Биполярный транзистор 2SB1166
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Наименование производителя: 2SB1166
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: PNP
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 20
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 60
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 50
Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 6
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 8
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 150
Граничная частота коэффициента передачи тока (ft): 130
Ёмкость коллекторного перехода (Cc): 95
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 70
Корпус транзистора:
- подбор биполярного транзистора по параметрам
Datasheet (PDF)
8.3. Size:84K panasonic

Power Transistors2SB1169, 2SB1169ASilicon PNP epitaxial planar typeFor power amplificationUnit : mm Features7. 0 to 0.15 High forward current transfer ratio hFE which has satisfactory linearity2.00.2 Low collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) I type package enabling direct soldering of the radiating fin to theprinted circu
8.4. Size:159K jmnic

JMnic Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SB1161 DESCRIPTION With TO-3PFa package Complement to type 2SD1716 High fT Wide area of safe operation APPLICATIONS For high power amplifier applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base 2 Collector3 EmitterAbsolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VALUE UNITVCBO Collector-ba
8.5. Size:155K jmnic

JMnic Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SB1162 DESCRIPTION With TO-3PL package Complement to type 2SD1717 Excellent linearity of hFE Wide area of safe operation (ASO) High transition frequency fT APPLICATIONS For high power amplifier applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base Collector;connected to 2 mounting base Fig.1 simplified o
8.6. Size:155K jmnic

JMnic Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SB1163 DESCRIPTION With TO-3PL package Complement to type 2SD1718 Excellent linearity of hFE Wide area of safe operation (ASO) High transition frequency fT APPLICATIONS For high power amplifier applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base Collector;connected to 2 mounting base Fig.1 simplified o
8.7. Size:157K jmnic

JMnic Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SB1165 DESCRIPTION With TO-126 package Complement to type 2SD1722 Low collector saturation voltage Fast switching time APPLICATIONS For use in relay drivers,high-speed inverters,converters. PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter Collector;connected to 2 mounting base 3 BaseAbsolute maximum ratings
8.8. Size:187K jmnic

JMnic Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SB1160 DESCRIPTION With TO-3PFa package Complement to type 2SD1715 High fT Satisfactory linearity of hFE Wide area of safe operation APPLICATIONS For high power amplifier applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base 2 Collector3 EmitterAbsolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDIT
8.9. Size:1188K kexin

SMD Type TransistorsPNP Transistors2SB1169TO-252 Unit: mm6.50+0.15-0.15+0.12.30 -0.15.30+0.2 0.50 -0.7-0.2 +0.8 Features High forward current transfer ratio hFE which has satisfactory linearity Low collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat)0.1270.80+0.1 max-0.12.3 0.60+ 0.1 1 Base- 0.1+0.154.60 -0.152 Collector3 Emitter Absolute Max
8.10. Size:1186K kexin

SMD Type TransistorsPNP Transistors2SB1169ATO-252 Unit: mm6.50+0.15-0.15+0.12.30 -0.15.30+0.2 0.50 -0.7-0.2 +0.8 Features High forward current transfer ratio hFE which has satisfactory linearity Low collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat)0.1270.80+0.1 max-0.12.3 0.60+ 0.1 1 Base- 0.1+0.154.60 -0.152 Collector3 Emitter Absolute Ma
8.11. Size:222K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SB1161DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -160V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFEWide Area of Safe OperationComplement to Type 2SD1716Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for high power amplifier applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)
8.12. Size:218K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SB1168DESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage-: V = -0.5V(Max)@I = -2ACE(sat) CHigh fTGood Linearity of hFEFast switching timeComplement to Type 2SD1725Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for relay drivers,high-speed inverters andconverters applicat
8.13. Size:219K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SB1162DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -160V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFEWide Area of Safe OperationComplement to Type 2SD1717Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for high power amplifier applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)
8.14. Size:219K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SB1163DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -180V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFEWide Area of Safe OperationComplement to Type 2SD1718Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for high power amplifier applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)
8.15. Size:218K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SB1165DESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage-: V = -0.55V(Max)@I = -3ACE(sat) CHigh fTGood Linearity of hFEFast switching timeComplement to Type 2SD1722Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for relay drivers,high-speed inverters andconverters applica
8.16. Size:222K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SB1160DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -150V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFEWide Area of Safe OperationComplement to Type 2SD1715Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for high power amplifier applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)
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