All IGBT. SGD02N120 Datasheet


SGD02N120 IGBT. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent

   Type Designator: SGD02N120
   Type: IGBT
   Marking Code: 02N120
   Type of IGBT Channel: N
   Pcⓘ - Maximum Power Dissipation: 62 W
   |Vce|ⓘ - Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage: 1200 V
   |Vge|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Emitter Voltage: 20 V
   |Ic|ⓘ - Maximum Collector Current: 6.2 A @25℃
   |VCEsat|ⓘ - Collector-Emitter saturation Voltage, typ: 3.1 V @25℃
   |VGEth|ⓘ - Maximum G-E Threshold Voltag: 5 V
   Tjⓘ - Maximum Junction Temperature: 150 ℃
   trⓘ - Rise Time, typ: 16 nS
   Coesⓘ - Output Capacitance, typ: 20 pF
   Qgⓘ - Total Gate Charge, typ: 11 nC
   Package: TO252

 SGD02N120 Transistor Equivalent Substitute - IGBT Cross-Reference Search


SGD02N120 Datasheet (PDF)

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