MOSFET. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent
Type Designator: MMBF4119
Marking Code: 61A_61E
Type of Transistor: JFET
Type of Control Channel: N
- Maximum Power Dissipation: 0.225
|Vds|ⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source Voltage: 40
|Vgs|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Source Voltage: 6
|Vgs(off)|ⓘ - Minimum Gate-to-Source Cutoff Voltage: 0.6
|Id|ⓘ - Maximum Drain Current: 0.6
Tjⓘ - Maximum Junction Temperature: 150
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - MOSFET Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:128K fairchild semi
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PN4117 MMBF4117PN4118 MMBF4118PN4119 MMBF4119GSG TO-92SSOT-23 DDMark: 61A / 61C / 61ENOTE: Source & Drain are interchangeableN-Channel SwitchThis device is designed for low current DC and audio applications.These devices provide excellent performance as input stages forsub-picoamp instrumentation or any high impedance signalsources. Sourced from Process 53.Abso
9.2. Size:292K motorola
MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MMBF4416LT1/DJFETMMBF4416LT1VHF/UHF Amplifier TransistorNChannelMotorola Preferred Device2 SOURCE3GATE31 DRAIN1MAXIMUM RATINGS2Rating Symbol Value UnitCASE 31808, STYLE 10DrainSource Voltage VDS 30 VdcSOT23 (TO236AB)DrainGate Voltage VDG 30 VdcGateSource Voltage VGS 30 Vdc
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MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MMBF4391LT1/DMMBF4391LT1JFET Switching TransistorsMMBF4392LT1NChannel2 SOURCEMMBF4393LT13GATE31 DRAIN1MAXIMUM RATINGS2Rating Symbol Value UnitDrainSource Voltage VDS 30 VdcCASE 31808, STYLE 10DrainGate Voltage VDG 30 VdcSOT23 (TO236AB)GateSource Voltage VGS 30 VdcForward
9.4. Size:49K fairchild semi
March 2005MMBF4416AN-Channel RF Amplifier This device is designed for RF amplifiers. Sourced from process 50.GSSOT-23DMark: 6BGAbsolute Maximum Ratings* Ta = 25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVDG Drain-Gate Voltage 35 VVGS Gate-Source Voltage -35 VIGF Forward Gate Current 10 mATJ, TSTG Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range - 5
9.5. Size:708K fairchild semi
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PN4391 MMBF4391PN4392 MMBF4392PN4393 MMBF4393GSG TO-92SSOT-23 DDMark: 6J / 6K / 6GNOTE: Source & Drain are interchangeableN-Channel SwitchThis device is designed for low level analog switching, sampleand hold circuits and chopper stabalized amplifiers. Sourcedfrom Process 51. See J111 for characteristics.Absolute Maximum Ratings* TA = 25C unless otherwise noted
9.6. Size:55K fairchild semi
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PN4091 MMBF4091PN4092 MMBF4092PN4093 MMBF4093GDG TO-92S SSOT-23DMark: 61J / 61K / 61LNOTE: Source & Drain are interchangeableN-Channel SwitchThis device is designed for low level analog switching, sampleand hold circuits and chopper stabalized amplifiers. Sourcedfrom Process 51. See J111 for characteristics.Absolute Maximum Ratings* TA = 25C unless otherwise no
9.7. Size:100K fairchild semi
April 2009MMBF4416N-Channel RF Amplifiers This device is designed for RF amplifiers.G Sourced from process 50.SSOT-23DMark: 6AAbsolute Maximum Ratings TA=25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVDG Drain-Gate Voltage 30 VVGS Gate-Source Voltage -30 VIGF Forward Gate Current 10 mATJ, TSTG Junction and Storage Temperature Range -55 to +150 C
9.8. Size:279K onsemi
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Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur
9.9. Size:127K onsemi
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MMBF4391LT1G,MMBF4392LT1G,MMBF4393LT1GJFET Switching TransistorsN-Channelhttp://onsemi.comFeatures2 SOURCE These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSCompliant3GATEMAXIMUM RATINGS1 DRAINRating Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Voltage VDS 30 VdcDrain-Gate Voltage VDG 30 Vdc3Gate-Source Voltage VGS 30 Vdc1Forward Gate Current IG(f) 50 mAdc
9.10. Size:149K onsemi
MMBF4416LT1Preferred Device JFET VHF/UHF AmplifierTransistorN-Channelhttp://onsemi.comFeatures Pb-Free Package is Available2 SOURCEMAXIMUM RATINGS3Rating Symbol Value UnitGATEDrain-Source Voltage VDS 30 VdcDrain-Gate Voltage VDG 30 Vdc1 DRAINGate-Source Voltage VGS 30 VdcGate Current IG 10 mAdcTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICS3SOT-23 (TO-236)Characteristic Sym
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