product SummaryLonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using V @ T 650VDS j,maxadvanced super junction technology. The resulting R 0.29DS(on),maxdevice has extremely low on resistance, making it I 45ADMespecially suitable for appli
lsc65r570gt lsd65r570gt lsg65r570gt lsh65r570gt lse65r570gt lsf65r570gt.pdf

LSC65R570GT/LSD65R570GT/LSG65R570GT/ LSH65R570GT/ LSE65R570GT / LSF65R570GT LonFET Lonten N-channel 650V, 7A, 0.57 LonFETTM Power MOSFET Description Product Summary LonFETTM Power MOSFET is fabricated using VDS @ Tj,max 700V advanced super junction technology. The resulting RDS(on),max 0.57 device has extremely low on resistance, making it IDM 21A especially suitable for ap

PTD60N0 2 20V N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET0V NDescription The PTD60N02 uses advanced trench technologyto provide excellent R , low gate charge and DS(ON)operation with gate voltages as low as 4.5V. Thisdevice is suitable for use as a Battery protection or in other Switching application. General FeaturesV = 20V I =60 A DS DR
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SPC65R360G,SPE65R360G,SPD65R360G Sinai Power Technologies www.sinai-power.com N-channel Power MOSFET PRODUCT SUMMARY Features V (V) at T max. 700 DS J New Technology For High Voltage Device R max. at 25oC (m) V =10V 360 DS(on) GS ID=11.5A(Vgs=10V) Q max. (nC) 30 g Ultra Low Gate Charge Q (nC) 8.5 gs Improved dv/dt Capability Q (nC) 7.5 gd

HGD650N15S P-1150V N-Ch Power MOSFETFeature150 VVDS High Speed Power Switching58RDS(on),typ VGS=10V mW Enhanced Body diode dv/dt capability18 AID Enhanced Avalanche Ruggedness 100% UIS Tested, 100% Rg Tested Lead Free, Halogen FreeApplication Synchronous Rectification in SMPSDrain Hard Switching and High Speed Circuit DC/DC in Telecoms

HGD650N15SL P-1150V N-Ch Power MOSFETFeature150 VVDS High Speed Power Switching, Logic Level58RDS(on),typ VGS=10V mW Enhanced Body diode dv/dt capability66RDS(on),typ VGS=4.5V mW Enhanced Avalanche Ruggedness18 AID 100% UIS Tested, 100% Rg Tested Lead Free, Halogen FreeApplication Synchronous Rectification in SMPSDrain Hard Switching an

HTD600N06 P-160V N-Ch Power MOSFETFeature60 VVDS High Speed Power Switching, Logic Level50RDS(on),typ VGS=10V m Enhanced Avalanche Ruggedness12 AID (Sillicon Limited) 100% UIS Tested, 100% Rg Tested Lead Free, Halogen FreeApplication Hard Switching and High Speed Circuit Drain DC/DC in Telecoms and InductrialTO-252Gate231SrcPart N

WSD6056DN56Dual N-Ch MOSFETGeneral Description Product Summery The WSD6056DN56 is the highest BVDSS RDSON ID performance trench Dual N-Ch MOSFET with extreme high cell density,which provide 60V 16m 45Aexcellent RDSON and gate charge for most of the synchronous buck converter Applications applications . The WSD6056DN56 meet the High Frequency Point-of-Load Synchr

WSD6040DN56 N-Ch MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummeryBVDSS RDSON IDThe WSD6040DN56 is the highest performance trench N-Ch MOSFET with extreme high cell 60V 17.5m 36Adensity,which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge for most of the synchronous buck converter applications .Applications Secondary Side Synchronous RectificationThe WSD6040DN56 meet the RoHS and G

WSD60N10GDN56 N-Ch MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummeryThe WSD60N10GDN56 is the highest performance BVDSS RDSON ID trench N-Ch MOSFET with extreme high cell density , which provide excellent RDSON and gate 100V 8.5m 60Acharge for most of the synchronous buck converter applications . Applications The WSD60N10GDN56 meet the RoHS and Green Power Management in TV C

STD60NF3Lwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a, e Qg (Typ) 100 % Rg and UIS Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU0.005 at VGS = 10 V 8030 31 nC0.006 at VGS = 4.5 V 68APPLICATIONSD OR-ingTO-252 Server DC/DCGG D STop ViewSN-Channel MOSFETABSOL

FDD6685www.VBsemi.twP-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)d Qg (Typ.)Definition0.018 at VGS = - 10 V - 40 TrenchFET Power MOSFET- 30 13 nC 100 % Rg Tested0.025 at VGS = - 4.5 V - 35APPLICATIONS Load Switch Battery SwitchSTO-252 GDG D S P-Channel MOSFETABS

IPD640N06LGwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 6 0-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) rDS(on) ()ID (A)aAvailable 175 C Junction Temperature0.025 at VGS = 10 V 35RoHS*600.030 at VGS = 4.5 V 30 COMPLIANTTO-252 DGDrain Connected to TabG D SSTop ViewN-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TC = 25 C, unless otherwise n

STD60NF06T4www.VBsemi.twN-Channel 60 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY 175 C Junction TemperatureVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.012 at VGS = 10 V 50 Material categorization:600.013 at VGS = 4.5 V 45DTO-252 GSG D S N-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 25 C, unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Limi

FDD6680www.VBsemi.twN-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a, e Qg (Typ) 100 % Rg and UIS Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU0.007 at VGS = 10 V 5030 25 nC0.009 at VGS = 4.5 V 40APPLICATIONSD OR-ing ServerTO-252 DC/DCGG D SSTop ViewN-Channel MOSFETABSOLU

NTD6416ANTwww.VBsemi.comN-Channel 100 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A) Qg (Typ.) 100 % UIS tested0.055 at VGS = 10 V 250.057 at VGS = 4.5 V 100 25 21nC0.070 at VGS = 2.5 V 18APPLICATIONS Primary side switchDTO-252GG D SSN-Channel MOSFETTop ViewABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C, un

FDD6035ALwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a, e Qg (Typ) 100 % Rg and UIS Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU0.005 at VGS = 10 V 8030 31 nC0.006 at VGS = 4.5 V 68APPLICATIONSD OR-ingTO-252 Server DC/DCGG D STop ViewSN-Channel MOSFETABSOL

AOD603Awww.VBsemi.twN- and P-Channel 60-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.)Available0.030 at VGS = 10 V 35 TrenchFET Power MOSFETN-Channel 60 6 nC0.033 at VGS = 4.5 V 30 100 % Rg and UIS Tested0.050 at VGS = - 10 V - 19APPLICATIONSP-Channel - 60 8 nC0.060 at VGS = -

STD65N55F3www.VBsemi.tw N-Channel 60 V (D-S) 175 C MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) 60 Package with Low Thermal ResistanceRDS(on) () at VGS = 10 V 0.0063 100 % Rg and UIS TestedRDS(on) () at VGS = 4.5 V 0.0120ID (A) 97Configuration SingleDTO-252GSG D STop ViewN-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 25

FDD6637www.VBsemi.twP-Channel 30 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)aAvailable0.009 at VGS = - 10 V 80RoHS*- 30COMPLIANT0.012 at VGS = - 4.5 V 80STO-252GDG SDTop ViewP-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 25 C, unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Limit UnitGa

MTD6P10ET4www.VBsemi.twP-Channel 100 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) () ID (A) Qg (Typ.)Definition0.250 at VGS = - 10 V - 8.8 TrenchFET Power MOSFET- 100 11.70.280 at VGS = - 4.5 V - 8.0 100 % Rg and UIS Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONSTO-251 Power Switch

MTD6N15T4Gwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 200 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A) 175 C Junction Temperature2000.245 at VGS = 10 V10 PWM Optimized 100 % Rg Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONS Primary Side SwitchDTO-252 GSG D S N-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATIN


RoHS COMPLIANT YJD65G10A N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor Product Summary V 100V DS I 65A D R ( at V =10V) 8.6 mohm DS(ON) GS R ( at V =4.5V) 11.5 mohm DS(ON) GS 100% UIS Tested 100% VDS Tested General Description Low R & FOM DS(on) Extremely low switching loss Excellent stability and uniformity

RoHS COMPLIANT YJD60N04A N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor Product Summary V 40V DS I 60A D R ( at V =10V) 7.0 mohm DS(ON) GS R ( at V =4.5V) 9.5 mohm DS(ON) GS 100% UIS Tested 100% VDS Tested General Description Trench Power LV MOSFET technology Excellent package for heat dissipation High density cel

RoHS COMPLIANT YJD60N02A N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor Product Summary V 20V DS I 60A D R ( at V =4.5V) 6.0mohm DS(ON) GS R ( at V =2.5V) 8.8mohm DS(ON) GS R ( at V =1.8V) 14mohm DS(ON) GS 100% UIS Tested 100% VDS Tested General Description Trench Power LV MOSFET technology Excellent package f

TPD65R520D Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Company 650V Super-Junction Power MOSFET DESCRIPTION 650V super-junction Power MOSFET Super-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The SJ MOSFET is a price-performance optimized product enabling to target cost sensitive applications in Consumer and Ligh
tpa65r360m tpb65r360m tpc65r360m tpd65r360m tpp65r360m tpr65r360m tpu65r360m.pdf

TPA65R360M,TPB65R360M,TPC65R360M,TPD65R360M,TPP65R360M,TPR65R360M,TPU65R360MWuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd650V Super-junction Power MOSFETDescription650V Super-junction Power MOSFETSuper-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The Multi-EPI SJ MOSFET provide an extremely low switching, com
tpp60r840c tpa60r840c tpu60r840c tpd60r840c tpc60r840c tpb60r840c.pdf

TPP60R840C, TPA60R840C, TPU60R840C, TPD60R840C, TPC60R840C, TPB60R840C Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Company 600V Super-Junction Power MOSFET FEATURES Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliant APPLICATIONS Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Power Factor Correction (PFC) Device Marking and Package
tpa65r950m tpd65r950m.pdf

TPA65R950M,TPD65R950MWuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd650V Super-junction Power MOSFETDescription650V Super-junction Power MOSFETSuper-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The Multi-EPI SJ MOSFET provide an extremely low switching, communication and conduction losses device with highest ro
tpp65r600c tpa65r600c tpu65r600c tpd65r600c tpc65r600c tpb65r600c.pdf

TPP65R600C, TPA65R600C, TPU65R600C, TPD65R600C, TPC65R600C, TPB65R600C Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Company 650V Super-Junction Power MOSFET FEATURES Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliant APPLICATIONS Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Power Factor Correction (PFC) Device Marking and Package

TTD65N04AT Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics CO.,LTD. 40V N-Channel Trench MOSFET(Preliminary) General Description Product Summary Trench Power technology VDS 40V Low RDS(ON) ID (at VGS =10V) 65A Low Gate Charge RDS(ON) (at VGS =10V)
tpa65r380d tpd65r380d.pdf

TPA65R380D,TPD65R380DWuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd650V Super-junction Power MOSFETDescription650V Super-junction Power MOSFETSuper-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The deep trench SJ MOSFET provide an extremely low switching, communication and conduction losses device with highest
tpp65r940c tpa65r940c tpu65r940c tpd65r940c tpc65r940c tpb65r940c.pdf

TPP65R940C, TPA65R940C, TPU65R940C, TPD65R940C, TPC65R940C, TPB65R940C Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Company 650V Super-Junction Power MOSFET FEATURES Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliant APPLICATIONS Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Power Factor Correction (PFC) Device Marking and Package

TTD60N03QT Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics CO.,LTD. 30V N-Channel Trench MOSFET(Preliminary) General Description Product Summary VDS 30V Trench Power technology ID (at VGS =10V) 60A Low Capacitance RDS(ON) (at VGS =10V)

TPD60R1K5MFD Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd 600V Super-junction Power MOSFET Description 600V Super-junction Power MOSFET Super-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle and pioneered. The Multi-EPI SJ MOSFET provide an extremely fast and robust body diode. Also provide an extremely low switc
tpa65r1k5m tpd65r1k5m tpu65r1k5m tpy65r1k5mb.pdf

TPA65R1K5M,TPD65R1K5M,TPU65R1K5M,TPY65R1K5MB Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd 650V Super-junction Power MOSFET Description 650V Super-junction Power MOSFET Super-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The Multi-EPI SJ MOSFET provide an extremely low switching, communication and conduction los
tpa60r3k4c tpp60r3k4c tpu60r3k4c tpd60r3k4c.pdf

TPA60R3K4C,TPP60R3K4C,TPU60R3K4C,TPD60R3K4C Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Company 600V Super-Junction Power MOSFET FEATURES Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliant APPLICATIONS D Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) G Power Factor Correction (PFC) S Device Marking and Package Information
tpa65r950m tpb65r950m tpd65r950m.pdf

TPA65R950M,TPB65R950M,TPD65R950MWuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd650V Super-junction Power MOSFETDescription650V Super-junction Power MOSFETSuper-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The Multi-EPI SJ MOSFET provide an extremely low switching, communication and conduction losses device with
tpa65r360m tpb65r360m tpd65r360m tpp65r360m tpr65r360m tpu65r360m.pdf

TPA65R360M,TPB65R360M,TPD65R360M,TPP65R360M,TPR65R360M,TPU65R360MWuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd650V Super-junction Power MOSFETDESCRIPTION650V Super-junction Power MOSFETSuper-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The Multi-EPI SJ MOSFET provide an extremely low switching, communication
tpa60r600mfd tpd60r600mfd.pdf

TPA60R600MFD,TPD60R600MFDWuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd600V Super-junction Power MOSFETDESCRIPTION600V Super-junction Power MOSFETSuper-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle and pioneered. The Multi-EPI SJ MOSFET provide an extremely fast and robust body diode. Also provide an extremely l
tpa65r360m tpd65r360m tpp65r360m tpu65r360m.pdf

TPA65R360M, TPD65R360M, TPP65R360M, TPU65R360MWuxiUnigroupMicroelectronicsCompany650V Super-Junction Power MOSFETFEATURESlVerylowFOMRDS(on)Qgl100%avalanchetestedlRoHScompliantAPPLICATIONSlSwitchModePowerSupply(SMPS)lUninterruptiblePowerSupply(UPS)lPowerFactorCorrection(PFC)Device Marking and Package InformationDevice
tpa65r520d tpd65r520d.pdf

TPA65R520D,TPD65R520DWuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd650V Super-junction Power MOSFETDescription650V Super-junction Power MOSFETSuper-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The deep trench SJ MOSFET provide an extremely low switching, communication and conduction losses device with highest

TPD60R330M Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd 600V Super-Junction Power MOSFET DESCRIPTION 600V super-junction Power MOSFET Super-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The SJ MOSFET is a price-performance optimized product enabling to target cost sensitive applications in Consumer and Lighti
tpp65r380c tpa65r380c tpu65r380c tpd65r380c tpc65r380c tpb65r380c.pdf

TPP65R380C, TPA65R380C, TPU65R380C, TPD65R380C, TPC65R380C, TPB65R380C Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Company 650V Super-Junction Power MOSFET FEATURES Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliant APPLICATIONS Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Power Factor Correction (PFC) Device Marking and Package
tpa65r280d tpb65r280d tpc65r280d tpd65r280d tpp65r280d tpu65r280d.pdf

TPA65R280D, TPB65R280D, TPC65R280D, TPD65R280D, TPP65R280D, TPU65R280D Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Company 650V Super-Junction Power MOSFET FEATURES Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliant APPLICATIONS Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Power Factor Correction (PFC) Device Marking and Package
tpp60r350c tpa60r350c tpu60r350c tpd60r350c tpc60r350c tpb60r350c.pdf

TPP60R350C, TPA60R350C, TPU60R350C, TPD60R350C, TPC60R350C, TPB60R350C Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Company 600V Super-Junction Power MOSFET FEATURES Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliant APPLICATIONS Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Power Factor Correction (PFC) Device Marking and Package
tpd60r1k4m tpu60r1k4m.pdf

TPD60R1K4M,TPU60R1K4MWuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd600V Super-junction Power MOSFETDESCRIPTION600V Super-junction Power MOSFETSuper-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The Multi-EPI SJ MOSFET provide an extremely low switching, communication and conduction losses device with highest ro

TPD65R700MFDWuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd650V Super-junction Power MOSFETDescription650V Super-junction Power MOSFETSuper-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle and pioneered. The Multi-EPI SJ MOSFET provide an extremely fast and robust body diode. Also provide an extremely low switching,
tpa60r360mfd tpd60r360mfd.pdf

TPA60R360MFD,TPD60R360MFDWuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd600V Super-junction Power MOSFETDescription600V Super-junction Power MOSFETSuper-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle and pioneered. The Multi-EPI SJ MOSFET provide an extremely fast and robust body diode. Also provide an extremely l
tpa65r750c tpb65r750c tpc65r750c tpd65r750c tpp65r750c tpu65r750c.pdf

TPA65R750C, TPB65R750C, TPC65R750C, TPD65R750C, TPP65R750C, TPU65R750C Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Company 650V Super-Junction Power MOSFET FEATURES Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliant APPLICATIONS Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Power Factor Correction (PFC) Device Marking and Package

TPD65R600M Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd 650V Super-Junction Power MOSFET DESCRIPTION 650V super-junction Power MOSFET Super-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The SJ MOSFET is a price-performance optimized product enabling to target cost sensitive applications in Consumer and Lighti
tpa65r600m tpb65r600m tpd65r600m tpu65r600m.pdf

TPA65R600M,TPB65R600M,TPD65R600M,TPU65R600MWuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd650V Super-junction Power MOSFETDescription650V Super-junction Power MOSFETSuper-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The Multi-EPI SJ MOSFET provide an extremely low switching, communication and conduction losses de
tpp60r580c tpa60r580c tpu60r580c tpd60r580c tpc60r580c tpb60r580c.pdf

TPP60R580C, TPA60R580C, TPU60R580C, TPD60R580C, TPC60R580C,TPB60R580C Wuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Company 600V Super-Junction Power MOSFET FEATURES Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliant APPLICATIONS Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Power Factor Correction (PFC) Device Marking and Package
tpa60r530m tpd60r530m tpu60r530m.pdf

TPA60R530M,TPD60R530M,TPU60R530MWuxi Unigroup Microelectronics Co.,Ltd600V Super-junction Power MOSFETDESCRIPTION600V Super-junction Power MOSFETSuper-junction power MOSFET is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETsdesigned according to the SJ principle. The Multi-EPI SJ MOSFET provide an extremely low switching, communication and conduction losses device with
mpsa65m390 mpsp65m390 mpsu65m390 mpsd65m390 mpsy65m390.pdf

MPSA65M390,MPSP65M390,MPSU65M390,MPSD65M390, MPSY65M390 FEATURES APPLICATIONS BVDSS=650V, ID=11A Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)RDS(on):0.39(Max)@VGS=10V Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg Power Factor Correction (PFC) 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliantTO-220 TO-252TO-220FTO-251 DFN 8*8Device Marking and Package Inform
mpsa60m370 mpsp60m370 mpsu60m370 mpsd60m370.pdf

MPSA60M370,MPSP60M370,MPSU60M370,MPSD60M370 FEATURES APPLICATIONS BVDSS=600V, ID=11A Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)RDS(on):0.37(Max)@VGS=10V Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg Power Factor Correction (PFC) 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliantTO-252TO-220TO-220F TO-251Device Marking and Package InformationOrdering code
mpsa65m810 mpsp65m810 mpsu65m810 mpsd65m810.pdf

MPSA65M810,MPSP65M810,MPSU65M810,MPSD65M810 FEATURES APPLICATIONS BVDSS=650V, ID=6A Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)RDS(on):0.81(Max)@VGS=10V Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg Power Factor Correction (PFC) 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliantTO-252TO-220TO-220F TO-251Device Marking and Package InformationOrdering code
mpbd6n65esf mpbc6n65esf.pdf

MPBX6N65ESF650V-6A Trench and Field Stop IGBTFeaturesApplications Easy parallel switching capability due to Motor Drivespositive temperature coefficient in VCEsat Fan, Pumps, Vacuum Cleaner Low VCEsatfast switching High ruggedness, good thermal stability Very tight parameter distributionType Marking Package CodeCCMPBD6N65ESF MP6N65ESF TO-252MPB
mpsa65m650 mpsp65m650 mpsu65m650 mpsd65m650 mpsy65m650.pdf

MPSA65M650,MPSP65M650,MPSU65M650,MPSD65M650,MPSY65M650 FEATURES APPLICATIONS BVDSS=650V, ID=8A Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)RDS(on):0.65(Max)@VGS=10V Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg Power Factor Correction (PFC) 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliantTO-251 DFN 8*8TO-220FTO-220TO-252Device Marking and Package Informa
mpsa60m940 mpsp60m940 mpsu60m940 mpsd60m940.pdf

MPSA60M940,MPSP60M940,MPSU60M940,MPSD60M940 FEATURES APPLICATIONS BVDSS=600V, ID=4A Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)RDS(on):0.94(Max)@VGS=10V Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg Power Factor Correction (PFC) 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliantTO-252TO-220TO-220F TO-251Device Marking and Package InformationOrdering code
mpsa65m990 mpsp65m990 mpsu65m990 mpsd65m990.pdf

MPSA65M990,MPSP65M990,MPSU65M990,MPSD65M990 FEATURES APPLICATIONS BVDSS=650V, ID=4A Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)RDS(on):0.99(Max)@VGS=10V Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg Power Factor Correction (PFC) 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliantTO-252TO-220TO-220F TO-251Device Marking and Package InformationOrdering code
mpsa60m600 mpsp60m600 mpsu60m600 mpsd60m600.pdf

MPSA60M600,MPSP60M600,MPSU60M600,MPSD60M600FEATURES APPLICATIONS BVDSS=600V, ID=8A Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)RDS(on):0.6(Max)@VGS=10V Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)Very low FOM RDS(on)Qg Power Factor Correction (PFC) 100% avalanche tested RoHS compliantTO-252TO-220TO-220F TO-251Device Marking and Package InformationOrdering code Pa

MSG80D60FLCFeatures Low gate charge Trench-Stop Technology High speed switching Saturation voltage:VCE(sat),typ= 1.25V @IC=80A and TC=25Applications General purpose inverters Induction heating(IH) Welding Converters UPSAbsolute RatingsTc=25Parameter Symbol MSG80D60FLC UnitCollector-Emmiter Voltage Vces 600 VCollector Current-cont

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD683DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 400V(Min)CEO(SUS)High DC Current Gain-: h = 500(Min.)@ I = 5AFE CMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSHigh voltage and high power switching applications.Motor driver applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATIN

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD678ADESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = -60V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = -2 AFE CComplement to Type BD677AMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier a

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD612DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 25V(Min.)(BR)CEOHigh Collector DissipationWide Area of Safe OperationComplement to Type 2SB632Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for low frequency power amplifier applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6635FEATURESDrain Current : I =59A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =35V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =10m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid dr

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD698DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Sustaining Voltage: V =CEO(SUS) -60V(Min.)DC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = -3AFE C100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for general-purpose amplifier and low-speed

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6N50TMFEATURESDrain Current : I =6A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =500V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =0.9(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6676SFEATURESDrain Current : I =78A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =6m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid dr

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6692FEATURESDrain Current : I =54A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =12m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid dr

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R380P6,IIPD60R380P6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.38Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONSuitable for hard and soft switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Sourc

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R280P7SIIPD60R280P7SFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.28Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONSuitable for hard and soft switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6296FEATURESDrain Current I = 50A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 8.8m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalpurpose

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R450E6,IIPD60R450E6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.45Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSS

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor MJD6039DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 80V(Min)CEO(SUS)High DC Current Gain-: h = 500(Min)@I = 2AFE CMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust device performanceand reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for general purpose switching and amplifierapplicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)a

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD60R750PRHFEATURESDrain Current : I = 5.7A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 600V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.75(Max) @V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand s

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor BD609DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 80V(Min)(BR)CEOComplement to Type BD610100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use in high power audio amplifiers utilizingcomplementary or quasi complementary cir
2sd612 2sd612k.pdf

Inchange Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD612 2SD612K DESCRIPTION With TO-126 package Complement to type 2SB632/632K High collector dissipation Wide area of safe operation APPLICATIONS 25V/35V, 2A low-frequency power amplifier applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter Collector;connected to 2 mounting base 3 Bas

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6690AFEATURESDrain Current : I =46A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =12m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid d

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD682DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = -100V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = -1.5 AFE CComplement to Type BD681Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD627DESCRIPTIONHigh Breakdown Voltage-: V = 1500V (Min)CBOHigh ReliabilityMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for horizontal deflection output applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Collector-Base Voltage 1500 VCBOV Coll

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6670SFEATURESDrain Current : I =64A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =59m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid d
2sd600 2sd600k.pdf

Inchange Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD600 2SD600K DESCRIPTION With TO-126 package Complement to type 2SB631/631K High breakdown voltage VCEO100/120V High current 1A Low saturation voltage APPLICATIONS For low-frequency power amplifier applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter Collector;connected to 2 mount

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6770AFEATURESDrain Current : I =50A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =25V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =4m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid dr

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD678DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = -60(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = -1.5 AFE CComplement to Type BD677Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier ap

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD665DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 200V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh Current CapabilityExcellent Safe Operating AreaComplement to Type 2SB645Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for power amplifier applications.Recommended for

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6530AFEATURESDrain Current : I =21A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =20V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =32m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid drive.ABSO

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD652DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -120V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @I = -3AFE CLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD651Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull output

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD679DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-V = 70V(Min)CEO(SUS)Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage-: V = 2.0V(Max.)@ I = 3ACE(sat) C100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for general purpose ampl

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6780AFEATURESDrain Current : I =30A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =25V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =8.6m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD679DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 80V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = 1.5 AFE CComplement to Type BD680Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier app

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6670ALFEATURESDrain Current : I =84A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =5m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid d

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD605DESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation VoltageHigh DC Current Gain100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSHigh ruggedness electronic ignitionsHigh voltage ignition coil driverGeneral purpose power amplifiersABSOLUTE

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD651DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-V = 400V(Min)CEO(SUS)High Power DissipationLow Collector Saturation VoltageMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for general purpose amplifier and low speedswitching applications.

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD657DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 200V(Min)CEO(SUS)Excellent Safe Operating Area100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for line operated audio output amplifier,and switchingpower supply drivers appl

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD680ADESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = -80V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = -2AFE CComplement to Type BD679AMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier ap

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD676DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = -45 V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = -1.5 AFE CComplement to Type BD675Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6676FEATURESDrain Current : I =78A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =7.5m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid d

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD673DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 100V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh Power Dissipation-: P = 60W(Max)@T =25C CComplement to Type 2SB653Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for low frequency power amplifier applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =2

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R600E6,IIPD60R600E6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.6Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R950CFD,IIPD65R950CFDFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.95Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNI

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R380C6,IIPD65R380C6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.38Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6644FEATURESDrain Current : I =67A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =8.5m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid d

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD644DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -45V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @I = -3AFE CLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD643Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull output

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R360P7,IIPD60R360P7FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.36Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONSuitable for hard and soft switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Sourc

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R250C6,IIPD65R250C6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.25Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Vo

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R950C6IIPD60R950C6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.95Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSS

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6672AFEATURESDrain Current : I =65A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =8m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid dr

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R280CFD7IIPD60R280CFD7FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.28Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONImproved MOSFET reverse diode dv/dt and diF/dt ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETE

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R360P7S,IIPD60R360P7SFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.36Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONSuitable for hard and soft switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Sou
2sd669 2sd669a.pdf

Inchange Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD669 2SD669A DESCRIPTION With TO-126 package Complement to type 2SB649/649A High breakdown voltage VCEO:120/160V High current 1.5A Low saturation voltage,excellent hFE linearity APPLICATIONS For low-frequency power amplifier applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter Collect

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD60R900QRHFEATURESDrain Current : I = 4.4A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 600V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.9(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid drive

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R1K5CE,IIPD60R1K5CEFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)1.5Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD60DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 75V(Min)CEO(SUS)Excellent Safe Operating AreaHigh Current CapabilityMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for power amplifier and switching applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD600KDESCRIPTIONHigh Collector Current-I = 1.0ACHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 120V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFELow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type 2SB631KMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for power amplifier applicationsABSO

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R180P7SIIPD60R180P7SFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.18Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 V

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 3DD6EDESCRIPTIONExcellent Safe Operating AreaHigh DC Current Gain-h =10(Min)@I = 2.5AFE CLow Saturation Voltage-: V )= 1.5V(Max)@ I = 2.5ACE(sat CMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust device performanceand reliable operation.APPLICATIONSDesigned for high power audio ,disk head positioners andother linear applications, which c

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R3K3C6,IIPD60R3K3C6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)3.3Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV
bd675 bd677 bd679.pdf

Inchange Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon NPN Darligton Power Transistors BD675/BD677/BD679 DESCRIPTION With TO-126 package Complement to type BD676/678/680 DARLINGTON High DC current gain APPLICATIONS For use as output devices in complementary generalpurpose amplifier applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter Collector;connected to 2

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R3K4CE,IIPD60R3K4CEFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)3.4Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD650DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -100V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @I = -3AFE CLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD649Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull output

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R600E6,IIPD65R600E6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.6Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R225C7,IIPD65R225C7FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.225Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 650 VDSS

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD60R900PRHFEATURESDrain Current : I = 4.5A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 600V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.9(Max) @V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand so

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD60R360PFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.38100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONSwitching applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV Gate-Source Voltage 30

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6696FEATURESDrain Current : I =50A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =8m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid dri

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R650CE,IIPD65R650CEFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.65Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6760AFEATURESDrain Current : I =50A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =25V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =3.2m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor STD65NF06FEATURESWith TO-252( DPAK ) packagingHigh speed switchingStandard level gate driveEasy to use100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSPower supplySwitching applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL

INCHANGE Semiconductor isc Product Specification isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD649 DESCRIPTION High Breakdown Voltage- : VCBO= 1500V (Min) High Reliability APPLICATIONS Designed for line-operated horizontal deflection output applications. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 1500 V VCES Collector-Emitter V

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD680DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = -80V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = -1.5 AFE CComplement to Type BD679Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier a

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD635DESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current Gain: h = 2000(Min.) @I = 3.0AFE CLow Saturation Voltage: V = 1.5V(Max.)@ I = 3.0ACE(sat) CComplement to Type 2SB675Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSHigh power switching applications.Hammer drive, p

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD632DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 300V(Min)CEO(SUS)Excellent Safe Operating Area100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for line operated audio output amplifier,and switchingpower supply drivers appl

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD670DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-V = 100V(Min)CEO(SUS)Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage-: V = 2.0V(Max.)@ I = 10ACE(sat) C100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for audio output stage

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6680FEATURESDrain Current : I =46A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =10m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid dr

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD633DESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current Gain: h = 2000(Min.) @I = 3.0AFE CLow Saturation Voltage: V = 1.5V(Max.)@ I = 3.0ACE(sat) CComplement to Type 2SB673Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSHigh power switching applications.Hammer drive, p

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6796AFEATURESDrain Current : I =40A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =25V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =5.7m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD643FDESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current GainLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD644FMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputstage applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAM

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R280P7IIPD60R280P7FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.28Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONSuitable for a wide variety of applications and power rangesABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MLD685DFEATURESDrain Current I = 85A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V = 60V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 4.7m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalpurpos

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD675ADESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 45 V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = 2 AFE CComplement to Type BD676AMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier ap

Isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor STD6N95K5FEATURESWith To-252(DPAK) packageLow input capacitance and gate chargeLow gate input resistance100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSSwitching applicationsLoad switchPower managementABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAME

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD628DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 100V(Min.)CEO(sus)High DC Current Gain-: h = 1000(Min.)@I = 5AFE CLow Collector Saturation Voltage-: V = 2.0V(Max.)@ I = 5ACE (sat) CComplement to Type 2SB638Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONS

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R600CP,IIPD60R600CPFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.6Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONHigh peak current capabilityABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD645FDESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current GainLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD646FMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputstage applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAM

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD640DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 400V (Min)(BR)CEOLow Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage-: V = 1.5V (Max.)@ I = 5ACE(sat) CExcellent Safe Operating AreaMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSHigh voltage switching applicatio

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD677ADESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 60V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = 2 AFE CComplement to Type BD678AMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier app

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD652FDESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -100V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current GainLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD651FMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputstag

isc Silicon NPN Darlingtion Power Transistor 2SD692DESCRIPTIONBuilt-in Base-Emitter Shunt ResistorsHigh DC current gain-h = 1000 (Min) @ I =1 AdcFE CCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-V = 80V(Min)(BR)CEOWide Area of Safe OperationMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for high power amplifier a

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor BD634DESCRIPTIONDC Current Gain -: h = 40(Min.)@ I = -25mAFE CCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -45V(Min.)(BR)CEOComplement to Type BD633Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for amplifier and switching applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aS

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD675DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 160V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh Power Dissipation-: P = 100W(Max)@T =25C CComplement to Type 2SB655Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for low frequency power amplifier applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R1K0CE,IIPD65R1K0CEFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)1Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 3CD6DDESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -110V(Min.)(BR)CEODC Current Gain-: h =10-180@I = -2.5AFE CCollector-Emitter Saturation Voltage-: V )= -1.5V(Max)@ I = -2.5ACE(sat CMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSPower amplifierLow speed switchingP

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6030LFEATURESDrain Current I = 50A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 13.5m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalpurpo

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD60R360PRHFEATURESDrain Current : I = 11A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 600V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.38(Max) @V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand so

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD684DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 300V(Min)CEO(SUS)High DC Current Gain-: h = 1500(Min.)@I = 2AFE CLow Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage-: V = 2.0V(Max) @I = 4ACE(sat) CMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSIgniter applications.

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R380C6,IIPD60R380C6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.38Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSS

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6670AFEATURESDrain Current : I =66A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =8m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid dr

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD60R580PRHFEATURESDrain Current : I = 8A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 600V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.58(Max) @V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand sol

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R600P6,IIPD60R600P6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.6Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD613DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 85V(Min)(BR)CEOComplement to Type 2SB633Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSAudio frequency 25~35 watts output applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Collector-Base Voltage 100

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD650FDESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -100V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current GainLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD649FMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputstag

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6680ASFEATURESDrain Current : I =55A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =10.5m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoi

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R250E6,IIPD65R250E6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.25Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Vo

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD65R380QRHFEATURESDrain Current : I = 10.6A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 650V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.38(Max) @V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD603ALFEATURESDrain Current I = 33A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 23m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalpurpose

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD676ADESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = -45 V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = -2 AFE CComplement to Type BD675AMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD600N25N3,IIPD600N25N3FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)60mEnhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONHigh frequency switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 250

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R1K0CE,IIPD60R1K0CEFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)1Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV G

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD65R600QRHFEATURESDrain Current : I = 7.3A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 650V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.6(Max) @V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand so

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD693DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-V = 450V(Min)CEO(SUS)High Power DissipationLow Collector Saturation VoltageMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for line operated switchmode applications such as:Switching regu

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD648DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -80V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @I = -3AFE CLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD647Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull output

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD65R900QRHFEATURESDrain Current : I =75A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =6.2m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solen

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R190C7,IIPD65R190C7FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.19Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 650 VDSS

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD647FDESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current GainLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD648FMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputstage applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAM

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6632FEATURESDrain Current : I =9A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =20V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =90m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid dri

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6030BLFEATURESDrain Current I = 35A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 18m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalpurpos

Isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD60R580QFEATURESWith To-252(DPAK) packageLow input capacitance and gate chargeLow gate input resistance100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSSwitching applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Vol

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor BD638DESCRIPTIONDC Current Gain -: h = 40(Min.)@ I = -25mAFE CCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -80V(Min.)(BR)CEOComplement to Type BD637Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for amplifier and switching applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aS

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6680SFEATURESDrain Current : I =55A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =11m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid d

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD646FDESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -60V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current GainLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD645FMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputstage

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD683DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 120V(Min.)(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min)@ I = 1.5AFE CComplement to Type BD684Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementary

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R180C7IIPD60R180C7FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.18Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONSuitable for hard and soft switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Sou

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD645DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 60V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @I = 3AFE CLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD646Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputst

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R170CFD7,IIPD60R170CFD7FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)170mEnhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONImproved MOSFET reverse diode dv/dt and diF/dt ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6606FEATURESDrain Current : I =75A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =20V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =6m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid dri
bd675a bd677a bd679a bd681.pdf

Inchange Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors BD675A/677A/679A/681 DESCRIPTION With TO-126 package Complement to type BD676A/678A/680A/682 DARLINGTON APPLICATIONS For medium power linear and switching applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter Collector;connected to 2 mounting base 3 BaseAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta=25

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD687DESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current Gain-: h = 2000(Min)@ I = 1AFE CCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 40V(Min)(BR)CEOLow Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage-: V = 1.5V(Max)@ I = 2ACE(sat) CMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSSwitching applications.

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R385CP,IIPD60R385CPFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.385Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONHigh peak current capabilityABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Volta

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R1K4CFD,IIPD65R1K4CFDFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)1.4Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6N20TMFEATURESDrain Current : I =4.5A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =200V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =0.8(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoi

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R800CE,IIPD60R800CEFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.8Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD651DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 120V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @I = 3AFE CLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD652Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputs

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD649FDESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current GainLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD650FMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputstage applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAM

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R460CE,IIPD60R460CEFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.46Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSS

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R400CE,IIPD60R400CEFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.4Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD652DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-V = 500V(Min)CEO(SUS)High Power DissipationLow Collector Saturation VoltageMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for line operated switchmode applications such as:Switching regu

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD634DESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current Gain: h = 2000(Min.) @I = 3.0AFE CLow Saturation Voltage: V = 1.5V(Max.)@ I = 3.0ACE(sat) CComplement to Type 2SB674Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSHigh power switching applications.Hammer drive, p

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R600P7,IIPD60R600P7FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.6Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor AOD66406FEATURESDrain Current I = 60A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V =40V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =6.1m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalpurpose

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD651FDESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current GainLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD652FMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputstage applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAM

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6688FEATURESDrain Current : I =84A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =5m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid dri

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD650DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-V = 400V(Min)CEO(SUS)High Power DissipationLow Collector Saturation VoltageMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for line operated switchmode applications such as:Switching regu

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R1K4C6,IIPD60R1K4C6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)1.4Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R600C6,IIPD60R600C6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.6Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD669ADESCRIPTIONHigh Collector Current-I = 1.5ACHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 120V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFELow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type 2SD649Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSPower amplifier applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM R

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6035ALFEATURESDrain Current I = 46A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 12m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalpurpos

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6796FEATURESDrain Current : I =40A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =25V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =5.7m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid d

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R750E6,IIPD60R750E6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.75Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONHigh peak current capabilityABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltag

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R400CE,IIPD65R400CEFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.4Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R650CE,IIPD60R650CEFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.65Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSS

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6688SFEATURESDrain Current : I =88A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =5.1m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6682FEATURESDrain Current : I =75A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =6.2m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid d

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD60R580PBRHFEATURESDrain Current : I = 8A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 600V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.58(Max) @V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand so

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD681DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 100V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = 1.5 AFE CComplement to Type BD682Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier ap
bd676a bd678a bd680a bd682.pdf

Inchange Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors BD676A/678A/680A/682 DESCRIPTION With TO-126 package Complement to type BD675A/677A/679A/681 DARLINGTON High DC current gain APPLICATIONS For medium power linear and switching applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter Collector;connected to 2 mounting base 3 BaseAbsolute

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R2K1CE,IIPD60R2K1CEFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)2.1Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6776AFEATURESDrain Current : I =30A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =25V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =7.5m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R380E6,IIPD65R380E6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.38Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Vo

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD677DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 60V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = 1.5 AFE CComplement to Type BD678Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier app

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD60R580QRHFEATURESDrain Current : I = 8A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 600V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.58(Max) @V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand sol

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor MMD60R360QRHFEATURESDrain Current : I = 11A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 600V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.36(Max) @V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand so

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R520CP,IIPD60R520CPFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.52Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONHigh peak current capabilityABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltag

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD608DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 160V(Min)(BR)CEOComplement to Type 2SB628Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for audio frequency power amplifier and low speedswitching applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALU

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD643DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 45V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @I = 3AFE CLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD644Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputst

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor BD636DESCRIPTIONDC Current Gain -: h = 40(Min.)@ I = -25mAFE CCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -60V(Min.)(BR)CEOComplement to Type BD635Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for amplifier and switching applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aS

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6782AFEATURESDrain Current : I =20A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =25V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =10.5m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid
bd676 bd678 bd680.pdf

Inchange Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon PNP Darligton Power Transistors BD676/BD678/BD680 DESCRIPTION With TO-126 package Complement to type BD675/BD677/BD679 DARLINGTON High DC current gain APPLICATIONS For use as output devices in complementary generalpurpose amplifier applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter Collector;connected to
2sd633 2sd635.pdf

Inchange Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD633 2SD635 DESCRIPTION With TO-220C package Complement to type 2SB673/675 DARLINGTON High DC current gain Low saturation voltage APPLICATIONS High power switching Hammer drive,pulse motor drive PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base Collector;connected to 2 mounting base 3 Emit

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD647DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 80V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @I = 3AFE CLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD648Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputst

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor BD637DESCRIPTIONDC Current Gain -: h = 40(Min.)@ I = 25mAFE CCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 80V(Min.)(BR)CEOComplement to Type BD638Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for amplifier and switching applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYM

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6680AFEATURESDrain Current : I =56A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =9.5m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD690DESCRIPTIONCollector Current: I = 7ACCollector-Emitter BreakdownVoltage-: V = 70V(Min.)(BR)CEO100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for TV horizontal deflection applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSY

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor BD635DESCRIPTIONDC Current Gain -: h = 40(Min.)@ I = 25mAFE CCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 60V(Min.)(BR)CEOComplement to Type BD636Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for amplifier and switching applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYM

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD640N06L,IIPD640N06LFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)64mEnhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 60 VDSSV Ga

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R380E6FEATURESWith TO-252(DPAK) packagingWith low gate drive requirementsVery high commutation ruggednessExtremely high frequency operation100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSSwitching applicationsLCD&PDP TVPC si

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD669DESCRIPTIONHigh Collector Current-I = 1.5ACHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 120V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFELow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type 2SB649Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSPower amplifier applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RA

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6512AFEATURESDrain Current : I =34A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =20V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =21m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid d

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD649DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 100V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @I = 3AFE CLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD650Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputs

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD675DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 45 V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = 1.5 AFE CComplement to Type BD676Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier ap

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD684DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = -120V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = -1.5 AFE CComplement to Type BD683Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for audio and video output applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6N50FFEATURESDrain Current : I =5.5A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =500V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =1.15(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoi

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R950C6,IIPD65R950C6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.95Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD689DESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current Gain-: h = 1000(Min)@ I = 1AFE CCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 100V(Min)CEO(SUS)Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage-: V = 1.5V(Max)@ I = 1ACE(sat) CComplement to Type 2SB679Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATION

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD617DESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation VoltageHigh DC Current Gain100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for audio output stages and general amplifierand switching applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD676DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 160V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh Power Dissipation-: P = 125W(Max)@T =25C CComplement to Type 2SB656Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for low frequency power amplifier applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R600C6,IIPD65R600C6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.6Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 650 VDSSV

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD646DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -60V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @I = -3AFE CLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD645Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull output

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD641DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 400V (Min)(BR)CEOLow Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage-: V = 1.5V (Max.)@ I = 10ACE(sat) CMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSHigh voltage switching applications.High power amplifier applications.ABSOLUTE MAXI

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R1K4C6,IIPD65R1K4C6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)1.4Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R2K0C6,IIPD60R2K0C6FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)2Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSSV G

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R1K5CE,IIPD65R1K5CEFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)1.5Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingVery high commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor BD633DESCRIPTIONDC Current Gain -: h = 40(Min.)@ I = 25mAFE CCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 45V(Min.)(BR)CEOComplement to Type BD634Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for amplifier and switching applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYM

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor FDD6778AFEATURESDrain Current : I =10A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V =25V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =14m(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand solenoid d

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD600DESCRIPTIONHigh Collector Current-I = 1.0ACHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 100V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFELow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type 2SB631Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for power amplifier applicationsABSOLU

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor BD648FDESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -80V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh DC Current GainLow Saturation VoltageComplement to Type BD649FMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as complementary AF push-pull outputstage

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD686DESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current Gain-: h = 2000(Min)@ I = 1AFE CCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 80V(Min)(BR)CEOLow Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage-: V = 1.5V(Max)@ I = 3ACE(sat) CComplement to Type 2SB676Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONS

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD65R660CFD,IIPD65R660CFDFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.66Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONHigh commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Volta

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD663DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-V = 500V(Min)CEO(SUS)High Power DissipationLow Collector Saturation VoltageMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for line operated switchmode applications such as:Switching regu

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPD60R600P7S,IIPD60R600P7SFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)0.6Enhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 600 VDSS

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor BD679ADESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 80V(BR)CEODC Current Gain: h = 750(Min) @ I = 2 AFE CComplement to Type BD680AMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use as output devices in complementarygeneral-purpose amplifier app
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History: DRA3A43E | 2SD1898R | T1025 | KT3108B | NSVMMUN2232LT1G | CXTA14 | 3DA3834F
History: DRA3A43E | 2SD1898R | T1025 | KT3108B | NSVMMUN2232LT1G | CXTA14 | 3DA3834F

Список транзисторов
BJT: GA1A4M | SBT42 | 2SA200-Y | 2SA200-O | 2SD882-Q | 2SD882-P | 2SD882-E | 2SC945-L | 2SC945-H | 2SC4226-R23 | 2SC3357-F | 2SC3357-E | 2SC3356-R26 | 2SC3356-R24 | 2SC3356-R23 | 2SB772-Q | 2SB772-P | 2SB772-E | 2SA1015-L | 2SA1015-H | HSS8550
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